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Boots MacGee

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Everything posted by Boots MacGee

  1. ^ OK at baking love to grill < Hates cleaning a kitchen mess V Most unfavorite household chore
  2. The Big Lebowski
  3. “Resistance is Futile”
  4. Maybe Bob Ross would have said you had a "happy accident"
  5. Ski Roundtop, and they even pull you back uphill on your tube (a real bonus).
  6. Winter Fun
  7. flatulent (break wind)
  8. Chicken Cordon Bleu
  9. ^ If it was someone I new I'd try and stop it, or at least jump in. < Sewing, not good at that, but I try V Got cabin fever, or happily occupied?
  10. ^ Rock the boat, giv'em a chance < Thanks for the movie tip, I guess I'll wait for the DVD V Favorite movie in your collection?
  11. How long does this go on for? This has to be one of the oddest landscapes I ever seen.
  12. So that's why I havn't seen ya, welcome back Silkie
  13. Cowfish and Blennies, unusual looking. I never had any luck with fish, but I do have a horse that thinks he is a dog. Um mate.. I hate to rain on yer parade.. but ..that is a dog Don't tell him that
  14. Cowfish and Blennies, unusual looking. I never had any luck with fish, but I do have a horse that thinks he is a dog. Stimpy
  15. bowl of cereal, and orange juice
  16. When I was a kid my parents would take us to the airport to watch planes take off and land, I used to love doing that.
  17. And it burns,burns,burns, The Ring of Fire
  18. Those, and peanut butter cups were my favorites, MMMM Comfort Foods.
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