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Crimson Blade

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Everything posted by Crimson Blade

  1. Mad Jack has a brother? How exciting! :)
  2. A weepy and well lubricated Cancer here
  3. Landings in the night are sometimes scary though. The loud thud shakes our entire house!
  4. DUCK! Silkie stoops behind the nearest support beam in anticipation of the pies and double-entendres that are about to start flying in through the air. I love this place Anyone fancy a spit roast? I be hungry.
  5. LOL, I know what yer mean Jack. I too am finding meself re-reading everything I type before hitting the "add reply" button. My Mamma always told me to mind me manners when in the company of gracious hosts, and t' be as bawdy as I likes when in me own company!
  6. I could counter that analogy so easily, but out of respect to William I'll keep it out of his thread. :) Spoilsport!
  7. Seems she and I have a lot in common! :) We'll get along well, me thinks
  8. Many do lass but only one holds his heart ...and I wouldn't cross her if I were you! Fret yerself not silkie, it be not his heart I be interesting in holding! Whoever holds it be welcome to it. It be the broth that interests me. Menfolk be like waves. They come rolling in with a crash, only to disappear and be replaced wi' a' new batch!
  9. In view of the culinary evidence provided, I wish to marry William Red Wake!
  10. He's got a cute tail though
  11. Yep, she chased me all down the wharf :)
  12. Actually, hairy backs are a BIG turnoff for me. I don't like any hair that I could potentially snag me rings in!
  13. Not fussy as long as they have a pulse and don't answer back
  14. Merry meet Pizzle, if it be decent rum yer after, then I'm yer woman! I hear that a certain seadog by the name o' Mad Jack keeps a very special stash hidden is his chamber pot beside his bed. Don't ask me how I know, and don't let on t' Jack that Ive been prying through his stuff. I've seen folk hanged, beheaded, eaten by sharks and suffoctaed to death beneath the weight of a four hundred pound Tavern Wench called Massive Mavis, but nothing, absolutely NOTHING could have prepared me for some of the things I discovered tucked away under his mattress. Good thing I found his stash o' rum though. I needed a stiff one after seeing some o' the stuff he had tucked away inside his hidey hole!
  15. Am I the only one who finds that name kinda kinky?
  16. I cried for days when the Golden Girls ended. The scripts were amazing, and Bea, Rue, Betty and Estelle had a wonderful chemistry together! A pirate movie about four salty old sea dogs, starring the Golden Girls would be fab. I'd pay top $$$$ to see that!
  17. Dang! I knew I should have taken the role of Elizabeth Swann when it was offered to me!
  18. Talking of chastity belts, it's VERY important to not lose the key. You wouldn't believe how dangerous it can be when someone tries to pick the lock wi' a wire coat hanger
  19. That calls for a celebratory drink I think It's all t' do with the way he rolls he Arrrrghs yer know!
  20. I have just one question. Why are they so pale for wenches of the sea? Surely even a theatre company can afford a few tubs of Max Factor dark beige concealer to give em the sun kissed luck. I'm shocked at the lack of realism regarding their suntans. Everything else looks as authentic as it can possibly be **cough cough**
  21. Yer never know. The old glass jar of dirt may turn up on the Antiques Roadshow in a hundred years. All I can say is gawd knows what the experts will make of it if they trace it back to this forum conversation. I can see it now.....3007.....Mr Tom Morrow, 55, silver hair, indigo lycra jumpsuit with built in gravitation stabilizers explaining how a group of pirate fanatics were discussing the importance of the said jar of dirt, prompting some to go dig their own back yards in an effort to make (shock, horror) forgeries! Yer never know. We could be looking at a potential future enigma, not unlike the Turin shroud, that will baffle experts and observers alike. I would like my name to be linked to the story somehow. This is my one chance for fame. I need to leave a legacy for my family to be proud of!
  22. I think we should drink t' that.
  23. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wouldn't be so sure 'bout that! The last scallywag who tried to play bilge pumps and portholes with me is now singing soprano in the Port Royal all boys choir, if yer gets me drift Such pretty high voices those eunuchs have
  24. Careful lass, there are many here det would take det as an invitation ...unless det's your aim? **smiles innocently** They would get more than they bargained for, of that yer can be sure
  25. I'm pretty good with me hands, or so i've been told. So I could always repair a slash in yer breeches or run ya up a new flag
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