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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Oy there now Doggie. I do believe I drank ya under the table in that grudge match at the Rum Barrel. I will take me fourth place medal and train harder next year. Oh, that and I saved some of that hair for something special. Stay tuned for the upcoming saga, "the Curse of Bone Island." I might be takin that gold back next year.
  2. I finally made it home this evening. It took three days and I only live 2 miles from the Fort. Oh well, breakdown seems to take longer when you have lost all shred of sanity. Glad to hear that the bent fender was only minor and everyone is well. Thanks to all and we wish everyone a safe year and a QUICK return to PIP. The countdown to the 10th Anniversary has begun! Can't wait to see you all again.
  3. Ahoy me Bretheren of the Bones, Well, our feet have left port without us, our heads are achin, the Rum be out and the rogues are a plottin! But it surely was worth the while. The crewe had the time of our lives, a suprise a minute and some new outrages that we have never seen before. And such JOY to see ole Sterling hanging high. We all wish to thank eveyone who did so much for Pirates in Paradise and the Fort Taylor Pirate Fest. Thanks to Captain Sterling and Not Nigel for their fine performances at the Cast and Crewe Party. And thanks to all the great crewes and actors who made this festival something we will all never forget. A big Huzzah for everyone for being safe on the cannon and firing lines and for a record number of gunpowder at our event. Our crewe alone went through forty pounds of gunpowder. ALL safely, Huzzah to everyone involved. And fer the first time at the Fort Taylor Pirate Fest, an all women cannon crewe. Mmmmm Pyrat Sexy! And a special thanks to Dutch and Gracy for making the long haul to Cayo Hueso to come and play with the Bone Island Buccaneers. Well met and the best suprise of the Festival. And a BIG BIG THANKS to Tony, Fayma, Keith and Lilly for helping out with the three day break-down at the fort. A big Huzzah to Diosa and Captain Jim for raising so much money with the Locks for Love auction and the Dead Man's Chest, ye have the biggest black hearts I have ever seen. A huzzah to Silkie, Willie Wobbles, Stynky, Mission, Greg, Mary and Mark Diamond Mister Sean Merriweather, Mister Charleton Swanson, Mistriss Brig, Mistriss Mae, and al those I didn't mention because my brain is slowly turning to mush after so much sleep deprivation and alcohol abuse. There be just too many thank you's to cover them all, so please accept our grattitude to each and every one of YOU that make this Festival so special each year. We will have some pics and videos posted on our Myspace page after new years and I am picking up some of the HD Video movies tomorrow from Dan Baker, the videographer that filmed some of the events. Fair Winds and Full Holds to Ye, The Bone Island Buccaneers
  4. Well met Mary. I imagine those Beijing portraits are a sight! Hope to see you going for the Bone Island Buccaneers Gold. I heard it tell, that you have a penchant for that what shines!
  5. Aye, would be honored by yer presence. We'll see ya in Bone Island on the morrow, and it be time for some Pyrats to go for the Gold on Bine Island. Pint Chuggin seems to be a favorite this year.
  6. Ahoy ya black hearted scalliwags, judies, wenches, salty dogs and Sea Wolves. Welcome to the First Annual BIB Pyrat Olympics. We want to introduce new fun and exciting events for the patrons and participants each year. This year, we thought of a lighthearted competition among the crewes. These events are based on some real nautical tasks, knowlefge, maritime skills and just some maddening inventions of our own. Once each crewe arrives they will receive a packet that includes the rules, detailed schedule, and list of events. We invite each competing crewe to march with their colors in our Entrance Parade on the first day of the Fort Taylor Pirate Fest, 12/04 at 11:00 AM, We ask that each crewe use as many of their members in different events as possible. I have included a list of events below so that everyone can see what the competitions will be. So have fun, these are meant to be easygoing competitions to keep the great sense of camaradie and family we all share at Pirates in Paradise. OH and before ye ask, NO they are not real gold medals. May the best Pyrat Crewe Win! Fair Winds and Full Holds to Ye, Captain Spike. 2008 Events 1 – Knot Tying Competition (1 person per crewe) 2 - Barrel Rolling ( 1 person per crewe) 3 – Cannon Ball Toss ( 1 person per crewe) 4 – Cannon Races ( 1 person per crewe) 5 – Raise the Colors ( 2 people per crewe) 6 – Tug of War ( 1 person per crewe) 7 – Axe Toss/Knife Toss ( 1 person per crewe) 8 – Salmandgundi Eating Contest ( 1 person per crewe) 9 – Pint Chug (1 person per crewe) 10 – Pyrat History and Trivia ( 1 person per crewe) 11 – Cannon Drill ( 2 people per crewe) 12 – Wench Carrying ( 2 people per crewe) 13 – Pyrat Chess ( 1 person per crewe)
  7. Ay Capt, sounds like yer swabs be a bit unsettled by the likes olf Bone Island. Have them worry not, we have a Letter of Marque from the Conch Republic Navy and that should keep thos Kapers from Portugal off our backs. But I was speaking about Mad Doggie's "Special" Punch drink and not tham blasted Portugue. Sorry to hear about the sudden passing of the family. It sounded like a slow and painful death. Just the kind we favor. Fair Winds and Full Holds from the Bone Island Buccaneers
  8. Has he really eaten another child?
  9. The scuttlebutt was that ole Nepture tried his best to keep those flags from going up in smoke. I have heard it said though that Portside Tom can burn anything! Thanks to everyone and cannot wait to pillage with you all. Thanks to the Goddess in the Bodice for casting such a wide Internet and a hearty Huzah to the Amazing Callahans and the Crewe of the Sacred Heart. The madness has begun!
  10. But that PM was sooo much FUN! And I had a rare night off with the whole Bone Island Buccaneers crewe drunk at the Pub! Hope the email message has reached you in time. I have given you my cell phone number and our Quartnermaster Nigels also. Both can received text messages too. We will be ready for ya when you make port at Bone Island. Plenty of Portuguese Punch to around!
  11. Greetings William, The Bone Island Buccaneers would gladly allow the use of our music on the DVD for PIP 2007. We will need to discuss it and provide a "release" so please let us know if you are interested and whatever song(s) you want to use. However, all of our songs are with vocals. As well, I will speak with our Shantyman and see if he would be interested in providing an instrumental of a tune or allow someone to record and instrucmental of one of the current songs. I will come back again soon and reply. Contact Spike at spikekeywest@yahoo.com Fair Winds and Full Holds, Captain Bloody Spike Pierce Bone Island Buccaneers.
  12. The Bone Island Buccaneers is a local pirate re-enactors group in Key West. Spike, Nigel Beau Dobbs, Jai, Dagger Dan are all members with new members joining this year. We have participated in the past and will be there again for the PiP in 2007 . We hope to help build a larger local presence and help in the pre-event advertisement. Also, some have spoke about visiting local schools, library, etc. Please let me know if we can assist in any way possible.
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