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Black Anne Rose

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Everything posted by Black Anne Rose

  1. ^Has a beautiful signature (image) and bears the same colour as I (black, my fav)
  2. Believ I know this game... real fun indeed I'm in!
  3. His hair looks stupid there WHAHAHA lol oh sorry Yeah, I noticed resembance... Compared to Johnny, Matt is 'fat' (which he isn't actually, ofcourse... ) A little bit of food would've done Johnny great back those years xD I agree, Johnny looks better on his 40's :) Your sister is right: he's got cute little eyes ;);) (PS dont be ashamed!!! its obvious you just want to be as pretty as they are!!! whahaha lol nah, just teasing you.) (omg i had too much rum )
  4. Well, I think I'd go for Jack, to be honest. Different and, well, strange... It's funny, actually 'cause I AM strange, and I always dated strange types... REALLY strange types... I just fall for strange. Barbossa is, well, erm, "strange" but, different strange. Are you still following it? Maybe I'm turning too much into him... oh well... Anyway, I figure, Barbossa would be more the type of pirate I would be rather competitive with... like, well, Jack does (OMG I REALLY AM TURNING TOO MUCH INTO HIM) well, it's difficult to explain for me, but yup. Jack. (ps ur signature cracks me up, jack. Do monkeys tell tales? I don't know... )
  5. pirates of the caribbean ride... *sigh* omg i can't wait, in to days ill be in the cinema, enjoying POTC AWE!!! I can hardly wait
  6. do you? yeah, not really, erm, normal, whether it's a joke or not. but, anyway, what i was wondering, IS keith playing in AWE? 'cause some ppl denie, others don't. im sorta confused xP i did see a pic of keith in a pirate costume. next to johnny as jack and marty as, well, marty but i believe that topic was moved away
  7. Oh yes, I got it! (the dutch version) it's really awesome! it really was worth the €50,- but you do must read the instruction carefully... and i must say i like the game best when you follow it EXACTLY according to the instruction... (you can finish the game without actually following it) and just two players is enough
  8. I believe my interest, or maybe my obsession was a born handycap As a little kid I used to play "piraatje", or "little pirate" (the first oneis dutchnamed :huh:and then later on, i began looking in history books and the art of that time really got to me. my whole room is baroque at the moment, and i draw/design dresses, mostly with a baroque print. it'd be cool, if i ever wander around in my own design! but anyways, the pirate spirit has always been there, but i must say, it really got to me when POTC came out. I started to write pirate stories and i got awhole bunch of them now, and one im writing here in the pub! so thats what got me in the PUB, but the piratism has always been running in my veins
  9. omfg that was so fkn funny:lol: more! more! more! lol
  10. Nice! I got myself pinned too
  11. Play The Maze! Try this game, it´s really fun.You should turn on the sound too Tryto beat al levels. Tip: Not succeeding? Try holding the mouse!!!
  12. oh, lol I didnt make that... but thanks haha just kidding im not claiming it or anythng
  13. Chapter 9: Hell's Last Breath "So tell me, James." William said. "How did the fight actually go after we fled?" "Well, as I said, three frigates were after you." James answered. The remaining crew had gathered round a big campfire, and listened filled with attention to James' story. "That makes seven frigates left. You'd say, the Crow and the Hawk would never stand a chance, but the captains," he pointed to both ship's captains, "had such a great courage and superb skills of leadership, that they sunk a frigate together." They crew began talking, impressed by the act of the captains. James silenced them. "Now, it began to become a fair fight. Five versus six. And ofcourse, we're tough, strong pirates, with loads of experience. Those imbecils of the navy, some of them couldn't even swim!" James laughed, and the crew with him. "But disaster stroke. Our third sloop, The Black Eagle, sunk... But, at least OUR crew knows how to swim, and got on the other ships." "Not all o' us survived, ye know!" somebody shouted. "Yeah, me matey Jimmeh drowned!" "'N ol' Muldrock, he didn't deserve te die!" "Neither do we all!" Reynald shouted. "Now, shut up and let the man speak!" "And when things could not get any worse, Hell's Last Breath disappeared..." James continued. Reynald grumbled. "That old betrayer." he said. "I bet Thomason left to save his own skin. Coward. Not even loyal to the crew." "You shouldn't only blame Dough, Reynald." Anne said. "Raymond never liked to be a pirate. He might have taken the helm and got away. And I heard Lona talking about getting away once..." James, William and Reynald looked suprised at Anne. "You're suspecting Lona?!?" Reynald asked. "I thought you guys were best friends..." William said. "She wanted to get away?" James asked. "I thought she loved the pirate's life! And she was with Raymond, and you..." "Yes, I thought it satisfied her." Anne said. One of the crew members stood up and walked to James. "Erm, sir... captain?" he said. "...Aye?" "I got information about the Breath that might be interseting..." "Sit down, and tell us yer name, lad!" James said. "Timothy, or Timmy, if you like..." he answered. "...sir." he quickly finished his sentence. "Timmy, sit down and tell us whatever you know." Reynald said. Timmy began to tell. "I saw the Breath just before it disappeared. There was a big black cloud above it, while the sky beyond the cloud and above us was perfectly blue, and cloudless. Now, I know a legend, that might fit in to that situation. A spirit, of a great captain, captain van der Groot. A Dutch captain, that owned 100 ships, so they say. Legend tells, that 50 of them were sunk by Poseidon, 25 were burned by the hand of Zeus, and 10 were dragged down to hell, by Hades. The ancient Greek gods had punished him, because he was the most notorious pirate in the Seven Seas, because he had a pact with... Hades' daughter, who fell in love with him. She gave him strength, knowledge and... magic. But there was a high price for it. He had to marry her. Hades did not approve this, and ordered van der Groot to complete a quest. He had to steal 101 ships. And his first ship had to be build by himself only. Hades, knowing that no mortal person could do that in a lifetime, returned to his thrown in hell satisfied. But he did not think of the fact his daughter had helped van der Groot. With the magic abillities he had recieved from Sarisra, Hades' daughter, he had built his first ship in less then a month. And then he went hunting for the remaining 100 ships, with help from Sarisra. But to make the quest even more difficult, Hades cursed him. He could not take over a ship, unless he killed exactly 100 crew members. Van der Groot had grappled many ships, and pushed them away again because there weren't enough crew members. But when he was about to take over the 101st ship, Hades got to Zeus, who helped him with Poseidon to kill him. Van der Groot was dragged down by Hades himself, on his first built ship. Now, there are different versions of this legend, some say he did it for the love of piracy, others say that he actually loved Sarisra, but according to every version, he requested Aphrodite to visit him in the Kingdom of the Death. He convinced her it was an act of love, all the killing, stealing... the piracy. Aphrodite was a loving and merciful godess, and blessed van der Groot and the remaining 15 ships. She blessed them with immortality. Although, van der Groot lost his abbilities, and was nothing more than an ever wandering spirit. With no magic, he did not have the power to watch over his ships, and they were stolen, one by one. Some say, the ships are still out there, and he searches them. Three are found... When he finds them, he can't just take over the ship. He must give the captain a choice: give him the ship out of free will, or die in a very short period." "But if the captain dies, he will get the ship anyway, won't he?" William asked. "No," Timmy said. "When the captain makes the choiceof dying, his fate then lies in Hades' hands, who isn't as merciful as Aphrodite... Anyway, Hades then sends van der Groot back to the Kingdom of the Death, and van der Groot then looses track of the ship." "And now, you say the Breath is one of those ships?" James said. "There are so many ships, why would the Breath be any of them?" "Besides, I don't think it's true." Reynald said. "I don't know much about Greek Mythology, but I don't believe Hades had a daughter. He did recieve someone else's daughter, what was her name again..." "I don't know her name, but yes, Hades had a daughter. Although, this is the only legend, or myth, such as you call it, that confirms that." Jimmy said. "Oh, and besides: van der Groot, dyed every ship he got black, and gave it a new name, wich differed with every ship. But the names all had something in comment: Hell was in it." The crew remained silence, and a shiver went through them. "So, van der Groot found the ship?" Anne asked. "And either they will die, or they, well, will drown, so die?" The crew shivered again. The next morning, they would take the Rose out in search of the Breath and it's crew. After months of searching, they got to Holland. In Amsterdam, on one ofthe houses walls, there was an announcement of a hanging. Pirates were captured just in front of the docks, and, strangely enough, it had three captains, and one of them was female. They sailed a black ship, and had tremendous damage. For information, they could go to the Oost Indisch Huys, the headquarters of the VOC*. (*Dutch version of the ETC) There, James and Anne requested to see the prisonners. And there they found Lona in a corner of the cell. "Lona!" Anne tried to reach her through the bars. "Anne!" she said. "I'm so glad you're here. They can't hang me! You must tell them, I'm pregnant!" "What?!" Anne said. "That's awfull! Poor Raymond, he won't be able to see his kid grow up!" Lona became uncomfortable. "Erm, well... I'm not entirely sure if..." she said. "Well, it might not be, erm, his child." "WHAT?!?" Anne shouted. "It's... DOUGH'S?!?" "Oh, my god..." James said, and he walked out the chambers. Anne and Lona were arguing, when two guards came in with Raymond in the middle. "Oh, shit!" Lona said. James followed the three men. "What's wrong, Lona?" Raymond asked, slightly panicked. "Why did the guards come to get me?" Lona explained, and when she finished, she was expecting a yell, and an attempt of hurting her. She looked at Raymond's face. He had no expression on it, and silently he stood up and walked to the door, being followed by the guards. At the door, he stood still, and whispered softly: "I should have forseen this. I knew you loved him more then you loved me." "No, Raymond, that's not true, I love, you, I really do... it's just..." "Goodbye, Lona Ryder." Raymond finished, and he returned to his cell. It was as if every citizen of Amsterdam had come to see the hanging of the Breath's crew. There were so many people to hang, that the whole hanging would be done in seven days. Raymond and Dough were the first. Lona was sitting next to the mayor, with her hands tied up. Tears were dropping. "Wij zijn bieen gekomen, we are gathered, om de ophanging bij te wonen van, to witness the hanging of: Dough Thomason en, and, Raymond Tempest. Morgen zullen volgen, tomorrow will follow: Johnathan Farflick, Elliot..." James and Anne were standing on the first row. "Moge God genadig zijn, may God be merciful" The hangman pulled a lever, and James and Anne got to action. Dough and Raymond fell, and James pulled his sword to cut them loose. Anne held the guards that were surrounding them. Lona ran to the gallows, with her hands still tied. "Sword!" she shouted, and Anne threw her sword to her. Lona cut herself free and attacked the hangman. Anne pulled a knife and stabbed the man in his back, and stole his axe. Yelling she ran to a groupd of soldiers, that ran away screaming. James had cut through Dough's rope, and handed him his pistol. "Thanks," Dough said, and he took the pistol and shot several guards with it. James ran to Raymond, who couldn't breathe. "No, James." he said softly, while closing his eyes. "I'm not letting you die, Raymond!" James shouted, and he cutted like a maniac. When the rope was cut through, Raymond fell, but did not stand up. James tried to wake him. "Wake up Raymond!" James shouted. "Listen to me, why would you want to die? Lona loves you, she only slipped away! Raymond, answer me!" James heard a heavy breathing, that became less, and less, and less... until his last breath. Hell's last breath. To be continued... Thanks, BriaRose for the extra encouragement. It was just, I told some friends about the story and they read it, but they were far from enthousiast. They found it crap and, well, I was tired of writing. But now I decided to write further just for myself, but I'm really glad somebody likes it :) Well, I'm certainly writing further
  14. never thought I'd say that about Davy, but I totally agree with you!
  15. Do not get me wrong all, it's not that I hate or don't like George W Bush, I only thought the image was funny and very good, erm, how do you say? Photoshopped?
  16. Trailer is out tomorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. ' ok guys... ye can also just say it's crap, i don't mind. I'll work it out then
  18. fire (which i got in my house some days ago)
  19. Cursed Aztec Gold (Lizzie/Jack/Will/Barbie) srry lol Barbie=Barbossa
  20. *bumps* please take a look at hester's lovely signature. better not judge mine anymore, as mine has already been. I might be out of date, but I don't know her. But I like the girl's style, matches mine a bit so please, do not judge my, but hester's signature now ps i love ur avatar too!!! (sorry, out off topic xP)
  21. ^oh yes, a jogging trousers that fits me sooo good but its really ugly and yeah, exactly, rags, and gotit since my 9th <enjoying her favorites list at radioblogclub.com. really good site, checkit out! (no, it can notreplace pyracy.com ) V passes question as i know no question
  22. ive got a performance today... pretty nervous. have to play AND sing Lithium... in front of... i dont know...50? maybe 100 ppl? pretty damn difficult song, Lithium. I really respect that girl from evanescence, for bringing the song wo well. :) im back on piano lessons, the performance is some sort of intro... to newbies or ex-players... V_V
  23. I've seen many pretty and/or funny and/or very poetic signatures. I have my opinions about them, but how are yours??? How the "game" works is simple: you just post what u think about the (current) signature of the user's ssignature that posted above u. example: Black Anne Rose: ^like it ^.^ Someone That Is Also A Member: ^Nah, don't really like it, sorry or Black Anne Rose: ^like it ^.^ Someone That Is Also A Member: ^awesome!!! This topic is not meant for insults, just to get to know what ppl think... or smthn like that... please do not insult each other. u can say u dont really like it, but explain y u dont or y u do Well... who begins???
  24. Chapter 8: Under Attack Anne predicted something bad was going to happen. But everytime James only laughed. But he would regret it soon. One morning, some sailors were running in panic, searching for their captain. “Where be th’ cap’n???” “We be undarrr attack!” “We be doomed!!!” “What the hell is going on?!?” James asked when he woke up because of the noise of cannon fire. Anne, who lay next to him, awoke too, and they ran to the veranda. Reynald was running to their home. “James! Anne!” he shouted “The navy has found us. We’re under attack!” James was still wearing his clothes from last night, but Anne was in her night robe. But there was no time for changing, and she, James and Reynald ran to the docks. The navy already caused tremendous damage. James got to the Death, and Anne to the Rose. William had already gathered the crew and ordered to load the cannons. He was waiting for Anne before they could set sail. William looked at Anne’s night robe. “Charming…” he said “No time for jokes, William!” Anne said and she began to shout orders across the decks. It was a heavy fight, and the navy didn’t give up that quickly. But The Black Rose could not stand a chance. They had six ships, wherefrom three were only sloops. The navy had brought ten war frigates. The Black Rose had lost the battle, and the pirates were arrested. But because of it’s speed and it’s tremendous captain, The Dead Rose was able to escape. They fled, and after three days of pursuit by one of the navy ships, the Rose was finally safe. They set course to Jamaica, to St. Ann’s bay, but Anne had great sorrow. She knew James was captured, and Dough, Raymond and Lona too. And she knew she was right. The rose didn’t heal… Anne’s crew assumed to be safe, but suddenly again, a war frigate was after them. The navy had found them again! But because of storms, the main mast was broke, and the sails needed to be fixed. The Rose could not make speed, and the navy caught up on them. There was a huge fight, and though Anne’s crew was defending well, the navy seemed to be stronger. Anne fought like a lion. She parried every sling of her enemy. But she wasn’t prepared to the hit of a wooden plank against her head, and she fell unconscious. She woke up lying on a bed. She looked around and saw she was in a cabin, but not her cabin. There was a man standing in front of a desk, his chair lying on the floor. He took off his gloves and threw them on the table. He took a quick look over a chart, and then turned to Anne. “Ah, you’re awake.” he said. Anne looked at him. He looked familiar… and then she recognized him. “Edward?” she asked. The man smiled. “So you remember me.” he said. “What are you doing here?” she asked Edward. “I came for you.” he said. “My father gave permission to marry you if I brought you back. And now I am bringing you back.” “What?!?” Anne asked. “I’m not marrying you!” “You are, Anne.” he said. “What have you done to my crew?” Anne asked. “Your crew?” Edward asked not understanding. “So you actually are their captain… Their still aboard your black ship, with some guards of ours to set the course.” “Will you leave them unharmed?” Anne asked. “They will be arrested and punished.” Edward answered. “No!” Anne protested. “They haven’t done anything wrong!” “Yes they have.” Edward said. “They are guilty to piracy. And you would be too, if your father wasn’t so merciful.” “Merciful?!? Ha!” Anne said. “Whether you find him merciful or not, you’re going to marry me as soon as we’re ashore.” Edward said. “No. I don’t want to marry you.” Anne said. “You must, Anne.” Edward answered. “We’re officially engaged.” He bended forward. “No!” Anne screamed. “Get away from me!” She tried to push him away. “Get used to it, Anne.” Edward said, and Anne could feel his disgusting breath on her face. “You ARE going to marry me.” BANG! Edwards’s eyes became big and he fell forward, upon Anne. Anne pushed him off quickly and saw James standing in the doorway with a smoking gun in his hand. “James!” Ann ran to him and kissed him. “I’m so glad you’re alright. How did you escape?” “There was no need to escape. We won the fight. Especially when you fled. Three ships were coming after you, and we had a lot less pressure.” “How did they find our hideout?” Anne asked. “One of those French guys got to the navy when we reached Madagascar. He sneaked away and told them everything.” James said. “Did you know, by the way, that they were coming for you?” Anne looked at Edward. “Yes, I know that.” They went back to Madagascar to see how much damage there was. They gathered all the useful stuff and sailed to another part of Madagascar, to create there another pirate village…
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