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Everything posted by Spike
I am open to ALL ideas from the Arch Angel crewe. You black dogs outdid yerselves agin this year. Not only taken the gold, but havin a right mutiny, with the crewe hangin the captain and turning Pyrat. Now can ye see why yer crewe be our role models? We are Sunset performers and I think we can perform both types of hangins at the pier. Aye, let's have a sit down, be a blue moon yet? i'd be up for that....but first we gots to convince the wife i can come back... ...!?!?! she starting to figure out how much fun i actually did have!?!? an she aint buyin that there was even a competion.....let alone that i won anythin....considerin i didn't even git home with a trophy or nuthin.... but i do have the gold medal....i have yet to take it off....!?!?! Well ye be under contract. A BLOOD contract fer next year. We don't want to come and take yer first born hostage/ You had fun? Well ya know, if ye weren't such a camera hog there wouldn't be as much evidence. Maybe a more "pained" look on yer mug next time you are muggin up. And we couldn't send ya home wid a broken trophy. We are fixin it up and you can show her the pictures of ole "Bonesy". He is already in the shop fer the upgrade and "plate" with NOT NIGEL engraved on it. Aye, that Gold (ahem gold COLORED) Medal was well earned. Ye outchugged Kosta (but not me, the little guys can slug), and ye outplanked me and him, and almost won the damned cannon ball roll. It was supposed to be a cannon ball toss but you sissies couldn't LIFT it. Ye will be hard pressed to win agin next year. Especially with some ole worn out treasure map routing. Aye, remember the contract, and if that ain't ENOUGH, I already BOUGHT the ticked for ya. How do you spell allouwissciouss agin?
I am open to ALL ideas from the Arch Angel crewe. You black dogs outdid yerselves agin this year. Not only taken the gold, but havin a right mutiny, with the crewe hangin the captain and turning Pyrat. Now can ye see why yer crewe be our role models? We are Sunset performers and I think we can perform both types of hangins at the pier. Aye, let's have a sit down, be a blue moon yet? i'd be up for that....but first we gots to convince the wife i can come back... ...!?!?! she starting to figure out how much fun i actually did have!?!? an she aint buyin that there was even a competion.....let alone that i won anythin....considerin i didn't even git home with a trophy or nuthin.... but i do have the gold medal....i have yet to take it off....!?!?!
Aye Mission, well met. I think we just discovered a truly unique re-enactors holiday. Complete with feasts, gifts, copious mead and rum, heart stopping cannon and battles. The only think missin be the ornaments (unless you count the weapons in Deadye's Den.) I think Diosa hit on a great idea, PIPMas balls for the year and for charity! I must agree with ye. After the bilge rats are grown, the shine kinda wore off the ole Xmas holiday. And bein at the end of the earth here in Cayo Hueso, Thanksgiving means travel and conversations I never wish to have again with relatives that won't remember it. I think Mary Diamond said it best, "we all GET IT and are together in one place." The "IT" is a great feeling. Unable to be bought at a store, wrapped in a chest, or opened up at any other time than PIP. I want all year for it and we really do count the MINUTES until it all begins again. Hope to catch up with each of you great friends at festivals down the road. Mary, we are already plotting the next raid on the Penthouse room at Blackbeard's Festival.
I don't know if it was the authority in your tone in this post but this is the first photo of you where you DON'T look like a teddy bear. (salutes the Dogge' - sir yes sir) It is a marvelous piece of theater, as well as a lesson about our past. It's definitely something to leave people thinking about who we are as human beings. I think exploring the social impact in an open dialogue with the crowd afterward is a great educational tool. I mean to start a dialogue about the psychology of mob mentality and the reasons these things were performed publicly..WOW!!! I have to agree my only thoughts afterward concerning performing it in front of a public audience of adults and children was that the humor in some instances may be considered in bad taste. I know we're a bunch of artists who are fascinated by the whole thing so the humor is amusing to us, I have to admit I really enjoyed it! .... but my first thought would be that in broad daylight in the middle of a festival more people would be offended by the HUMOR than they would by actual hanging. Historically it is a heavy part of our past especially in these parts and to make a joke of it concerned me more than the thing itself. I think that would be more likely to get people on our backs. this paticular show was performed with ONLY the fellow pyrates in mind.......our shows for the general public differ greatly in that we always try and teach an aspect of history as well as keep our humour appropriate for the situation with our audience in mind....first rule of theatre. we tailor our scenarios to the goals of each event as well as to the public audience. if for a family show...we're not as scarry....if for adults...a few blue jokes....etcetc....we try and have a new sc ript for evry performance. this one was for PiP in paticular....with the jibe at Capt Spike(bastard)....Not-Nigel and Not-Maddogge...etcetc.....and like i think it was stated earlier...this was just a taste...a sample....we usually have an ALL DAY SCEENARIO that leads up to the hanging.....where many of the public get involved...to the point we actuially have the audience mebers themselves vote and decide the fate of the poor victim....they have NEVER disappointed. Oi, I hope there ain't no damned vote on stretchin me neck. I don't think I would like the outcome! Aye, think about tailorin one for the sunset, black socks and sandals, hawain shirt, buffet listenin tourista for next year at Mallory!
I am open to ALL ideas from the Arch Angel crewe. You black dogs outdid yerselves agin this year. Not only taken the gold, but havin a right mutiny, with the crewe hangin the captain and turning Pyrat. Now can ye see why yer crewe be our role models? We are Sunset performers and I think we can perform both types of hangins at the pier. Aye, let's have a sit down, be a blue moon yet?
Harry, another thought is that we are licensed Mallory Square Sunset performers. Perhaps a Sunset performance? With explanation, education and Busker Jar? We could explain first and turn it into a "march" with the prisoners to the tune, Hoist the Colors. After the hanging, another education/explanation section? This might work. Even if it creates waves with the Sunset Board, we will plead pyracy and promise never to hand Sterling again (at least at Sunset in Mallory.) Of course, it also does make for a nice Holiday tradition at the closed Cast & Crewe party if it is decided that a "public" hangin may not be apporpriate. I tell ya what, we had Gwar in the streets performing at a Ghost Tours party. Perhaps we involve them in some way?.
Oi, the scuttlebutt be true. I must fess up and admit that YES, the Bone Island Buccaneers commandeered the Ntional Walk the Plank Trophy (mislabeled as the BIB Pyrat Olympics "trophy", well you can call it that) from MA Dogge. He had just about ruint it already, Bones head was lagging. reminding me of Not Nigel going over the barb wire. Maybe he is right, a new Olymic event for 2009. I digress, anyway, the BIB are going to fix up the Dogge damage to the trophy, place a proper nameplate on it, .(Does ANYONE know who to spell Not Nigel's christian name?) and then send it BACK to you Dogge. Here is the CATCH. We be sending it to a few FRIENDS along the way. Kinda like a "Wheres Bonesy" game where anyone who "Shares" the trophy gets to take a pic of it in the appropriate place, Like the privy, beach, underwater, etc. The trophy is in the shop now, and the BIB will be posting a pic. Then sending it on to .................................. Let the fun begn!
ALL WOMEN CANNON CREWE - PIP 2008 and Powder Monkey Added More Photos today Photobucket Pictures
Hmmmm maybe I need more buttons, like Maddogge. I hear tell of something like an Iron Mask, but lower.
So THIS is how ye got to be a Ship's Master Aye? Here be the link Nell Ghosts of Ole Zach Photo by Braze
Diosa, got yer emails and suggestions. Please keep them coming. We should have the last part of breakdown down this weekend and then a little decompression time. We are then gping to compile all the suggestions and start a thread on proposed changes to PIP and 9 days at the Fort. Thanks again and if anyone else has any suggestions you can post them or email them to spikekeywest@yahoo.com.
A Big Huzzah and BIG THANKS from the Bone Island Buccaneers
Spike replied to Spike's topic in Fort Taylor
Aye Capt Sterling Well Met. And once agin, ye and yer crewe have raised the bar and outdid yer performance. I had a blast and it just would not be a PIP without the Arch Angel crewe. We missed those that didn't attend, but it is going to be all hands next year. Oy, I really like the "traitor" idea, after all, that MA Dogge played quite the traitor this time round. And watch that mushy stuff, they already made me walk the plank fer being too nice and hung you. I fear that worse may be in store for the both of us next year. But it were an honor having ye onboard at PIP. We are puttin together a list of some of the the post mortem suggestions, black balling some, adding a few and will have a thread started about some proposed changes for the better fer 2009. Captain Bloody Spike Pierce Yer Humble Servant -
Here are a few more from Nicole, a BIG HUZZAH! I will be adding some from the Callahans album and as people send me links to their albums. THANKS to all who captured the magic for all of us to see. Captain Jim Cannonball Racing Not Nigel Photos are Here
I am sufferin from Pyrat withdrawal..............Missin all me mates today and sending the Callahans off with large hugs. Here are two special photos, courtesy of Jaded Jetty of Cutter's Crew. More to come soon. Capt Jim and Patrick Hand at Silkie's Hide Pirates in Pair O Dice
Ye be welcome in the Bone Island Buccaneer camp Red Jessi, always room for another tent. We have room in front of Not Nigel's camp....... on the beachside.
Great idea and I know that the BIB would welcome the hands. The folks at the Fort luv us, but I don't think we will get a committment until the "new guy" gets into his office. But a list would surely help show the value of having us Pyrats around the Park. Motion seconded ! Thanks!
Ay Shiela and MUCH appreciated. One were floating and the other were still smoking even after being dunked in the water!
Oy Hurricane, always with the paperwork hehehe ......... It looked like Not Nigel was with child this year too. What is the gestation period anyway? Figures he would plead a bellyache. He ain't a getting out of it that easy! Gotta work on a better plead, but I don't know if I got it in me. I prefer the threats!
Aye, there be that. Also, I really want some more o that fine wine! A prize ye can drink! I already have some ideas ....
Thanks Diosa and Hurricane for such a great event at PIP. This was me first time off the plank, but I aon't letting that MAD Dogge get ahead of me next year. Oh crap - SPLASH
We will do our best for that Jim. We will be able to provide information as to availability of Fort camping by March of 2009.
That be Shortfuse from the Pirate Soul crewe Abbie!
Mary, so good to hear. We were a bit worried about that one as it was not one of the items. There is always something wrapped up among the clothing!
Well if we had events like that you would win agin. And we do that every day in Key West, nothing special bout it. Like that treasure map fiasco at the Walk the Plank. Real original stuff there. Maybe you can come up with a cursed Aztec Gold thingy for next year. Aye, ya got the gold, but I be second to none ye, you, ya ........ Not Nigel YOU. Ay, did that sound like too miuch sour grapes? At least ya redeemed yerself by hanging Sterling.
A Big Huzzah and BIG THANKS from the Bone Island Buccaneers
Spike replied to Spike's topic in Fort Taylor
Capt Bo, I am a board member for the Key West Maritime Historical Society. Maybe we can work some credits out for a "short study" course that just happens to be during PIP hehehehe. We are a separate nation, the Conch Republic, and certainly qualifying as a Third World Caribbean island. Who do we need to send the right BS, I mean "course outline"?