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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. I be seeing me mates this Saturday. For those that want to be there in spirit. Let me know. I'll drink a drink to you and perhaps pass the electronic bullhorn around to say hi.
  2. Aye. But she be pirate enough to use it. Pulls Nutella, white godiva chocolates and Navy Grog from behind his back.
  3. Scupper gives up looking for treasure ship. Runs down to court yar and starts framing very large wings. "Feathers! I be needing feathers!"
  4. Scupper climbs to the roof and starts looking for treasure galleon.
  5. Glad that's over Morgan. It was Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
  6. Very nice poem. Captures our Merry well. Again , happy birthdaay to you. may you get all you wish for. I have to wait till November. Or the lotto
  7. my pleasure mate
  8. Scupper looks at Capt Morgan. Covered in pig parts and soot. Well it flys. not gracefully, but it flys. How's that Merry darling?
  9. I am online with him now and passed on your request. He'll be in touch real soon. Scupper
  10. Door opens. Scupper is sewing wings on pig. "Hold still you Son of a ....................oh ello. "
  11. The Scupper on South Park. ARRGHHH!
  12. Tried to Shanghai her Scarlett, but she be too quick for me. maybe naxt time. See you me mates on the 6th. Scupper
  13. WOW! Quite nice. Be visiting the sire for plunder soon. Scupper
  14. Just flew to Chicago with al my gear. had Cutlass, Dirk and replica pistol in checked bag. No problems at all. Scupper
  15. Born in Boston MA but now trapped in East Hartford CT. Long to be in Iowa Scupper
  16. Question Dorian. I be eastern. in CT to be exact. How do you go about joining up with a "vessel" in eastern waters?
  17. I'll be there mates. Coastie. send me your schedule and we'll see if we can work one in when your in port mate. Scarlett, i'm bring an extra duffel. I might just shaghai her at the airport. Scupper
  18. To me Merry I wish the best china be laid. The finest silver be used. The food be top shelf. The champagne be chilled just so. May your plunder be rich and your day full of joy. And all your dreams and wishes come true. Happy Birthday Luv!!!!!!!! Scupper
  19. Happy Berhday Capt Cat. May ye plunder be rich. Scupper
  20. A very happy berthday to you lass. may ye plunder be rich and your day be fine. Scupper
  21. And what be the name of this find Endkaos? You not be sharing with your mate Scupper?
  22. I can't make it to yon coast. But I will hoist a tankard for old mr teach to be sure. Scupper
  23. Very nice pages mates. One day I'll get off me duff and do one meself. scupper
  24. Well lass. As it so happens. I have a whole keg of rootbeer in me hold. I'll break it out for ye on this your berthday. Happy plunder lass!!! scupper
  25. I leave that up to the wench I be restraining. For me. Anything i can cut in case it be too daring. LOL Scupper
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