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Crimson Blade

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Everything posted by Crimson Blade

  1. Show me the way They say safety in numbers I lift up my eyes to the sky And imagine a crowd Of hearts that surround me And give the me courage to die Were you to weep And lie at my feet Then you'd wash all My troubles away And imagine the host Of angels around me That give me the courage to die
  2. Blackjohn, thank you so much :)
  3. Okies. All done! Thanks again!
  4. Thanks Siren that's great Would you like to write yer own brief description, or shall I describe it as an RP Group?
  5. Porky Rocks!
  6. If anyone has a pirate themed website, and would be interested in exchanging links, please let me know. I help manage a pirate RP Group, and we're trying to gather links in an effort to bring the community closer together. Even if your website doesn't have a links page, we're still happy to add you to ours :) Let me know if anyone's interested!
  7. Happy Holidays everyone! Have fun. Be merry. Stay safe!
  8. A friend of mine did a similar thing for her Christmas gifts last year. She made up a calendar of her ex boyfriends, with a pic of each one representing each month. Having seen Mr October, I'm surprised she could even walk in November, let alone pull another hottie!
  9. I would like to see a pirate hunk calendar. I'm sure we could find twelve willing members from here. All those hairy backs and beer guts to look at **swoons** I may never leave the house again!
  10. That is adorable, and oh so cute . Ever thought of auditioning for American Idol Christine? You'd get my vote
  11. Hey Jack, any idea where I could find some willing members?
  12. Need some tutoring, love? I could do with a P.A Jack Between this place, Ren Forums, Calypso Cove and looking fer new recruits, me heads starting to spin btw, slash one o' the s's outta me bosoms LOL I'm so confuddled I can't even spell
  13. Jill, do you mind me asking how you promote your site? I could use a little advice.
  14. I think I should have another go I refuse to be labelled stoopid.
  15. There was a timer?
  16. I'd watch any movie with the Black Rose in....She sounds awesome!
  17. Sickleback, for more info on UK groups, see Pyracy.co.uk
  18. Welcome Sickleback.
  19. I be stoopid, according to that test. But I have wonderful bossoms, so I don't care a rats ass!
  20. You had me on the edge of me seat there for a moment Jack, trembling with anticipation :)
  21. Speaking as a girl with a reputation lower than a worms tit, I'm familiar with the highs and lows of infamy Pleased t' meet yer Bo. May yer bilge pump never fail yer and may yer portholes never become blocked
  22. There's nothing better than a man who knows his way around a kitchen. Knowledge of imprtant utensils is very important in my opinion Welcome to POCC by the way Jack
  23. Captain Bo, we've not as yet had the pleasure, but I look forward to it!
  24. Naughty as in throwing tantrums and refusing to cook?
  25. It's so foggy here in jolly olde England that I can't see the back yard through the windows. Frost on the ground. Snow sure to come at any moment. Boy, I miss Florida!
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