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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I remember that image! all under cover - albeit outside - of the overhang at the Holiday Inn. Awaiting the rain to subside a bit to attempt passage to the Bash. Attempt being the key word here, folks! Piccies are coming. Having some issues of my own (A bit under the weather, unforunately, and other things... No, no hangover, mates. I don't get hangovers. Never had one in my life.) So, uploading is taking a LOT longer than I hoped. Ahhh... Pete with Quint. Yeeessss... well, :::Clears throat::: no comment. Oh, and Sally was MIGHTY grateful that Quint's teeth was filed down, Pete. ~Lady B
  2. I sympathize with ye, depinux. That does suck. Especially torturing thyself with that long of college. OK... it's beyond a whine today, folks. I've utterly had it with work. They put some dumb arse in as the new general manager which I've been forewarned by other people he's screwed up with other restuarants. So, now I know why and how. I'm REALLY not feeling well, called in sick and he says I can't call in sick that I HAVE to come into work. Oh, I will and then bitch at them and quit! I've had it with this new manager! He looks worse than Billie's skunk ( and those who've seen Billie's puppet skunks knows thats very ugly)... yes, that's mean but damnit! I am SOOO tired of busting my arse off for them, coming in at a moment's notice and telling them to put me anywhere and give me more hours but what do they do? only increase my hours by 2 hours a week, don't do a thing other than call me in for downtown when someone's "sick"... ONCE.. only ONCE have I been recognized and given a bonus compared to others. The bonus is of the tips we receive. No, the tips are not divided at the end of the day but put into a pool to be given to whomever ends up to be the Employee of the Week. So, what tips I get... goes to someone else! again, I've had it!! So, off to find another job while working on my new business which is hurting cause of all this other BS that's been happening! Life's not fair, mates. I'm with Depinux at the moment... I wish I could just hop onto a boat and sail away and pillage, plunder, etc. I'm tired of being treated terribly! ~Lady B
  3. Aye... would be grand t' see ye, Micheal. :) And Kate as well. Since I missed meeting ye both at RF4. Would like to make an attempt to attend this event IF it's not overlapping with another event I am going to attempt to attend. Any more word on the Paynestown event? ~Lady B
  4. Oh my bloody freakin' God!!! Did someone get the liscense plate number of that festival that just stormed by?!!!??!?!!! WHOA! What a weekend!!! That went TOO fast... WAY too fast... end granted the storms didn't help out much with attendence. But we sure as hell made the best of it! BTW, all... PETE STRAW throws THE best Midwestern Hurricane Parties!!! I'll agree with ye on tradition, Cheeky! The storms didn't dampen our spirits any.... :::Looks at the rum::: Glad t' hear ye made it home safely. Took MerryD and I around 9 hours t' return t' Iowa. 3 hours we were stuck east of Madison due to all the roads covered with water and they were closed! We eventually got out of the mayhem. Oh, it was incredible fun t' see ye, Cheeky an' th' Archangel. What a grand crew. Oh, dear GOD! That Pirate's Choice is bloody wonderful!!!! LOL... Oh, I've some good pictures, too, Cheeky. I have a couple piccies t' pass off t' Flintlock Jack. Alas, I didn't get that one with Billie. Hahahaha.... Aye, bilge! Oh, you did fantastic this weekend in interaction! So.. umm... how is your family doing? Are they recovering well come Pete's Midwestern Hurricane Party? And thank ye. A great round of applause and standing ovation t' ye, Bilge! A great pirate ye be!!! Amanjira... :::hugs::: mate... we partied like the Devil in yo'r stead. Just means... plans to attend next year. Major kudos t' Sea Rover and Red Bess for their humble and undying dedication. Not even th' rain and lightning could dampen their spirits or strength in ensure the (already wet) items were safely packed away. Oh, we owe ye some rum and a fine feast! Hope t' see ye sooner than next year's Port Wash Fest... and definitely will see ye at Port Wash next year!!! Aye, Jack Madd... t'was a pity about the Parade (saved our poor feet though) but the scenarios did go fairly well (despite the chill an' th' fog on Sunday and m' pistol not wantin' t' fire at BOTH scenarios! Damnit! MerryD however, ... lucky lass! She got t' man (woman, actually) the cannon there!!!) But yes. OH, best had was Saturday when the Siren Test went off! LOL... the looks on everyone's faces!!! "Is that for real?!? Not again?!!!" Now, mind ye... that test around 1pm was just that... a test from what I understand. And what happened 3 hours later... the real thing was sounded off. Aye the bash was INCREDIBLE fun... even with the river running through the tent! And a good portion of us grabbing Chinese and eating Chinese at the Bash! No, of all things we did... we didn't drink (we did that earlier)... we ate... THEN we drank some more!!! T'was great t' see ye at Port Wash, Jack Madd! :) DEAN! Bounding Main had THE idea.... the inflaties!!! Well, guaranteed if we all were washed away, at least Bounding Main would be saved!!! Demon rum!??!?!!??!!!? Oh, blessed nectur of th' Gods it was!!! I've a few piccies from Pete's Midwestern Hurricane Party. We need to make this an annual event.. The Midwestern Hurricane Parties. Oh, and to TJ (I don't know if he's on th' Pub yet)... who was a FANTASTIC Jack Sparrow at the event and was VERY helpful (you wouldn't guess what his real profession is). Pity his wife was not able to make it but glad she's safe from all the tornados that roared through. STILL trying to clean off my black ink covered hands! NO!! I DON'T have t' Plague!!! Pictures are coming soon. And oh, what awesome pictures they are, too. Thank ye, to those who handled my camera well by NOT losing it in Lake Michigan. And taking WONDERFUL pictures when I was not behind the cam. Alas, I didn't get video. I should have though. Especially of Pete's Party! Oh... I need to go lay down as I am still recovering from this past weekend. ~Lady B PS - is Sterling walking around like an undead zombie pirate again? Offer more rum!!
  5. ::GASP!:::: I'm STUNNED! I can't believe no one posted this one yet! Well, granted this be a wee bit late but at least I be offerin' a Bday part here on the Pub fo' Morgan! Drinks all 'round.... carousin' and fun t' be had. Now... were be Mad Jack at? ::: Starts looking around for him::: There be rum cake... Happy belated Bday to ye, Mad Jack. How it was a grand one for ye. ~Lady B
  6. HEY! m' sister in arms from th' Lowlands! And a fellow fancier of Barbossa. Welcome back, lass. Aye, ye have been missed. :) Don have fun on vacation, lass. ~Lady B
  7. UGH!!! No more storms!!! Flooding here in Iowa already and more rain and storms on the way. Well, coolies, Bilge! Eager t' be creatin' some chaos and mayhem with ye as we all enjoy the live band. Oh, Dick Van Dyke, huh? Oh, good Lord. Should be good then. ~Lady B
  8. Well, now we can explain to Jack why the rum is gone... Bilgemunky has it! DJing this year at the Bash, Bilge? ~Lady B
  9. hope the new toaster is doing good, Hester. Welp, I'm beyond a Whine today. Wish I had the joy to even have a decent glass of wine but I'm in the dumps again. HAving major issues... again. Why? Tis not fair nor right by the laws of the universe to have THIS much trouble in one lifetime!!! Can't really blame anyone for my ignorance that which put me into the spot I'm in I suppose. I don't know. God help me ... for I DESPERATELY need it!!! like NOW! ~Lady B
  10. At the end of my rope.... and ready for the Locker. ~Lady B
  11. After Port Wash... ye'll become an UNDEAD pirate! Very wicked picture there of the boat shot. I'm droolin' and whimperin'! Lucky ye!! LOVE th' piccies... well, what pictures I did get t' view thus far. :) Awww... looks like ye all had SOOO much fun! I won't ask a thing about that one image of the lot of ye against the wall of a building with your backs to the camera. Great pics. Glad ye had a great time! Loving these stories! Keep 'em coming! ~Lady B
  12. Why thank ye, mates! Thank ye, Cheeky! Aye, a Lady has t' look her best.... even if she is a pirate. I'll have more and better pictures of it at Port Washington. ~Lady B
  13. Honestly, Bess... not sure... :::Shrugs::: He's suppose to give me a call and let me know. He's been rather a stick in the mud lately. So, hard to really say if the Kidd 'll come. ooo... thanks Cheeky! Weather sounds rather tolerable! Now... let's hope it stays nice!!! Just make sure NOT to stand too close t' Dogge! I'll stand away from ye with those radiation/ nuke bomb glasses. Can't wait! Making some final touches on my outfits. ~Lady B
  14. Apologies fo' th' double postin' it appears... Here's m' test picture of my new crimson coat (mind you it's not fully finished) and the crimson waistcoat. I'm less than satisfied with the waistcoat so will try and alter it before Port Washington. With the frock coat... I have yet to add on the embroidery down the front, the cuffs and the back slit.
  15. I t'was hopin' it was just a bit of maintainence. But in that weekend of no Pub... (no warning, either)... I felt some major Pub withdrawls! I missed this Pub, all th' threads, chattin' with ye guys. Of all that's out there (mighty boring compared t' this forum), this is THE hot spot an' th' Best! So glad was able to get onto it t'day. Aye, I was rather bummed out with no Pub all weekend long. ::: sits with Cutter::: Hi, Cutter. Yup, sit with th' rest of us addicted Pubbers. ~Lady B
  16. Bloody Davy Cash... Bloody Davy Cash... ::: is trying put the name with the face::: Awe... hell! Forget it! With m' poor memory.... Tis another day an' reason t' celebrate! Happy Bday to ye Cash! ~Lady B
  17. Aye! I'll toast t' that! May it be a great birthday for ye, Blackhearted Pearl! So... what are ye hopin' t' plunder? Or what are ye hopin' 'll be plundered fo' ye? Gold? Diamonds? Cabana boys? ~Lady B
  18. To a fantastic lass from th' deep south along th' ol' stompin' grounds o' th' pirates of ol'... here's to ye, Carmina! :::Brings in more casks and kegs and barrels:::: don't ask where I get them from. Oh.... yeah..... another cannon salute for ye, too. ~Lady B
  19. WOO HOO!!!! Oh, SO going to look forward t' seein' ye an' Flintlock again, Burke!!! SO excited! Shall see ye when ye roll in the, Bess! Can't wait! I am SOOOO excited, mates!!! :::Doing snoopy dances::: ~Lady B
  20. Saw images of Fort Wayne in the latest catelog from Jas. Townsend & Sons. Looks like a splendid place for any type of event! ~Lady B
  21. Here be many fantastic Bday wishes to Mad Matt! Hope ye had a grand time t'day on thy Birthin' day. And that ye obtained what treasures he fancy. Huzzah to ye, Matt! ~Lady B
  22. Very nice, th' both o' ye! Fine shot. ~Lady B
  23. Makes sense about the fish. The list on the first page of food sounds much like a normal Quartermaster list of rations from the Continenal Army during the Rev War. I know often there was a substitute since certain items were unobtainable. I won't eat fish. Can't stand it. Crabs, lobster, calamari... but not fish. What about calamari? or seaweed? perhaps some other unfortunate critter that was spotted on some isle or stretch of land from a deer and a boar to some paradise bird or turtle. I believe there is documentation on turtles as one of those possible choices? Obvious about the Buccaneers... the ones who poached and smoked. Now... I'm curious how th' devil one could have eaten raw meat on a vessel? As not all vessels had some make shift galley, aye? How would one cook raw foods? Course, some went without food for a while or very little of it until reaching a port and just going all out with their prize plunder and porking out on the local fare, aye? ~Lady B
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