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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Why thank ye kindly Cannibal Chrispy. She is more of a Gunnade than a true cannon. A real Viceroy Lawrence special. As soon as we proof it and get a stamp, I will place some pics on our MySpace. And in keeping with our "V" theme, her name is "Valentine". Iron Nigel got to name this one. So we have Vengeance and Valentine added to the armory. Hope to see ye soon, had a great time on yer birthday.
  2. Thanks for the kudos Hurricane. We intend to keep that same level of perofmance at the Fort Taylor Pirate Fest for 2009 also. It is an honor to know that this great Pyrat Family gives such great compliments to the BIB, but it is ALL the participants in the FTPF that make it a success. No matter the terminology, we are proud to be a part of PIP and proud of what we produce at the Fort. Just my two cents, there is no real "separation" as far as the general public (and even some participants) between the FTPF, PIP and all the other events around KW. So I don't think that there is any "dilution" of the name, like aspirin, Xerox or Rollberblade.
  3. Thanks Hurricane. It was a long process and it was denied once due to a missing "disclaimer". Since Bone Island is a geographic location, it cannot be trademarked without a "disclaimer." I sure did learn a lot about the fed process. All the "technicalities" as you say. That is why I just wanted to let Morgan know that technically, Julie does not own the name Pirates in Paradise. I would hate to see a technicality get her in hot water. But since Julie only owns "Pirates in Paradise Festival" it a small technicality, but very relevant. Thanks for the Congrats, it is a good feeling of accimplishment for the whole Bone Island Buccaneer crewe.
  4. Hello All, Thanks so much for your support, wishes, prayers and help during the trying times I have just been through. Your support has been a lifeline and it is my Pyrat Family has helped me through this. I am honored to know such fine people. It is great to be back and back on the Pyracy Pub. I have returned to KW full time a few weeks ago and it is so great to be home in Bone Island again. So, I will get to those emails and comments and be in touch with all my Pyrat Family. Thank you all. Captain Spike
  5. Hey Morgan and Blind I Productions, Great job on that vid. I loved the slow mo and the cannon. I want to thank you both from Captain Spike and all of the Bone Island Buccaneers. This is a great promo and makes a nice compliment to the Amanjira 2007 video. And since we are all so caught up in the spirit of "Cooperation" for PIP I want to thank you again for your FREE cooperation. Of course, I regret that the confusion about the FTPF and PIP. No one really seperates any of the events of PIP, it is ALL Pirate's in Paradise. As I told you after viewing the video originally, you have full permission to use our registered trademark, the Bone Island Buccaneers for all promos, PIP and FTPF. However, it is true that the Events Network (Julie) owns the name "Pirate's in Paradise Festival." The phrase "Pirates in Paradise" is owned by someone else and not Julie, so you may want to change that in the video. Just in case people are not as excited as the Bone Island Buccaners about the BI prmotions. For the record, the only event we "present" in the Fort Taylor Pirate Fest. Since we just completed our trademark registration, I am quite familiar with "disclaimers" now. Let me know if you need some disclaimer examples to use in your productions. Your Pyrat Family appreciates your hard work, talents, and promotions on behalf of the PIP event. And I personally appreciate everything that you, Johnny and the Callahans do for our event. I cannot thank you wondeful folks enough who record, shoot, edit and produce these promos ALL for the Love of this Pyrat Family. Fair Winds to Ye, Captain Spike, Bone Island Buccaneers
  6. To All, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanza, Good Yule and even Happy Festivus. I am sure I left a couple out. I just wanted to send a note of Good Cheer to all my Pyrat family from around the world. I Love you all and thank you so much for your friendship and comraderie. Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I am going to be out of touch for a bit. There are some serious personal problems that I have to deal with and will be unable to stay in touch. So heartfelt thanks, love and good wishes for a Happy New Year. Captain Spike
  7. Miss ya Cappy! hope to see ya real soon.


  8. That one always hits me every year. Takes about a month until I stop smellin camp fires. And I think everyone is finding Pirate's Choice in their bags. Was Don running around in the early morning light filling all our stockings? I found a bottle of Key Lime where my shoes were supposed to be.
  9. I like the idea of the "reverse" march and bringing the dread Pyrat HUNTER to Mallory to be hung by Pyrats. Harry is really good at those proclamations and such. I like it and it seems that Capt Sterling favors this as a possible scenario also. As for the "ball" issues. My theory is that it is directly proportional to the increase in number of cannons this year. A record number of cannon and I believe it made the more impetuous among us not pay as much attention to the balls as the cannon. Or the Rhum, Mead, Green Fairy surprise and other assorted mind benders created some new found gravity issues, for balls and belles alike!
  10. I see you used quotes on 'normal", I can just imagine YOUR "normal" friends. Think "normal" in the Alice in Wonderland sense and you might get close heheheh. There was a clean up? Well clean up may be too generous. Break down? And some of the crewe be right broke down alright.
  11. Oi, and here I thought we was bein quiet this year. Mandatory ear protection on the cannon lines next year .......... WHAT?????
  12. Could be worse. Executive Wench Shiela had to rescue BOTH me ball at the WTP. One floatin, and one on fire. Guess it was a bad year for rounders!
  13. Well met Mission. To add my pointed two cents. 10. You hum pyrat songs instead of Christmas carols. 9. You begin to imagine how your "normal" friends look in period clothing. 8. You find that final piece of clothing in a bag, using the smell system. 7. You take exponentianally longer showers for the first three days at home. 6. You find empty mead bottles in your bag. 5. You keep hearing cannons in your sleep 4. You find yourself unable to drink from anything made of a foamy material. 3. You wonder why, on the next morning, there is three pounds of sand on your pillow where your ear was last night. 2. You still smell camp fire smoke three weeks later. 1. Making all the plans for NEXT year before this year is even cleaned up.
  14. A "hook" cuff? With a teeny tiny cuff????????????
  15. So if he loses his OTHER ball next year, does that mean he is your twice removed cousin?
  16. I figure a lil noggin protection from a head scarf might be enough protection. Problem here in Cayo Hueso is humidity. They get a bit soft when they soak up the moisture.
  17. Thanks for the link Patrick. Rusty Nell has been researching this and we are making a mold for some sugar glass bottles for the pub next year. Let's script something out for a good old fashioned bar fight hehehe.
  18. Ahoy Sacred Heart. Glad to hear that ye made it all home safe and sound. I have been looking at Callahan magic all week and cannot get enough. BETTER than cable! I just got back from WPB today and FINALLY I am ready to settle in and unpack the chests amd casks. Huzzah and thanks for the memories!
  19. Most assuredly both ............Come to think of it Animal, that might not have been Harry either :-]
  20. Ahoy Patrick, We have pretty big wild hog here in FL. I am sure my Dixie Daughter and her redneck boyfriend could get us one for the Buccan. Also, the "chefs" who did the "other" Salamangundi might be interested in Buccan cooking. Harry told me something of that nature, or I could have been maddeningly drunk and confused also.
  21. Is that what that SMELL is on the parade grounds? Oi, I think the fire ants carried it away. Guess we gotta call ya One Ball Riiley now!
  22. Gives "watch the birdie" a whole new meaning, Aye?
  23. Oi, all dat payola I spent on da limo and ye don't even r'member? Damned Green Fairy! And I thought fersure that the naked guy taken the pictures would have be memorable.
  24. Oi. something more original that the ole "treasure map" and "pardon"? Let me guess ........... Cursed Aztec Gold Ahhhhehehehehe.
  25. I think a bunch of us would pay to see that...but be careful, we would take all sorts of incriminating pictures :) I suppose the auction price would likely be based on the diamonds though... are they real or zirconia :) Sorry but I truly think more of us would pay NOT to see that...ack! I have to go sterilize my backstaff... Dutch touched it... I think the mental picture just gave me an aneurysm ......... OUCH.
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