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Crimson Blade

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Everything posted by Crimson Blade

  1. I thought it might have something t' do with it. I'm terrified to think what other favours I might have t' offer t' keep folk amicable once me coin pouch is empty!
  2. Thankee again, RumbaRue. I shall buy ye a drink in the pub fer yer help
  3. It takes a lot of hard work to keep it running, but we have lots of fun so it's worth it. As for the logo, I love it too. I'm obsessed with pirate art (especially digital), and I spend hours creating digital rp characters for people. Some say I have way too much time on my hands LOL
  4. Thankee for having me
  5. Ahhhh I see. Thankee RumbaRue. I still be learning the workings of the place. Well, I wanted to know if it would be acceptable for me to start a thread about the pirate rpg I run. I don't wish to step on anyone's toes (based on the fact that there are several rp threads already here). I didn't wish to go ahead and just do it, without asking. If it it acceptable, where would be the best place to post it?
  6. Can anyone tell me how to go about contactng the group moderators please? Thankee
  7. Capt Trade Wind, d' yer have any o' that Queen Anne's punch going spare? It be cold here and I need summat to chase the chill from me bones, and it sounds like a mighty fine tonic t' me
  8. Thank ye all for yer hospitality. Another round I say. Rum, grog, whatever yer fancy be, drink heartily, for once me coin pouch is empty, twill be I in need of a newcomer to arrive in order to quench me thirst
  9. You be mighty generous Scarlett. Me thinks you'll be making many friends in these here parts. Beware sum of the locals though, for sum cannot resist the lure of a bulging coin pouch if they catch sight of one!
  10. I'd just like to say how nice it is, as a newbie here, to be so warmly welcomed by established members! I'm still trying to navigate my way around the place and have spent my first day here acquainting myself with the various forums/boards etc. It's a wonderful group and I can't wait to get to know you all a little better xxx
  11. Name ; Crimson Blade (Selene Trelawney) Bio : Confident and somewhat cocky, Crimson Blade has got where she is today, not because of her looks, but because she's a damn good pirate! Oh indeed, her looks work to her advantage, for few seem to believe that such a pretty young thing could have such a viscious swordarm. Or tongue for that matter. She's one of the youngest pirate Captains around, and both she and her crew aboard the Wave Dancer are greatly admired. She runs a tight ship and doesn't suffer fools gladly. Tenacious and stubborn, Crimson Blade left her previous identity of Selene Trelawney back in England when she left her homeland with her parents, heading for the colonies. So much had happened between then and now. Sometimes, she'll reveal snippets of information regarding her road to piracy, but for the most part, she remains an enigma. Many have heard of her name, yet few know that she's a woman until they actually meet her. Some foolishly believe that her gender and age make her somewhat vulnerable. Men who have actually said this to her face have hobbled away with serious damage to their testicles. She is fiercely protective of both her ship and her crew, and woe betide anyone who threatens harm to either!
  12. Are the rum barrels empty? Have I missed out AGAIN? Drat! Drat, and thrice drat!
  13. Did someone say something about free rum to celebrate a homecoming of sorts? If not, could they?
  14. Greetings to ye, Lily. I be new to these parts too, but I have to say that folk seem pretty accomodating. Still finding me way around the place t' be honest with ye. So many scallywags to meet! So many sea dogs to share drinks with! What's a lovely young pirate wench to do, other than jump right in?
  15. Thank ye me hearties, fer all yer help regarding images. I think I be gettting the hang o' things now, so I'll celebrate wi' a mug of ale and say "cheers" t' one and all
  16. I be in desperate need of summat to calm me growing frustration, of that there's no doubt. Rum fer all I say! As much as ye can consume wi'out chucking it all back up! As fer the picture link, I think i'd have more chance of milking a fly than adding one to me signature! Evr'y time I tries to add it I gets an error message. I've sailed the seven seas single handed....I've felled more men 'as Taven wenches have bedded.....I've stared death in the face, and shoved two fingers up t' it....But do you think I can sort this picture jargon out? No sir!
  17. Grrrrr, I hate technology. Gimme a tomahawk and a target to play with anyday Can someone tell me how to find the url of an image I would like to add to my signature? It's on my website, but have no idea what the url of the pic is. I admit it. I'm technologically challenged! btw, is this text size better?
  18. I be the Crimson Blade, Captain of the Wave Dancer. Just as soon as I've discovered how t' add a picture to these here posts, I'll be back t' get meself a little better acquainted with yall. In the meantime, it'd be nice if someone poured me a much needed mug of grog. I like t' think meself an independant gal, but any advice on how t' add a picture t' me signature would not go unthanked!
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