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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I still like Billy Bones going down in a puddle of blood. But my favorite part was seeing Sterling taking a shot and going down the ground in the midst of battle, on the piers of Hampton, from the heat of our exchange from the Explorer. Dutch got us within hittin distance. That may be one ye want to ferget Lilly? For I seen the look on yer face. Aye, that was the best moment for this Bone Island Buccaneer.
  2. capt. sterling, is that a new coat ?? (haven't seen it before this fest ) i rather fancy the embroidery... did you do that yourself ?? and.... what fabric did you use ?? --- planning my future projects :) Fancy the embroidery? Sterling the dandy and that Cheeky woman? Why I thinks the Captain is goin soft from all the squeezin. Tis only Captain Sterling that would be so bold as to wear that fancy coat. Ye can dress however ye wish Sterling, but deep down inside yer heart is as black as any Pyrat . No fancy coat can hide it. Oi, must have been the fancy "ball" that ye attended, under that cursed Governors protection and that soiled proclamation. Captain Spike has his eye on more than yer coat Sterling.
  3. Dear Mistress Lily, Thanks so much for your kinds words. We would travel far and wide to raid together with the likes of Blackbeard's crewe and the other great Pyrats there. And to see our nemesis, the Arch Angels and Captain Sterling in battle, why it was a sight fer sore eye. It was great playing with you and everyone there. Too bad about Billy Bones though. I always knew someone was gonna shoot him with mouth of his. Your Friend, Captain Spike
  4. Dutch, what be home? We made our way to Floridy, but had to stop at JLPD for a visit with all the southern crewes and Scurvy Knockers. Home, be where the bows pointed to. We did make it back to Cayo Hueso. I think we spent about 4 hours gettin outta Virginny and heading south. I must say, this was a dream come true. After attending in 2007 to be able to participate as the Bone Island Buccaneers was amazing for the whole crewe. Thanks to all of you, all the crewes and everyone who made us feel so welcome as the FNC. We have more to go to step up our game. But sailing with the likes of you salty dogs and the Arch Angel will make us a better crewe. A big HUZZAH to everyone.
  5. Harry, It is will a heavy heart that I write this note. You and I have already had the discussion from our own hearts. But I rejoice for you. They call it retirement, but I know that is ONLY from the state parks system. We surely haven't retired as Pyrats, scalliwags and six guns. Key West will be a different world without you. In my 28 years here, I have seen so many come and go. But none that have given to me and to Key West like you have given. Without you, there would be no FTPF, no re-enacting at the Fort. Your hands on the reins have been the guidance that we have followed. You leave a grand legacy of accomplishment in your wake. The winning of awards and more importantly the winning of FRIENDS all across this country. And you have won my Respect and Gratitude, like those that give it here on this forum and this world. NO fancy works can speak of the feelings and the soul. The very Spirits of the Fort know it, feel, just like we do with our words. And they will surely miss you too. With Respect, Honor and Love, Captain Spike PS: Farlan T. says me too!
  6. For EVERYONE. I have heard a lot of rumors, talk and such about the FTPF. Of course with Harry retiring and a new boss at the Fort I am sure every has made some assumptions. So this is the SCOOP, from the horses mouth, with no filter, from the Crewe with the Contract. 1 - YES YES YES, the FTPF is happening. I have a 3 year contract, signed before the new park manager took office. We have been organizing this event with Harry at the Fort for 5 years now. It has won awards in the Florida State Park system. And it is a great event. As well, we still have to abide by that contract. 2 - Will there be changes? YES, of course there will. These are not negatives they are an opportunity. And also an opportunity for ALL of us to impress the new park manager, just like we impressed the last one and the state. I will be making an announcement about the event, changes, and all the good things after Harry's last day. With all due respect, I will not take the reins until they are mine to receive. 3 - Everyone who has made plane, travel, work arrangements need NOT worry. Everything is the same as last year. We are going to try and even be more organized. We have a lot of work to do as a crewe and together as family. I thank all of you for your offers. You will be called to duty. New PDF of vendor registration, actor registration and sign up will be available in the first week of July. The same sites will have links to them. One difference will be where you send them. Information will be enclosed. If anyone has ANY questions feel free to email me at spikekeywest@yahoo.com. I know there will be more questions AND assumptions, feel free to contact me about any of those concerns. I would start a thread of my own on this, but I be but a lowly Deckhand. Cursed by Bone Island. Muah, Spike
  7. Looking GREEAAATTT ........ Mama and Papa Ratzi, you did it agin!
  8. Jim, we can begin camping at the Fort on Dec 1st. That is the earliest I could get with management changes. For 2010 I will attempt to extend that time. We must leave the Fort on that Monday, Dec 7 by close of the park. I hope that helps and perhaps Julie can provide some hotel space from our sponsors. I do not organize or have any say who gets in the the hotel rooms that are provided by PIP sponsors. Perhaps Hurricane can speak to Julie about access to rooms for the first weekends events, since they are not at the Fort. Just a thought.
  9. And they wonder why we call Not Nigel an unknown. Our Nigel will be at Blackbeard ............... AGAIN! Probably a'rowin the Endeavor. And I bet he won't get locked out either hehehe. And Nigel always seems to bring a FULL bottle, Aye Nell!. Oi the tough "marine", the ole Son of a Beach and gotta be changin diapers instead of right pillaging and plunderin the colonies. What was NOT Nigel's excuse LAST year? Oi Captain Nice, Family first, tis our crewe's motto and always will be. And I do hope Not Maddogge won't get himself locked out as that would be a sorry sight indeed considering there is no fence... and come to think of it, I have never seen Not Maddogge with a bottle of any kind in his hand. Oi, Family first and than ye have the nerve to call me Bloody Nice? I heard the stories about how ye treat yer family, and ye know how I treats mine. I still have the wee lad's head to look at fer the fondest of memories. Well, Not Madogge sure had many bottles of that fine Pirate's Choice Rum the last time we were about in Hampton. Two hands full if I can recall the docks through that besotted haze. Oi right, you never did make it to the great Penthouse Raid of 08. Ask that bonnie lass Mary Diamond about the Penthouse accomadations and flowing rivers of Rhum. Ye best keep that one good eye more on yer crewe thanon Bloody Nice. A Captain could get hung not watchin out. And if anyone could get locked out of a fence-less festival, it would be NOT Nigel.
  10. And they wonder why we call Not Nigel an unknown. Our Nigel will be at Blackbeard ............... AGAIN! Probably a'rowin the Endeavor. And I bet he won't get locked out either hehehe. And Nigel always seems to bring a FULL bottle, Aye Nell!. Oi the tough "marine", the ole Son of a Beach and gotta be changin diapers instead of right pillaging and plunderin the colonies. What was NOT Nigel's excuse LAST year?
  11. Ahoy Jim. I believe that this Cappy has some more offspring he ain't aware of after seeing those pics in Feb. The Bone Island Buccaneers send their regards and a big Huzzah to ye. Now where be the link to these "new" photos? These apparitions seem to be followin me lately. I will keep me eye out for ye at in June and hope to spend some fun time at the Festival.
  12. OI, I just hates that. Nothin Bloody NICE at all. Twas it not enough to cut me own newborn son's head off at Walk the Plank to prove it? Next ye will be sayin I likes kittens or some such rumor. Aye, I might have to shoot a marine or three. I mean Bloody is NICE, but that don't mean Bloody Nice Pierce at all.
  13. and I'M a CAPTAIN -----pththhhhh :P


  14. Well thank ye kindly me lass. It will be a pleasure to see ye at Hampton among all those fine colonials. We be gettin sick of the Spanish and mutineers huntin for us on Bone Island and a fine trip to the Land of Viriginia will be a nice respite. At least, until we catch a glimpse of Woodes Rogers or Benjamin Hornigold. We be itchin for a fight. Thanks for the well wishes and Fair Winds to ye.
  15. I prefer the "Damned Beach Boys" if I had me druthers. As fer as I can tell, Ye evil bastards have no Mum. But ye will always be welcome at the table of the Bone Island Buccaneers, whether a marine or a sailor........... Hangin Sterling has to account fer sumthin..............Ye Son of a Beach
  16. Well he is known fer quite a few things, I give ye that Captain Sterling. Foggy memories, torn breeches, lost trophies, and the like. And that be a difficult reputation to ignore. And only a Not Nigel would do that, never a Nigel. And I never lost me pants in that foul water, just me hat, coat and me son's head. What can I say about more than one Mad Dogge in Key West? Well we do have a reputation for having all sorts of wildlife roaming the streets. A few more rabid dogs will hardly be noticed in a cursed town like Bone Island. Don't take it personal like Captain, but he did hang YOU to join the Bones. I was safe and sound at the OTHER end of the rope. I am glad he be Not Nigel, but I worry about me own neck this year. Cheers to ye and tell Mad Dogge I think his trophy just crossed the Seven Mile Bridge headed north ................. Wheres Bones?
  17. HEY CAPPY..... You're a DECK HAND.... LOL!!!!



  18. Aye a hearty Huzzah to you and Grace. Thanks for the note of confidence. Poor Not Nigel is still sufferin from the indignation of being an unknown on Bone Island. Ye would think after hangin his own Captain people would KNOW that he was Not Nigel. Not so. I agree with Sterling, perhaps the Not Nigel Knot and Lock picking cometition? Cannot wait to see ye in Hampton Dutch!
  19. if you and "NOT M.A.d'Dogge" are takin any nekid art photos of yur new ..."gun"....no thank you!!!.... I can vouch that Nigel is NOT a mad dog! And of COURSE our cannon will be nekid. Do you dress yours in funny costumes lad? Oi always with yer mind in the gutter, right where ye may find the Bone Island Buccaneers.
  20. Ahoy Morgan, Another job well done. Thanks and a hearty huzzah! The FTPF is proud of the promo. If this is a teaser, I cannot wait to see the other ones. Keep them coming! BIB sends a big Huzzah for you and Johnny and hoists our glasses to the Blind I. Well I know that Nigel is gonna luv it .......... again! I have two small suggestions. More Patrick Hand, he knows how cute he is and wenches dig confidence I hear. The other suggestions, NO close ups of me or Sterling. We don't want to scare the kiddies! Again, a big thanks and a hearty huzzah for a fine job. We owe ye another hour of fun! Captain Spike PS: Next year no pick-ups on the battle field!
  21. Thank ye kindly Mate. Tis good to be back. And thanks for great note of encouragement on the Blog. Got a big battle with Conch Republic Days this week, then we proof the girl and take a few Valentine photos hehehe. Fair winds and Full Holds to ye! Captain Spike
  22. At least ye used the right moniker. Captain Spike, the one that will be breathin down yer neck at that Walk the Plank. Congrats on the new Dogge!!! Best wishes to you and the new Mums. Oi, just what the world needs, another Dogge ................ Huzzah!
  23. Nikki, that was a great article. We all appreicate the great work you did on our behalf. It sure was a lot of fun and it was so great to have you participate and not just cover the event. We cannot stop talking about you and the article and Bone Island is abuzz with Huzzahs for you. And a personal thank you, I am touched that you thought so well of my Walk the Plank performance. Since you love Pyracy so much, perhaps the Bone Island Buccaneers need to bring some of our brand of mayhem to you in the UK ' ) Thanks, Spike
  24. I believe I might be blushing. Hurricane, you are too kind and I thank you. Yes, it is true that managing a Festival of any size is hard work. And I am proud to be Captain of the Bone Island Buccaneers and proud of the job they do at PIP. And again, thanks for noting how much work is "behnd the scenes" and the months of planning and performance it takes leading up to the Festival. We really appreciate the props and EVERYONE who participates is thanked by the Bone Island Buccaneers for making it all so successful. I am most proud of the Family that has formed and most honored to be a part of it. We do it for the Love of Pyracy, of our Pyrat Family, of Fort Zach and PIP. And that is very fulfilling. I look forward to the 2009 events and spending time again with you and the rest of this great Pyrat Family. Thanks, Spike
  25. Animal. thank ye very much. Tis an honor to receive yer kind thoughts and it warms me black heart to feel it from this great Pyrat Family. Cannot wait to see ye again and play some more in the Fort. Yer wishes are greatly appreciated, thanks! Spike
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