Black Anne Rose
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Everything posted by Black Anne Rose
Pirattitude Waves te Ray Ye better not try an'thingwith th' lass, me 'eart is blacker th'n a dead rose, and taken by an'ther pirate! Sighs... then draws out 'er pistol see? this be jackie. say hi te jackie!
The Dead Rose be the black ship... that be my ship Ye better be watching yer back at night, when the Dead Rose lurks in yer waters... but... be welcome, me 'earties aboard the Dead Rose! Drinks all around! Nah, ye all learn more 'bout me Rose when me story is told... make sure th' read 't!
Chapter 2: The Rose Wasn't Dead Looking at the rose made out of glass cost her pain. So many memories were coming back... Anne was staring through her window to the horizon. There was knocking on the door. Without waiting for a responce, Anne's father opened the door. "Anne?" he asked. "Yes?" said Anne, without looking up. "Why are you so sad these days?" her father asked. "Is it about the boy?" Anne didn't answer for a moment. Then she sighed. "Yes," she said softly. "But the other boys are still here!" her father said. "You can play with them! Go play with Ivyrn, or Reynald or William... or Edw-" "I don't want to play with Edward!" she answered angry. "I don't want to play with Ivyrn, or Reynald, or William! I don't want to play at all! All I want is James to return." She began to cry. "I love him, father." she cried. Her father sighed. He tried to console her. He was troubled. He just couldn't forbid real love, and he could see it was real love. But he also couldn't allow that his daughter, that HIS daughter loves a poor tailor's son. No, worse. A poor sailor! But also he didn't want to break his daughter's heart. He gave Anne hope, while he was praying to the god of the sea for the boy not to come back. The months that followed Anne's father did everything to make Anne look like a lady. She wore big fancy dresses, corsets, earrings, necklaces and other beautiful kind of jewelry. "Gold is cold." she said to her father when he gave her a golden necklace. "But what about diamonds?" he asked. "I mean, look at this ruby. Look at the heart! Isn't it beautiful?" Anne took a quick look at the heart. "It has no heart." she answered. "It's just a big, cold, empty space." It took a long time, but when Anne's father was satisfied with her new look, he went down to the bigger cities to find some rich youngmen. He introduced them all to Anne. Robert Ficher, Richard Gildon, Johnathan Lewis... Anne wasn't interested in any of them. Her true love was her James Black... Everyday she walked on the docks, walking to places were they used to play. Walking passed his home... His mother was really in a bad condition. She was sick too, and she became even sicker everyday. They were running out ofmoney quickly, and no matter how much money Anne's father offered, they kept refusing it. But then, ona cold day in December, the family had to leave their home. They were going to rebuild the house. Anne watched how the tailor's board was carried away. "Black and sons, tailors since 1650" The Black family got to stay in Anne andher father's house. As a thanks, they did the householding for them. Every morning Lily and Mary chose a beautiful dress for Anne to wear. They brushed her hair, washed her clothes, cleaned her room. Anne appreciated their company, but she still felt lonely. Every day she sat in front of her window, watching out over the sea, staring at the horizon. When would he come back? She didn't know. Lily and Mary were hoping it for her, but weren't sure if he'd actually come. They were three years younger then Anne. Three years after James left, when Anne was fourteen, James' sisters officially gave up hope. James' little brother Marty, who was nine, had never thought James would come back. But Anne didn't gave up hope. Because she was so obsessed with the question wether James would come back or not, she never took any care of the rose she plucked the day he left. Anne had never given it any water, and it was dry and dead. But the dead rose never dropped a leaf. After three years, it was still standing in it's vace. Dry, burned by the sun and dead but with all it's leafs. Then, a year later, on a cold december night, something special happened. Anne couldn't sleep. She had a strange feeling, but she didn't know what it was. Shestood up, put on her nightrobe and walked to the window. She noticed a small hole in the courtain. Mary will fix that in the morning,Anne thought. There was a small stroke of moonlight falling through the hole, and it fell exactly on top of the dead rose by the window. Anne looked closer to the rose. How strange... Anne thought. The rose... The dead rose... it's... it's coloured deeply red!. She spent whole night studying the rose, until there was knocking on the door. "Come in!" Anne said. Lily was standing in front of the door. "Anne," she said exhausted. Shewas still in her nightrobe. "Come quickly!" "What's wrong?" Anne asked, while she and Lily were running down the stairs. Lily opened the front door, took Anne's hand and pulled her into the morning light. Together they ran to the docks. Lily pointed to a big black frigate. "P-pirates?" Anne asked confused? "No," Lily replied. "Even better." A hansome youngman left the grand frigate. He looked to the two girls. "James?!" The man smiled. "James!" Anne had never felt so happy. He had come back. He kept his promisse. Dead Rose James Black, the black-hearted boy, Coloured my heart black, Took iton a ship, to the horizon, away, With even the slightest chance, so they say, For the black-hearted boy to come back. Giving me a rose, to replace the heart, So I wouldn't bleed to death, to go insane, Healing was what it was meant for, But instead of healing, it cost me pain, And made me bleed, even more. A dying rose, just by the window, Burned by the sun, coloured black, Probably the only one who didn't know, That for the blackh-hearted boy there was no coming back. But when the moon rises, The sky colours black, The rose suddenly brightens, And the black-hearted boy was coming back. The rose came alive, Coloured deeply red, The boy just arrived, And as my heart, the rose wasn't dead.
^ Chicken, I luuuuuv chicken wings < Should be sleeping now.No way! Arrr! XD V Fav kind of music?
I be haveing black booties so that won't help with me. But yeah, I thought it was a good idea... though I agree with Caraccioli's argument... about wanting to reveal your sex. Sounds stupid, but maybe if ye can choose between "male", "female", "not wanting to reveal"... then both problems would be solved!
the word stout can be Dutch for bad, or nasty or naughty. yeah sure, ye ain't a "stout" heart? Ye doesn't really have a pirate attitude, does ye?
^My pirate obsession, making up pirate stories <Secretly internetting during computerclass V What does ye hates the most (could be anything, cats, spaghetti, school... the boss )
Well, pirates be not educated, even a scurvy swine should be noticin' I be female! Arrrrr!!!!! *softly* Now where be me rum?
What's Me Pirates Name? Used that one a long time ago, that's where I got Black Anne Rose from... only my pirate name was Black Anne Rackham, wich is funny seeing I REALLY admire the girl... hehe...
A gratefull thanks fer t' shake by te hands, Nothing then black'earted pirates lately. Bit of 'ostage does even a buccanneer some good :)
Sorry for the grammatical mistakes, I'm not English myself ((Flying) Dutc(man) ) and most of them are just typing mistakes. Besides, me space bar isn't working properly anymore :'(
Arrr... there be swashbuckling swashbucklers 'round 'ere? I be seeking gold, poker and RUM! Can ye tells me if I have come te the right place?
Chapter One: Abandoned Anne Rose was a happy, rich merchant's daughter who lived in a big house in the town of Jameson. Her mother died at her birth, and she was the only child, so she was left alone with her father. Her father loved her very much, though she was a girl. He always trusted Anne would take over the company as soon as he'd be unable to lead the company. Her father sold cacaobeans from the Caribbean, and had a few ships. They were living in a big house at the docks, so her father could see his ship sailing away or sailing into port. He taught his daughter how to write and read, taught her the name of the ships, what they were transporting, where they were going and showed her the most beautiful maps he had. Anne wasalways curious and excited about it, and always wanted to learn more. Though her father tried his best, she wasn't very lady-like. She hated to wear big dresses and always wore short skirts wich were easy to walk in and fitted good. Her father tried to force her into a dress, but didn't really mind when she refuses. It actually made him laugh. Anne was always playing with other kids on the docks. Most of them were poor, sons of widows or labourors. Isaac, the blacksmith's son. John, the shoemaker's son. Ivyrn, the fisherman's son. Reynald, the innnkeeper's son. William, Reynald's little brother. He was a cute kid. And Edward. He was one of the richer ones, being a banker's son. Anne's father was planning their marriage from the moment they met each other. But Anne and Edward didn't want to marry each other. Anne liked the guy, but sometimes he was just so selfish and arrogant. And then there was James. James and Anne were best friends. James was a tailor's son. He had two little twin-sisters and a small brother. They always had financial problems,but because Annés fatherliked James' parentsand bought a lot of clothes at their shop, he always donated some money to them. But they kept having problems. James always looked happy, but deep in his eyes Anne could see he had a lot of sorrow. James was two years older then Anne. 1689 On Anne's eleventh birthday James came over "Hi James!" Anne said. James smiled and waved. "I was saving money to buy you a present, but I don't have enough yet." he said. "Mind if I give it to you a bit later?" "Ofcourse, silly," Anne laughed. They celebrated all night, and Anne noticed she began to feel different about James lately. She believed she was falling in love with him... No! she said to herself. He's my best friend! I can't fall in love with him! But deep in her heart she did. A month or two after her birthday, James and Anne met each otherat their secret hide-out. James was looking sad. "What's wrong?" Anne asked. James sighed. "Father's sick." he answered. "The doctor says it's an incurable. Mother says he's just a quack. A way too expensive quack. But we have to do something for father..." It almost looked like he was going to cry. But then he smiled. "What kind of disease does your father have?" Anne asked. James thought deeply. "Canter or something... or canfer... or..." "Cancer?" "Probably..." He looked at Anne. They looked each other deeply in the eyes for a couple of minutes. Then James looked in the other direction. "I'd really rather stay here and play, but I have to go back home. I came here to tell you... " James said. "That's ok." Anne said. "Go." A week later James' father died, and his mother got depressed. being the eldest, James hadtodoeverything in the housekeeping, now hismother was inconsolable. Anne helped him every day and she asked someofher housekeepers to help too. "I really appreciate your help, Anne," James said, while bringing some mugs to the kitchen. "But you really don't have to. I can handle it on my ow-" He dropped a mug. Anne smiled. "Seems not." she answered, and she cleaned up the mess. James laughed. A couple of weeks later, Anne came to James' home to help him wash some clothes. When she didn't found him at the shop, wich was also their home, she asked Lily, oneof James' sisters where he was. Lily looked up from a book where all the prices of their clothes were written in. When she saw Anne, a sad expression appeard on her face. "Upstairs." she said, and she immediatly left the room with the book. When Anne came upstairs she found James packing his stuff. "James?" James startled and looked at the door. "Oh, it's you." he said, and he continued packing. Anne stepped forward. "What are you doing?" she asked. Stupid question, she said to herself. I know what he's doing. "Packing." James answered. "Why?" Tears were swelling up in her eyes. She already knew the answer. He was going to leave her. James sighed. "We have financial problems." he said. "We've always had. And we always will have. Because I'm the eldest, I have to bring in some money." "No..." Anne said softly, more to herself then to James. "I took a job at the East India Trading Company. I'm leaving today" "But why?" Anne said desperatly. "You don't have to go! My father could give you money! We have got enough! He really wouldn't mind to-" "I know," James said. "He already offered it. But... mother declined." James packed some last clothes. "I wanted to give you something." he said, and he took a box from his closet. "Remember the present I promissed you? I finally got enough money. Here..." He handed over the box. It was a black velvet box. Anne openedit. There was a rose, made out of glass in it. Anne took it out carefully and inspected it from all sides. "It's beautiful..." she began to cry. "Why do you have to go?" "I have to," James said sadly. "But I promisse I'll visit you after each journy. I'll bring you gifts and souvenirs from each place we visit." Anne wanted to smile, but she couldn't. "What if you're to far away?" she asked. "I won't be." James said. "No matter if we end up at world's end, I will come. But will you waitfor me here?" "Ofcourse I will... silly." she answered. James smiled. He took her in his arms. They stood therefor acouple of minutes, when they were interrupted by the sound of shouting men outside. "I have to go now." James said, and he picked up his bag and walked away. Anne stood iin the middle of the room, crying, with still the rose in her hands. After a while she ran to the window. She look over the docks, looking for James. "Wait!" she shouted. James was standing on the gangway. He looked up to the window, looked at Anne, looked at her for one last time... then he turned around and entered the ship's deck. "No, wait!" Anne shouted again. "I love you..." Crying she ran back to home. She ran upstairs to her room. Her father stood up from his chair. "Anne..." "No father!" and she shut the door to her room. It took a couple of days before the wind blew into the proper direction. The Goldfish was about to leave, carrying James away from Anne. When Anne was looking for a rose in her garden, she saw a very special rose. Usually, roses grow individually. But on one of the stems there grew two roses. She plucked it, and walked to the docks. The Goldfish already sailed out, heading to the horizon, but Anne could still see it. She pulled out all the leaves from one of the roses and threw them into the sea. The other rose she kept for herself. James was gone, and so was her hapiness...
Dead Rose A Pirate's Romance Intro The story Dead Rose is a mixture of all kinds of pirate stories I read, with different names and a personal twist. Though my inspiration came from different stories, I still made the story myself. Please, do NOT copy it and claim it as yours. Yes, the main character is the very same person as my account. The story is much older then the account, and I made the account to honour the character. Some of the places or towns are also made up by me, and don't really excist. The reason why I made them up, and not just used real towns, you can read at my interests. Enjoy the story and respond, if you like! (The story begins in a new post, wich could take some minutes writing)