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Lily Alexander

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Posts posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Does anyone have the schedule of activities going on inside the fort this year? I am trying to coordinate it will all the other activities going on at the annex this year. If possible, I want to be able to clear the stages during the battle each day so everyone can be directed over to the fort or onto the WOLF.

    A full schedule would be great but even the times fo the battles would be helpful. Want to keep the synergy going so people don't miss anything at either location.

    -- Hurricane

    The schedule is being worked on and should be complete by Nov 15th. The battle is tentatively scheduled for 1:45 with commentary for the battle beginning at 1:30.

  2. There, there, John. It's going to be alright. You will have an awesome time.

    There is so much to see and do in Key West. No matter if they are being a pirate or not, they will enjoy their time there.

  3. Just a reminder that registration forms are due November 1st.

    There have been some questions about who needs to register. Absolutely everyone that wants to take part in any Fort event whether you are staying in the encampment or not. All participants, vendors, entertainers, photographers, staff, etc......... needs to register.

  4. Please keep in mind that while in the encampment area anything containing powder is prohibited. A secure location will be provided for your use if you will be in the encampment for an extended period of time. Going to and from the battle will not be an issue.

  5. Yes, this form is for everyone and you are correct, anyone that wants to participate in the Fort activities needs to fill out a registration form. They will also need to check in to receive their passes. Unlike last year, I'll be sitting at the gate with the park representative. If by chance, they cannot be there during the scheduled registration time, they will have a list of folks at the gate and they will have to enter the Fort and check in with me at my tent to receive their passes.

    As a clarification, is this for everyone who will be visiting the fort but not camping as well? I've had some questions about that from those hoteling.

    I assume it's like last year that anyone participating at the fort needs to fill one out regardless of where they set their aft quarters at night. Correct?


  6. Your welcome Sea Horse. My sincerest condolences on the loss of your wife.

    I think we all share a bit of disappointment about the loss of the beach, but I'm also very excited about being in the Fort.

    Thank you for spreading the word and you are welcome to copy & distribute all the documents to individuals needing them.


    Thank you for the prompt reply Lily. I have been doing my best to get the word spread. Unfortunately I have been drydocked for the past few months. I lost my wife to cancer back in August and am now rejoining the world as it were.

    I know that many I spoke to at the beginning of the summer were disappointed that the beach encampment was no longer available. Since information does move heavily by word of mouth I wanted to check and see if any changes to that decision were made or are under consideration. From what you have indicated the only change is the way registration forms are submitted and the update to the NPS black powder rules.

    For those who have asked and do not have access to FB or this site I will be sure to spread the word and confirm that the beach encampent is closed and if they wish to participate they will need to submit their forms by 11/ 1/10 and seek alternative accomodations.

    Thank you again.

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