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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I just got a new phone and eager to get a more proper ringtone or few for my phone. So... be there any sites out there that have some decent piratey ringtones available? What ringtones do you have that are piratey? Anyone have any piratey ringtones to swap? Actually, is it possible to swap ringtones? ~Lady B
  2. ::: hands the bottle to Coastie::: Indeed a steep ouch for ye, mate. But I think 18th c reverting might be a heck of a lot cheaper and easier to some extent. I can handle using candles and a fire pit to cook, a horse or my feet for commute, sew my own clothing and hunt for food, etc. That jsut absolutely blows for ya concerning the dam. That's indeed wrong! For something like that, yeah, disaster declaration should have been done. Merc... hugs to ye, lass. No fun to work a lot and not have enough to show for your time and effort let alone the appreciation. aye, debt is horrible. Seems like it's unavoidable. So it seems. And sorry about the breakup. That's heartbreaking to the worst. So much for the persuit of happiness, aye mates? How many of us are truly happy with what we are with or given or in? Thanks, Bess. Aye, too much at once and granted I don't need it. But, I gotta deal with it cause I haven't a choice. Yeah, I'll cry and wonder why. be depressed... but, pick myself up and continue. You all are my lifeline, my support and the sympathetic ear. And as annoying as I may get, a bit of whining helps more than some may think for believe. Cause heck, need to dump off that crap somewhere. Didn't get much done this evening. But a couple things. Phone was replaced after throwing it at the wall after talking with my dad. So, that's a sharp ouch into my finances. I didn't expect that at all. But, oh, well. Gotta deal with it. Had a decent sit down supper at Wendys with my step dad after getting the phone, mentioned I needed to find some extra medical insurance type help so I can get a steady doctor who is incredibly reliable and to get myself checked out. My memory is really getting worse among other symptoms I read the other day that really alarmed me. But just as I was going to drop him off and go get food for Magellan, emergency call from mom saying to get Rich (soon to be Bro in law) and get down to St Lukes now cause Hailey had been hit by a car. Turned out she had her foot run over by a car. Poor thing. So, again, nothing was accomplished on my end but left me in incredible worry about my niece. So now.. here I am, exhausted and will see about finding a cheaper place tomorrow to live if things like this continue... I won't be able to afford a place. But again... just trying and doing what I can with what time I am given. Oh blah dee oh blah dah, life goes on. But please, God... no more. ~Lady B
  3. Thanks Jill, Ransom, Bess. Aye, most true. You all have been my lifeline. Family 'll never understand why I fancy doing this. It's more about the comradery with likeminded folks than anything. But I can't stand the negativity and will often avoid it if possible. If I must be around it, yes, I will clam up and not even pay attention to the person who is so negative. I'll avoid them if possible. Otherwise I will tell them to knock it off. Ouch... Poor Will. And amen, Ransom! Frightening, aye? Well, at the moment mates.... I'm exhausted. So exhausted to sleep. Just kinda here going through email quickly before I head to bed and get what sleep I can. Had some excitement this evening... again. I swear it, Iron Bess... may as well have a camera crew follow me around! They want reality TV.. I can give them reality TV! My niece when to the hospital. This is the same one who has that lump on her lymphnoid. Well, she got her foot "rubbed" and slightly run over by a car. Ouch is an understatement, mates. Hurts like Hell! Her foot apparently was pinned between the curb and the tire when she slipped and the vehicle moved all thinking she was in. She wasn't and well... the tire rubbed her foot wrong. She's fine now... sort of. Scared me to death earlier though when mom called me and said Hailey was hit by a car. I was damn near in tears and just unsure. Like any more is needed. But now... Hailey and I can at least have something in common and she looked at me and said so honestly with a grin, "Now I know how you felt, Aunt Stacy," as I had my right foot run over by a car when I was 4 years old. I will NEVER forget that blood curling scream I made that day. So, I really sympathize for and with my niece. It's all one day at a time, folks. :) One day at a time. God is testing our metal a hundred times over... and a hundred times again. ~Lady B
  4. How's about this, mates.... a better picture of Gibbs's vest... and the rest of the outfit: It looks like a mix of a short round jacket and a weskit. Jas. Townsend and Sons I believe offers that style of jacket, mcdrago. ~Lady B
  5. A bloody freakin 16 course feast here, mates.... 1. I'm having trouble and little time to really spend to myself to get a vehicle let alone securing a place I'm happy with living at. A place decent to live in and cat friendly. 2. Why do I have to pick up the kids nearly every day from school? Takes up 3 hours of my time! 3. I just HAD to pick up the damn phone when it was my dad calling. Now I need a new phone having thrown it at the wall cause he pissed me off that bad. Aye, I broke the phone. I'm not a violent person.. but that goes to show you how much my family can get to me with their negativity. 4. Absolutely tired of my place. Tis a damnable pit! I try to get to it but get sidetracked so easily having to go to work (necessary) or get the kids, etc. 5. HATE THESE GAS PRICES!!!! UUGGHHH!!! And I can't walk to places unless I want to break my freakin' leg or get hit by some speed demon dumbarse. 6. WAAHHH!... I'm with Red Bess... didn't get to go to PyrateCon cause I didn't know if I would have to attend a funeral or not. I'm not joking, folks. 7. I couldn't return to help out MerryD at a faire today. I did yesterday but it was so bleedin' windy I couldn't take pictures! Ahhh!!! And a feather on my new Barbossa hat snapped. Gotta add another feather to make it look right. 8. my Birthday is next week. I HATE my birthday. It's absolutely lousy! I prefer to just sleep through my birthday thank you. 9. My Caviar went bad! 10. No body likes Magellan, they are always so mean to him and degrade even him! Bad enough they bitch at me, but now my cat?!?! Twisted and wrong! 11. Nearly bloody hit 3 times today (normal every darn day) cause these idiots in Cedar Rapids can't drive!!! Apparently someone going the speed limit or even 5 mph above the speed limit in town is still a road block. You are just something in their way. I honestly want to hit them upside the head! 12. I didn't get my coat finished! I had to run to two different stores to get the exact buttons needed to put the last buttons on my new frock coat! Uhhh! a waste of gas! 13. Racing back cause the truck was needed after having to run down to the Faire to get the chair and some stuff. Bummed that I had to leave MerryD there alone and unable to have some VERY much needed sane time. Then racing to get something to eat (hard time deciding what to eat) and take it home. Sorry, there is NOTHING at home that is compatible. And I'm not up to cooking today. And who should call while I'm on the way home... my sister. Why? Asking me if I would have the truck. Nope. And she was rather annoyed with that. Like I can ensure I have the truck at her whim and will. 14. Tis no my truck. Tis my stepdads. I use it only cause I was stupid enough to allow myself to NOT take my Jeep back in to have it fixed like it was suppose to have been done the first 2 times! Oh, heck no! I take it in to have the serpentine belt replaced, go to pick it up, the bloody thing won't shift out of first! Take it back, they say it's fixed... no it wasn't. And they expected me to pay $2000 to fix it?!? I think NOT! 15. trying to get rid of the jeep but can't seem to get in touch with anyone even though they are mighty interested in the jeep. 16. hurting all over. Memory is getting really bad to the point I really am considering having a doctor check me out. Likewise with this cough that will never end. and for desert.... a sour tart of the hole in the wall in the bathroom in which I'm in limbo of fixing! Topped off with my old sewing machine decided not to work this past week so I had to get a cheap machine til I can afford to buy a better one. After dinner delight.... when will I be able to get all this off my plate, God to be a bit more gracious and not toss so many trials my direction I CAN'T handle? Now if ye like, I could give you the 24 course feast. Sorry, Serenity Prayer no longer applies as a Dinner Prayer. ~Lady B
  6. Oooo... very nice, Jill! I like the inlay. A very nice piece, Bo. ~Lady B
  7. None of them have hobbies really. Only closest to a hobby any of them have is my mom and step day doing bible studies and religious stuff all the time. Don't get me wrong about church and Christians, but burying yourself deep into it... causes problems. True. We never get the family we want. But at least family is suppose to be supportive and not belittle you or abuse you or anything. Granted, it's not ever working out that way. Aye, thank ye Jill. Have tried that in the past many times. Shoot... I am still being critisized for my going to school to want to work with horses as a career. It's indeed taking quite the toll upon me and it's showing. Thanks for the advise and words, Jill. I'm at the end of my rope with my family and this city. ::hugs:: and I feel for ya, Jill. About the tension. Yeah. Amazing when someone steps in a room how tense you become, how we react physically. Likewise hugs to you, too, Christine.
  8. Very, very, very depressed to the point I'm ready to commit myself. Seriously, serously pondering it at the moment. And ready to sell off all my reenacting stuff cause apparently I live in a fantasy world and I shouldn't ever be doing any reenacting cause it's silly and dumb and stupid. :*( I really, really hate family.
  9. Here's to ye both, Lazurus Gage (I know I mutilated the name) and Ethan Walker on your blessed days. May they be grand ones for you both.
  10. Awww... ye beat me to it, Patrick! Let's give a hand for Mr Hand! Happy Bday to ye, Patrick. A party? Awww... can't be there but I will be there in spirit, mate. Drink up, m'hearty. And party til ye fall unconscious from the excessive carousing. May it be the best day ye've had for a while, mate! Happy Bday, luv! :: a kiss for one of the best pirates I know! HUZZAH!!!! ~Lady B
  11. So... who be attending this Festival? Just curious. I may or may not attend, we shall see. From what I see (could be wrong) September 15th to the 30th (weekends only). ~Lady B
  12. Thank ye, Kate. :) I'm sure that hotel will be occupied, too, by pirates. Coming into it's 4th year and Port Wash is growing so swiftly and larger that Lord knows where it will be another 5 years from now. LOL.. Dean... I LOVE the cover of the new album! It's fantastic!!! My Compliments, mate! Can't wait to hear some of the songs at Port Wash. It's getting closer and closer! I'm SO excited! Heck, even my cat is excited! (and he's not even going). Bloody Kidd will be attending (my nephew, Dalton). I swear, he's growing faster than we can expect! He's as tall as I am already! So, Bess... Yo'r boys can start dancing around... and Dalton WON'T be having any rings so as the boys don't nearly fall into Lake Michigan again. (the goof balls) ~Lady B
  13. Well.. if you are looking for more period attire... I thought G Gedney Godwin had something, but their 17th apparel are far too early for GAoP. Check with Ghost Forge for their waistcoats. That's perhaps the closest. From what images I saw... the waistcoat or justacorps were to the knees practically and so was the coat and was VERY poofy. If ye need something, let me know. Or call for help around here. I'm sure folks here are willing to help. Aye.. Mary D has a find shirt there. :) ~Lady B
  14. Aye! I LOVE th' bedgown! That's somethin' fancy! Even if it is plain... it's a very nice one. Don't see many nice bedgowns out there. ~Lady B
  15. OMG! I would LOVE to see Terry's face seeing the eye! Yeah, I'm sure Greg would jump for it. Richie would, too. ::ponders::: Wondering if the other 3 would, too. Will have to get ahold of them somehow. :) Now... how's about this challenge, Cutthroat. The Navigational Charts. I know a few people who are dying to have it but not sure how to make it. ~Lady B
  16. Brilliant! :) Thank ye fo' th' info, Cutthroat. I'll spread th' word and aye, I'll be interested. ~Lady B
  17. I'm with Cutthroat. As fabulous as Townsend is... they are more for the F&I and Rev War and 1812 war reenactors. Not much of their items is for an earlier period. Are ye lookin' for someone to make an outfit for ya, Roy? ~Lady B
  18. WOO HOO!!! :::Runs to do that:::: Better pray I don't get sick again or nothing else happens. And I will most assuredly have that new gown to sport at the Ball. ~Lady B
  19. ROTDLMAO! It's so GROSS!!! It's AWESOME! :) :::Raises hand::: Aye! I'm game for one! And I may know a few Barbossa's and one Ragetti who may be game for one, too. Name yo'r price, good sir. ~Lady B
  20. Hahaha... April may be a good time of the year as ye don't want it around hurricane season. Hopefully flooding won't be so bad next year. As to rooms, vendors, etc.... T'was pricy enough especially with the admission to the event. The hotels not so bad. But getting to the event was terrible enough with gas being high, whether you flew or drove. But that be a grand idea is to move it to the streets with some vendors. Granted may be mighty pricy that way unless the city be willing to work with ya on something since it's bring folks to New Orleans and tourism. :::Shrugs::: room for improvements for future events. After all... it is only a new event not even 5 years old yet. Growing pains that prove to be a grand event in due time. I'll be searching for him. Wanting that pistol or another likeness of it. Been seeking one just like it for a few years now. And aye, Matt! True. ~Lady B
  21. Kill my alcohol? :::hides the rum::: Such a hoot, Perkeo. :) ~Lady B
  22. Ooo... the Pub getting exposure! Now that's right fabulous! Oh, I'll keep this in mind, Matt. ~Lady B
  23. If it was a trial, that damned thing turned out incredibly nice! M' compliments, Sea Witch. ::looks at Perkeo cautiously::: Do I have t' ensure that ye, too, won't be diving into m' spirits? Would hate t' slice off yo'r hand like I did with Pete Straw after he drank m' rum! :::Runs to look at Perkeo's profile; curious what that drinking story be::: Yes, Matt... ye be right. Practically every pic of Perkeo... he's drinking! LOL... ~Lady B
  24. heavily at Bess wiping her nose on Tar's sleeve::: An' Jacky... how would ye know Bess' vessel be sinkin'? Did ye sink it? :::eyes Jacky with a smirk::: Welcome to th' Pub, lass. Good t' see more of our Brethren popping out of th' woodwork in Europe. Tis a grand story, lass. I'll be havin' sweet red wine, thank ye kindly. ~Lady B
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