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Everything posted by SilasTalbot

  1. Thank you, GoF, for providing that link. That is just the kind of information I was looking for. Ladies...I apologize if I seem to have left you out of this discussion. Just know that whether the lasses wear their hair up or down, Capt. Talbot will admire the way your chosen style compliments your beauty.
  2. Even though it can be a sensitive subject for those of us (like me...) who might be thinner on the top than in years past, I would like to hear from fellow sea-rovers as to what you do with your hair. I tend to wear mine just long enough to tie back, which results in a look much like the "short and tied" look in Wilbur's "The Revolutionary Soldier 1775-1783". (Again, I know it's post-GAoP...but that's Talbot's period). Guys...what are your choices? And do any of you choose to wear wigs? (I know several of the local AmRev re-enactor crowd that do). By the way, I didn't find this mentioned in other threads. If it has been discussed, please point me in that direction. S.Talbot
  3. Ah, cats as music critics... Many years ago when I was a music major in college, my cat used to race back and forth through the room and climb the speaker grille cloth (which she KNEW was a no-no) when I played piano pieces by the more polytonal/atonal composers. If I switched to something like Bach inventions, she would calm down. She didn't get to come in the room when I played rock 'n roll... I started on piano when I was 7 years old, but rock corrupted me in my teens. (That's what it's SUPPOSED to do). Played guitar and keyboards and sang in bands for many years, went back to college to finish a music degree..but now I just play for my own amusement. I just acquired an old Hammond tone-wheel organ and I'm looking forward to getting it in playing condition again.
  4. A man of few words...simply means the mouth is busy quaffing. Here's to you.
  5. All the best to you, Mr. MacGee. Welcome from another newcomer.
  6. Thank you for asking - yes, I would be that Silas Talbot. And true is is that I am somewhat post-GAoP. But I am Capt. Talbot prior to the command of the Constitution...a proud (and profit-minded) privateer looking to take the King's ships as prizes and defend our New England ports. (Long story short - I work for the Freedom Trail Foundation in Boston playing Silas Talbot. It started with just the walking tours, but it grew into sailing on the Liberty Clipper and leading the Historic Pub Crawl, and this year may include going aboard the USS Constitution as Capt. Talbot on the July 4th turnaround).
  7. I have to say...the HMCA site is fantastic. I would love to discuss the possibility of your doing something in Boston in the future. In addition to my SAFD background, I've tried to augment my own knowledge by working with the Higgins Armoury Museum's Sword Guild. It did allow me to meet Patri Pugliese, the single greatest source of period manuals I've yet found.
  8. Iron Bess speaks with wisdom. Even Davy Jones' Cthulhoid countenance looks cuddly next to the faces of the Demon Offspring of Walt (otherwise known as lawyers...). Ask any SAG member who has had to deal with them...
  9. Thanks to yez all for the welcome - a pleasure it is to be aboard. Have another round on Capt. Talbot...though at this time of day coffee blessed by St. Brendan may be the best choice.
  10. Greetings and a hoist of the tankard to all. Capt. Talbot here...and at least in this incarnation Capt. Talbot has much more rogueish blood than you may think. My home port is Boston, where my most well-known vessel makes port. But I've been known to commandeer others from time to time if it looks to be profitable. I work as a player on the stage and screen, basically making my living wearing tall boots and a sword. A few years ago that began to include roaming the ports of New England as a privateer in the service of the rebellion against the King. And like any good privateer, I'm looking to do more so long as there's profit to be had. This round is on me - here's to getting to know my fellow sea-wolves hereabouts. S. Talbot
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