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Dreamie D'Avanzo

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Everything posted by Dreamie D'Avanzo

  1. Aye a bone. It's on the end of a red string I believe, and tied around that big ol' clump of hair on the top of his head.... which is why he looks like he's got a pony tail. I made a few of 'em fer me own hair.
  2. What is: the sound of a pirate ship a-rockin' at a dock-inn?
  3. **Smacks Nigel with a codfish*** 'eres another link for ye: http://www.ostrichesonline.com
  4. Lucky Penny: "Tight corset? Got the quick an' easy solution for that problem, mates... Now..where be m'seam ripper..... *on the hunt!*" Heh... ye ever have the boning in yer bodice turn in on ye? I ripped that out, sure enough. The bloody thing must'a damaged me innards, 'cause it took a few hours t' feel like I wasnt suffocating. Any of the ladies have suggestions for those BLOOMIN' wrinkles ye get in yer leather bodice? I likes 'em smooth and taught I do.... "Well said, Dreamie. Pyrate Molly here ain't too perticuliar though. She wouldn't throw either one of 'em outta her hammock, given the chance. " And I'd agree with ya on that, Molly. Just statin' me biggest preference :) ***gives Quill more rum***
  5. "Orlando Bloom's dreamy in "Pirates"!" Hold yer tongue, woman... for I am not a man! I prefer an aged salt like ol' Jack meself. I like me men rugged an worn in like a good hat. Welcome miss Swann all the same
  6. "Might we make that a Vanilla coke?? I have it on the best authority that it's very popular with the swordmasters. " Aye... full o' sugar and a taste that makes the hair on yer back answer up. We sure appreciate you hangin' in there Bess. **gives her a dangly beaded hair piece** Good Plunder, me beauties!
  7. Oh dear gods, that smells like a carp thas been stuck t' the main sail fer a few days. The key is not to go younger... oh please my dear disney, let this rumor hold no water... lest you make the same mistake as with that of my dear Gargoyles and think yer aimed at a young demographic. Such a case would blow up your own ship. Again. More adult, I say! More adult!! Yhar! That is all.
  8. I don' know about them tights bein' historically accurate... but the bloke in the picture seems t' be enjoying 'em. MerryDeath, I think I love you. Har har harharharhar
  9. Hahahaha.... Ye be right on that, Nigel! One o' those bloody cartoons sparked his giant "cutlass" on the ground in front o' me. Me... I just blinked, smirked, an' kept walkin' away with a swish. Good Plunderin', me Lovelies!
  10. 'ello all me lovely pirates! Here's me Holiday card fer this year! Have a good one! Har har
  11. I think I'm probably a mix o' the two.... I haven't been at it long, but ah think most o' me wares at least look close to accurate. Being a woman pyrate though being mod'rately out of period. Personally I dont have a taste fer the "cartoon" Pirates like the Seattle Seafarers... aye a bit too much red on THAT captain if ye's ask me! An' makin' oversized "cutlasses" out of sheet metal don' get me jollies it'all. Even wit'out a lot of the really obviously pyratical cues (such as a Tricorner hat and an eyepatch), I'm still instantly recognizable as a pyrate by young and old. I dinnae know if it's the swagger I always fall into er what... but it sure works. I'm thinkin' it's all about the bandana. But overall, I fancy a gritty look.. flashy while still antique, if ye know what I'm tryin' t' say. I guess ye could call it a "Blackpowder Renfaire Pirate"? Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  12. Yhar... a casting call, eh? I admit, I've never watched Sponge Bob... truth be told the concept is disturbing....and a live action version even more so. I'll see if I can round up a good picture or two.... maybe get a few taken. We'll see. Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  13. 'ello BlackBart I can draw rightly enough, but I'm not sure my services are the kind ye require. Even so, I'm not sure of the scale or accuracy you'd be wantin', or how much time I'd be able to spare for such a project. Feel free t' browse my webpage for some examples. Yhar, me lovelies!
  14. ~~"No, not in it m'self but worked out some with the swordfighters (I used to study under Bob Anderson years ago)" MMMmmmm swordfighin'.... I've had a mind t' get into that. If'n I only had the spare time an' change. Me rapier be hungry for the swish o' the salty sea air...n'stead it's locked in wit a nylon tie. ~~"But I DO Know what evryone gets paid!! LOL!! " Ah HA, so ye have yer hands on Disney's booty, aye? Ye saucy wench, ye ~~"Its me job to keep the actors *happy*" An' I say again... ye saucy wench, ye ~~"We be a long haul from that yet." Good good... gives us time t' prepare for the comin' battle.
  15. Oo-hoo, thar be a fine lookin' Captain... :::is entranced by the shiny things:: Oh my... such fetching garb and wares.... :) I'm thinkin' ebay is going t' have a field day wit' the leftovers o' that movie.
  16. Thank ye fer the updates, me fine Wolfy Wench. Here's to a sequel as pleasing as the first 'un. Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  17. Ye-Har, great idea. Recently I've been drawing a number of Pirate pieces, and also have a few commissions waitin' fer me of the Pyratical persuasion. Here's one that recently won the "Monthly Gargoyles Contest" for Most artistic. Most of 'em involve Jack o' course... 'cause he be one tasty piece o' manmeat. Tug-O-Jack Jack's enjoyin' somthin' he started in a pub between a couple o' gargoyle wenches. Illustrator and Photoshop. Why, ye say? One o' a series of pirate comics. Illustrator. Hope ye likes 'em! More can be found on me site if yer interested. Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  18. Cap'n Davies: Ah! Thank ye for the link. The Queen Anne looks like a mighty fine piece. I think we'll be lookin' into gettin' one in the near future Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  19. El Pirata: Harharhar 'tis a rare occurrence... namely whenever a furry convention happens t' show up. It's not very common for me t' put on the nose.. it takes a mighty while. I'm not really into the whole furry thing meself... but they sure do like to buy art, ye see. Cap'n Davies: Thank ye for the compliments, Cap'n. What's a Pirate without a little fire? Truth be told, I wish I had me some smoke **searches through blackpowder pistol replicas** MEH heh heh heh... Any advise on such a matter? Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  20. Aye, I surely be dressin' as a Pirate this year. Me mate and I were goin' t' walk around Pioneer Square or somethin', with a sack o' loot (candy) fer the young-uns... this, o'course, because I can't seem t' locate a good Halloween Party in the Seattle area. Anyone have word of a good Puget Sound party?
  21. Cap'n William: Meh heh heh, 'tis an important asset, it is Thanks for th' date opinion, as well. Yesterday I went plunderin' again... I found meself a right nice pair o' pinstripe pants that match me other colors. Also, I fergot t' mention, me kit also includes a large pirate ship kite. Not a cutout profile, but a true 3D Ship. 'tis flown somewhat like a box kite. Cap'n Davies: Aye that's a nice setup ye got there. One o' the best I'd imagine. Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  22. Aye I've seen that hat before... I dont like the reddish color of it, meself. Here's what (one of) Jack's hats looks like: Jack's Hat The picture's from an ebay auction they had... though way too rich for my blood. Though I might be interested in finding a good lookin' replica as well. Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  23. I admit I don' have as much as many o' you fine pyrates, but I'm slowly makin' me collection... I'm not sure which era my character hails from, but maybe one o ye can advise? Kit: -Burgundy and light brown leather bodice. Good fer packin' in me goods, if ya get my meanin'. As good as any sharp weapon. -Off-white Chemise, with exaggerated long ruffs on the neck and wrists, usually off both shoulders. (Made in India) -Black trousers/pants (Nothin' special) -Black bandana -Black leather bucketed boots (one of me favorite treasures, New York) -Light rapier with silver hilt basket and scabbard -Narrow Black leather 6 strap rapier hanger w/ belt and silver buckles -Wide Black leather belt, silver buckle -Bottle frog, with bowling pin antique bottle. -Leather belt pouch -Black leather thigh length Jacket (For when I dont want to wear the bodice -Gold/ white sash so the belts dont damage the jacket. -Elaborate (Asian) Indian gold medallion necklace -"coin strands" necklace, many other varying necklaces -Many rings, including a large gold personalized Highline Pirates HS ring -Large gold hoop earrings -Black pardon pin Hair: -Gold aztec-like beads on leather cording (one long, two medium length) -two strands of long bone beads -large dangly 70's earring medallion (Just because it looks pyratical) -usually as many small random braids as time permits. and o 'course.. a black jolly roger t-shirt that says "Kiss me, I'm a pirate" Examples: Me fancy Chemise With Jacket-Commencement Bay Maritime Fest Main garb Yeah.. uh... ignore the Kitty face in the last one. I've been thinkin' about adding some Native American touches to the garb. As I see it, my character is the love child of a Pirate and a young Cherokee maiden. Suggestions? Pyratical must-haves? Good Plunderin', me lovelies!
  24. Irk.. I hate those damn reality shows too. Unfortunately last night I was buried under biology books b'fore a test, so I didn't bother getting up to change the channel from watching the news. Bah.. these kids dont know a lick about living on a beach. I grew up with skin divin', boating, and camping me whole life... and *what* is so wrong about drinking squid and clams? That sounds like a right good shake to me. This whole idea just sounds like a good vacation... I would 'a hiked out to the other side of the island and set up me own camp. Ya cant vote me off if you cant find me. The only saving grace was the looks Rupert always had on his face.. no doubt thinking the same things we are, aye? "Real life" drama can kiss me arse.. however I wouldn't let 'em get closer n' a rapier length. Good plunders, me loverlies!
  25. Ye-har I heard about this a while back, and I can say I'm mighty thrilled. Whatever they need, I'll volunteer as well! Artist, actress, enhancin' the scenery, craft ship service, aye? lol ~pirate mode off~ In a week or so I was actually going to look back into a modeling offer from last year, but didn't have any time for. So if anyone has any resume sending information, let me know, and I'll be your eternal servant. lol ~pirate mode on~ Biological compound formulas an' lab work don't get me jollies like it once did. I might be lookin' to find a new trade. Good pyratin' me loverlies!
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