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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Now.. looking more and more at some of these images and some of them supposedly templates (maybe) of attire from the era. I saw sashes on Gentlemen that were just barely around the hips, almost like some fancy loin cloth style it seemed. Loose fitting around the hips. Now.. how th' devil do they stay on? Surely they are not sewn to the outfit? Are they? Just trying to gain a better understanding of the attire from what images I've seen. ~Lady B
  2. Oooooo.... :::Drools::: Tempting! Very tempting! Though, m' gown not be finished. Nor do I have m' uniform any more as a Dragoon. I let the Legion have it for someone else t' use. If I go... I'd be dressed a some Gentlewoman durin' the Rev War era. Ooooh, amnesty! I wouldn't feel so bad wearin' somethin' NOT Renaissance if invited to wear somethin' that is not of the era. Again.... temptin'. Very temptin'. ~Lady B
  3. Well, I'll be... Congrats to ye both! An' may ye both enjoy yo'r Honeymoon and a blissful life t'gether. HUZZAH!!! ~Lady B
  4. A lovely happy Birthday to ye, Mae. Hope t' meet ye in th' future, lass. Now, did ye gets what ye wanted? ~Lady B
  5. Gosh I would love to do that, but I only ever heard from a few crews and I made them the best of deals and no one took me up on it. Pages cost money and I am willing to do it for the least possible. Let me know folks. I wanted to do more then a classified. I wanted to give classified prices for full color pictures. If we could get a handfull together we could make it a full page add for the crews of PyracyPub. That would rock. Hmmm... I know at this point, that's where it would fall short for me. As I personally can't afford an ad if it's paid. Perhaps in a few years from now if I do dues, but now... it would come out of my own pocket and the cost of an ad that's a couple hundred would just be too much for one issue or even three of them since it's a hobby, not something for profit. Someday perhaps, Matt. ~Lady B
  6. Three fort nights? Awww.... tis not THAT bad. Could be worse... could wait a bleedin' year! Or ne'er gets it at all! Welp... there be plenty t' add to a piratical magazine. There ne'er be any topic that is without it's moment o' glory. BTW, Matt.... I think ye mentioned somethin' 'bouts a page o' two devoted t' crews, like a classified ad or somethin' likes that? I know that No Quarter Given touches base on somethin' like this. Doin' something like's that a well? ~Lady B
  7. Checking in here. My sister is going to try and stay. It's a rented house and not as half bad as some closer to the river. But she's FINALLY started to get assistance via the Red Cross. So... if anyone is able and willing... PLEASE, donate to the Red Cross and state specifically it's for Cedar Rapids. Or even for Palo as the whole town was under water. This town is closer to the nuclear power plant than we are. Please, do help out. I know friends of my sister and my niece and nephew who pretty much lost everything in this flood and it's heartbreaking. We are checking up on them and again, the Red Cross has been helpful in passing out food to the hard hit areas and even now giving some money. Cause it'll take months to see any of that promised FEMA money. Many families need that money now for a place to stay, for some help in getting another vehicle (as most of them were washed down river literially), clothes, etc. My sister lost some clothes especially winter clothes, some of the kids' toys especially my niece' Cabbage Patch Doll, the washer and dryer, the water heater the furnace. Now, luckily the Landlord will help out with this and replace those things... but she'll be staying with me for a while at least a week or two more. Depending upon how quickly the Inspectors and all will move their butts cause she wants to move back home. The girls have been down in Washington, Iowa for three weeks now. my nephew is down there, too. I wish I could get pictures of the devastation down here... but NO picture could EVER give hint as to the devastation. It's unbelieveable. I'm in awe everywhere I go and practically in tears as to how bad it got. Shayla's family's house... it's standing... just barely. They lost everything... and are trying to salvage what they can but it's not much. Many of the homes will be bulldozed cause they are that bad. And that goes with some businesses and other buildings, too. Flood soaked trash line the streets and yards that you can't see much of anything else but that flood soaked mangled junk that use to be priceless possessions, furniture, toys and even antique heirlooms. Some homes the closer you go to the river have spray painted on them a big red X and "NO ENTRY" on the door. It's rather sad. The stench here is incredible when you get close to that area especially. I can't go cause I start to react now. You aren't suppose to go into those areas now without a mask if that gives hint. We are not hearing from people who are from out of state coming in to help us who have worked on the devastated areas by Katrina... they are comparing us to Katrina now.. and saying we are worse! Oh, that's bad! The police here are getting help from other Iowa police like Lisbon and Central City but also from Nebraska and Minnesota (St Paul for sure as they have sent a good number of police officers down) plus state troopers and even firefighters as our own local police, firefighters and sheriff have to deal with cleaning up their stations since they were hit bad by the floods. Again, I would write parctically a novel's worth of pages on all that's been hit. Again, not just residential, but lots of businesses, churchs and a historical mosque, charities, museums, a library, antique stores and historical areas, Ushers Ferry, parks, a hospital, schools, city buildings and offices, emergency and law enforcement, banks, etc.... so much devastation... so much area of land that was amazingly covered. As the statement I've seen spray painted on several doors: GOD HELP US! ~Lady B
  8. I LOVE BBQin'! And m' neighbor LOVES t' smoke! Gonna have t' look into this Buccaneer BBQ sauce. Eager t' try it now. I do a mean BBQ beans, mates with whatever sauce I demeem worthy. Alrighty.... gonna hunt it down. ~Lady B
  9. Clothing be a rather touchy issue as we've seen on the Pub. Do we REALLY want to touch on that subject? Granted, giving thumbs up and thumbs down on certain products and sutlers would be great. I've a few whom I recommend, Jas Townsend I have noticed a lot of non-authentic pirates usually forward folks to obtain their items from them. Looking forward to the magazine. I usually check the local Barnes and Noble. They are getting good at picking up and carryin' the magazine now. And what they get usually goes quickly! Hmmm.... there be pirates in the area. Ooo.. opportunity! ::: Folding hands over one another with an evil look and evil laugh:::: Anyone doing an article on Port Washington Pirate Fest? Besides, that's how I learned about Port Wash was through a magazine... No Quarter Given. All the more to entice more to come for next year (and hopes of better weather, too). ~Lady B
  10. Now... I've not had th' pleasure o' meetin' ol' Slappy yet... but, he's a well known name. I'd be a fool t' not be wishin' 'im a fine piratical Bday. So here be t' Cap'n Slappy. A happy an' wonderful belated Bday to 'im. Hope he was able t' plunder what he wanted and desired. ~Lady B
  11. Oh, good lord! There be another Bday! We'll all be blood drunk fo' sure! Here be hopes of a grand birthday fo' ye, Matusalem. Hope ye gots what ye wanted. And if ye didn't... there's always plunderin' it. Happy Birthday, mate. ~Lady B
  12. Oooo... tis his Birthday?!? My goodness! Welp, happy belated blessed pirate birthday to ye, Croaker. :) tis always a grand pleasure t' be crossing paths with ye at events. May we see ye at more in th' future. Huzzah t' ye. and I pray ye had a grand pirate Birthday, mate! ~Lady B
  13. Aye, haven't seen much o' him o' Blue Mermaid. But I am always tossing off prayers and best wishes to them both. So here it be fo' thee, Blackfoot.... may ye have another blessed year fill with joys an' laughter an' may all thy woes we washed away. Here's to ye, Blackfoot. We miss ye, mate. And have a fantastic, grand happy Birthday. ~Lady B
  14. I've found some fabric at Goodwill often enough times that I've made a full proper Gentlewoman's polonaise from period style fabric. One can occassionally find fabric one can make a waistcoat out of. That is if you are handy with sewing or know someone who is. Also, watch local fabric stores. They often will run discounts on fabric and sometimes you can get fabric REAL cheap like a dollar or $2 a yard or three. Cottons or waistcoat fabric material or even for breeches. Wal Mart I've found some awesome fabrics there, too. I'm in the process of making some waistcoats to sell based on some discount fabric from Wal Mart and local fabric stores. Shoes... I've found occassionally some shoes that would be possible to convert into 17th or 18th c footwear. I have a pair of medium tan men's shoes I'm in the process of converting into 17th c footwear. Size 12 or 13 I believe as they look like clown shoes on my feet and I don't have small feet. Watch for belts. Sometimes you will find a belt buckle that is piraty and you can find a strip of leather or something cheap at a fabric store or a belt at a thrift store that is long enough or combine two belts to make one long one. Scarves I've found a good many of them that can be bandanas.... a few as sashes. Hats... I've often found a straw hat or two at these places and not all that hard to convert into a cocked hat or something else. Jewelry, if you fancy to go that route,... is easy as occassionally ye find something that looks period enough. One can find accessories occassionally, too. Silver plates, some mug, or brass candle holders, I even found a period lantern and quill pens at Goodwill! Sometimes even a cheap, somewhat period looking chair or table. Lots to find there if you know what your are looking for. ~Lady B
  15. :::le sigh::: I'm rather pissed at the moment. My sister's dirty bag of a lowlife f***ing "husband" got drunk as hell and well, I'll spare ye the details of all that he did. But what pisses me off most that I will tell ye here.... is he took of with a bottle of Pirate's Choice key Lime rum and drank the damn thing!!! I'm pissed cause I promised to give that bottle of key lime rum to Greg down in Kansas City when next we crossed paths. Now, I'm hoping that I will be reembursed that bottle so I can give it to Greg. I've demanded in return a case of the Key Lime be reembursed to me. We shall see how it goes. But I'm severely pissed with all this a**hole did just after I opened up my home to him and my sister since they were flooded out of their home. Gee... a nice thanks I get! Piss all over the couch and carpet, screaming like a mad man and drunk as hell after taking off with a bottle of Pirate's Choice Key Lime rum that's intended for someone else! Oh, yeah, I REALLY want to kill him right now. I'm too damn civil. I need a swift escape from the US before I kill the sad excuse of a bastard. ~Lady B
  16. Ooopppsss. Sorry I missed out, Duchess. But happy belated Birthday to ye, lass. Hope ye had a grand one filled with adventure, excitement, romance and treasure! :) ~Lady B
  17. :angry: Interesting. Will have to try that sometime. Sounds like an interesting drink. Aye, Pirate's Choice is great! And yes, is longer lasting with the punch! good God did we learn that one at Port Wash! And oh, dear Lord did Pete throw a hell of a Midwestern Hurricane Party. Many, many thanks to the 3 cases of PC rum. I procured two bottles (one Key Lime, one Molasses). I honestly liked them both. I know there's a third out there of the straight clear stuff. All in all, it packs a punch! Welp, here's t' hoping one will be able to obtain it in due time. ~Lady B
  18. bloody hell! T'was Greg's Bday, too? Oh, well th' hell have I been! :::Runs over to MySpace to wish Greg a belated Happy Bday:::: Glad ye had fun with yo'r mates. Nothin's more fun than that. ...... Well, aye, somethin' could always be more fun.. but, ye know what I mean. ~Lady B :angry:
  19. Ahoy, Captain. Welcome to th' Pub. No finer place online fo' pirates. Sit a spell, enjoy th' comradery, carouse and I'll be havin' some Pirate's Choice Key Lime rum, if ye please. Thanks mate. :angry: Troubles b'fore, eh? tsk tsk... can't have that now. Well, here's t' hopes those troubles be gone. ~Lady B
  20. Yes, the flood waters went a lot higher than predicted. By the time the new crest height was released, it was too late for most businesses and homes. Don't know if anyone could have prepared for this. It came so swiftly and more water than predicted and expected. The prayers are helping. I guess, if anyone wants updates or to see about donations or something (there will be a LOT of people in need of stuff and money very soon), check out KCRG Channel 9 online or Corridor Recovery are the best places to go to to get info on what's needed and where to donate. There will soon be a lot of people in need as many people lost homes. Some haven't a job as the floods have left them unemployed, some... it's both! And I know there are several police and firefighters who have lost their homes in the flood zones, too. The police station is still unable to be occupied and ditto with the main Fire Station... again, ditto with the Linn County Sheriff station that was directly under Interstate 380. And many of them have been running on 12 to 18 hour days on average dealing with people attempting to sneak back into the quarentine areas, threatening and raising tempers with them, even come close a couple times to a riot. Those who have lost it all and give more than anyone else needs our help the most. FEMA has promised ONLY up to $28k per household. And for many, that won't be enough for many who have lost their homes. And it's a guarantee that there will be many homes and businesses that will be demolished but not many rebuilt cause many won't have the money for it. Cedar Rapids was struggling before. This flood just makes it worse. ~Lady B :angry:
  21. MerryD got it up there in Waterloo before we got it down here in Cedar Rapids. I knew it was horrible when downtown Waterloo was evacuated, closed and flooded! What was predicted to be the record flood crest of 24.5 by Friday actually crested at 31.12 feet! And flood stage in Cedar Rapids is 14 ft. It's insane! Yes, but although on a hill, the flash flooding did NOT help at all these past few days. Just made matters worse. Now the waters are receeding. Despite more high waters coming down. But more and more video of both sides of the river are coming in and I tell ye... seeing businesses and homes that belong to family and friends... it's heartbreaking. Tempers are short and there are threats of rioting as people want to go back to their homes... now! But the Strike Team needs to go in the inspect each home before people are allowed to their homes just to assess the damage. The city is practically crippled... but it's still up and moving. Limping bad, but it's still moving. ADM and Rockwell Colins are the only two major companies that are not shut down... but they have been forced to reduce usage of water hence meaning few employees going to work. Some can't get to work due to the only bridge still being threatened to close if the bridge for the trains gives way as there are at least 2 dozen house boats slammed up against the bridge for Quaker Oats. If that gives way, those boats slam into the 5 and 1 dam and that dam is connected to Interstate 380 which is the ONLY route open to connect Cedar Rapids. Again, it's been a challenging few days. FINALLY got to take a shower today as the water capacity rose to 50 %... but we are expecting that to drop to critical again cause you KNOW people will not conserve like they are being asked to still do. Keep the prayers coming. That's all anyone can do. Tempers need to mellow and prayers for patience for all is desperately needed. Don't need the situation to get any worse than it is now. A city wide riot is NOT what we need right now. And as for MerryD... she's mighty lucky, too. I think the both of us are counting out lucky stars in this latest catastrophe. I never thought I'd see anything worse than the floods of 1993. Oh, boy was I wrong! ~Lady B
  22. Yes, Cheeky. Cringe and cry. Last I heard of reports of Usher's Ferry... it wasn't good. But I don't know. No one has been able to get to Ushers Ferry. And I know there are a good number of CR citizens stranded that way. Poor things. Rumba Rue set up a Thread under the Beyond Piracy section. I did a little update there. Having finally been able to pop on after a couple days of attempting with no luck due to communication lines so busy. Even my sister and I have had troubles with our cell phones. It's incredibly unbelieveable and unimaginable. But, yes, I don't think it's good for Usher's Ferry at all. Thanks to all for yo'r prayers. Water is rather rocky but barely stable for drinking at least. Anything else is out of the question. MerryD and I have been trying our best to remain in contact as Waterloo got hit just as bad as Cedar Rapids did. So... I know the water is still high up north, too, with recent rains further north. That's all coming down this way... again. It's making us all cringe. Even with all the rains and storms lately. It's been quite the challenge here in Iowa... that's for sure. To all I saw at Port Wash... Thanks for the fun time. :) Granted now I haven't had the time to work on pictures or even consider recalling the event. But pictures of Port Wash and also of the Flood will be put up soon enough. MadL... Christine... and everyone else. Hugs to you all. Oh, the challenges in life. What interesting ones that come our way for sure and break us to be humble and know humility and be incredibly meek. Hang in there, Christine. Syren... I'm with MerryD... hide the body. But for now... this exhausted lady need some rest to deal with another day in the flood prone world of Cedar Rapids. God help us as there are suppose to be storms off and on on Sunday. NOT what we need. May go out to help with the animals who are flood victims, too. Many of them left behind. Poor things. ~Lady B
  23. :::Trudges in::: Hi, Rumba. :::hugs::: Thank ye for the concern. I've not been able to pop online for a couple days due to the communication lines so tied up around here. And was helping my sister out. I'm fine. For now. Eventhough the river is quite literially a little over a hundred yards from me. I'm up on a hill and remain untouched by the river waters. However, I nearly was blocked in on Thursday with flash flooding. Not fun. The flash flooding only made the matter worse. My sister got lucky as only her basement was flooded. So, today, the waters receeded enough for her to go back in with a generator (no power) and bilgepumps to pump out the yuck water. Now... to give you a scope of the situation mates... my sister lives nearly a mile and a half from the river! Yes, it flooded that far! Dalton's classmate's (Tanner) family's home was flooded up to the second floor. We spotted it on Friday morning when the local news station (KCRG) did a boat tour of the neighborhood. We couldn't believe it. Lots of landmarks we saw and never really thought would be underwater ever! Hailey's friend's family's home is completely underwater we know that for sure as they are 2 blocks from the levy... or what was once the levy. A friend of mine has a candy and chocolate store downtown next to the historic Paramount. And cringing at both her store and the paramount as the Paramount is just absolutely gorgeous and was recently restored, too. But, my friend's store was submerged... which is generally 8 feet so, that was just absolutely heartbreaking to see. As well as the small store downtown of the BBQ I worked for... that wee store is gone. The Saddle and Leather shop across the river in Czech Village was submerged. I don't think they got everything out of there cause when I drove past the Saddle and Leather shop on Wed evening, there was still stuff inside. And talked to my Aunt Jolene yesterday (drove out there to see here, check up on her as she's a mile from the Resevour that's severely flooding) and it was hellish getting out to her and just about as bad getting back. So many detours I had to take as Interstate 380 was closed between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City for a week now at least due to the flooding of the Resevour. heard from Aunt Jolene that Marc's (Cousin Julie's husband) Business is underwater. They got what they could out but not enough. Cousin Frankie with his Wife Abby and Moline (adorable little girl they adopted from China) are trapped and cannot leave their location as North Liberty is flooded, can't go north as the Resevour is 2 miles north from them and Iowa City is flooded and closed period! So, they are closed in generally. Luckily my nieces (Hailey and Sydney) are down in Washington away from all these floods with my mom. This is NOT the place for them right now. A stroke of luck they were already down there before this happened. So... right now... the river is receeding, but still cringing as there are lots more raining up north thats swelling the rivers again and coming down this way. But won't make it as bad as it is now... just keep the levels where they are for a longer time. Which will inhibit the clean up process. Many people chose not to leave so we shall see who really survived... unfortunately. Many pets were just absentmindedly left behind even when authorities told people to take their pets with them. Already, there is one "unofficial" death they are calling as related to the flood. But it's not a drowning. Apparently attributing the death of a 59 yr old woman to some health condition caused by the flood. But they will find out for sure tomorrow from the autopsy results. I'll have pictures of it soon when I get the chance to get back online. I admit, I'm surprised I got on this evening. My comp is running slow and I know it's cause of the communication lines are generally busy. Send LOTS of prayers, mates. Not sure what money will do right now. I know FEMA is hauling in water. Hopefully it will be enough. Cause good, clean water is at a critical here and might not have good water at all to use by Tuesday. MerryD is an hour north of me. And Waterloo has been hit pretty hard, too. And despite her recent surgery and troubles... she's being so kind to bring down more water. I've used 3 gallons of water today for just washing cookware alone. We are forced to use disposible stuff but even the trash bins are filling up outside as no one has been able to pick it up in a few days due to the flood waters. And I've caught a couple Dumpers, too. So... it's not rather pretty. National Guard has been awesome. I can't stress enough how they have been just incredible. But moreso... the local law enforcement and emergency services. The Police have been relocated to the Ice and Hockey Arena as the Police station is surrounded by water and possibly the first floor of the police station is flooded. The main fire station and the Linn county sheriff station has been under water generally. The sheriff station is just below the interstate 380 roadway.... and the water almost reached the bottom of the interstate...and that's pretty high! Like, at least two stories!!! I know for sure that there have been some police and firefighters who lost homes in this flood. Iowa City is getting hit hard now, too. University of Iowa is being threatened by the flood waters. There is no way that the water can be contained at the resevour at all. It's rushing over the spillway. This is only the second time in history that water has rushed over the spillway. It's quite the sight to see. that's for sure. Yes, folks... if they have been showing pictures on the news or local papers.... it's all true. It's a dire and unimaginable situation. Truly a catastrophe in which all of us are wondering when will the water receed and can we really recover from this? Surely everyone is keeping in good spirits and optomistic in ensuring that Cedar Rapids will recover from this devastating flood. Will most assuredly go down in the record books as THE worst flood. And we thought the floods of '93 were bad. The floods of '93 pale in comparison. We all honestly never thought we'd see a flood like this. The floods of '93 was the 100 yr floods. This is the 500 yr floods. I don't even WANT to see a 1,000 year flood! Keep us all in your prayers... especially the local law enforcement. We've been lucky to have very little injuries and no fatalities (yet, one has yet to be confirmed as flood related but it's not a drowning). So... I'm fine Rumba. Just in desperate need of a shower! Hate this water restriction. Sis, family and friends are fine. But damages will be a definite when the water totally receeds. Pictures will come soon of the flooding, too. It's quite the sight, folks. ~Lady B
  24. Aye, Jill. Tis true. I've had it with the place. Job hunting tomorrow in what limited locale I can go to. Considering I'm blocked into a certain area of town now due to the flood waters. And what little job hunting I do will later turn into whatever extra efforts is needed by volunteers. Exhausted and tired having done some stuff today, helping a friend out with her downtown store and just spontaneously helping someone sandbag near their home. Just waiting for my sister and her hubby and son (Dalton) to show up at my door cause they are suppose to be evacuating. Was helping them out earlier, too. Pissed off with work now, again, as I told them this morning I doubt I will be able to make it in today or even tomorrow with the flood waters blocking my routes to work. The only other route is the interstate (which goes directly over the dam) and it's backed up most of the time with traffic. That's the only way to get from the west side to the east side and vice versa. All the other bridges are closed and other routes closed. I wasn't about to risk the possibility of not getting home. Let alone I wasn't about to go way out of my way to attempt to get on the interstate and try to get to work which would take me nearly an hour to work for two hours! Screw that! they aren't doing a thing about the downtown store at all and will lose it all, too. And ... oh,... I get home this evening to find my counter and the carpet in the kitchen all covered in wine! One of my wine bottles exploded while I was gone to help my sister out. Grrr.... that wasn't fun. I liked that wine, too. So... phone is beside my bed. Ready to open up my place to my sister as need be and race there to move things as needed. At the moment... I'm going to get what sleep I can. Cause tomorrow is going to be another flooding day from hell! ~Lady B
  25. Ouch, sorry to hear about the Achillies tendon, Tradewind. :::hugs to Cheeky::: what happened now? :::another hugs to MerryD:::: Ransom and Rumba... those both sound VERY good. Welp... I'm exhausted. Finally recovered from the Port Wash event this past weekend. But NOT prepared at all for what's happening here. I didn't go to work cause I had NO clue if I would be able to get back home. Glad I didn't go (despite they are pissed that I didn't) cause yes, all but two bridges are closed! The main route I take is closed due to the flood waters. The alternate route I take is also closed off. The only other way is for me to go further south, down and around, come up and get onto I-380 and deal with LOTS of traffic (since it's the only route to get from the west side to the east side and vice versa), generally an hours worth of crap for two pathetic hours of work. I don't think so. Won't justify the gas I have to blow. Plus, I helped out a friend who's store is threatened downtown by the approaching waters. Moved everything up onto the second and third floors. Sandbags were already put out front. While attempting to get into downtown to drop off boxes for her and leave, I took what pictures I could. It was absolute hell! Waters blocking roads faster than the police could catch up. And what does everyone do? Come down town to sight see! Oh, pissed me off when I'm trying to get back down town with boxes as they were getting wet with some most rain! Did a bit of unexpected sandbagging as I and Dalton walked a couple blocks to the levy (having parked at a gas station that's sandbagged and moved a lot of stuff out earlier). The levy seemed to hold for now. But was being compromised in other areas. So, while leaving the levy, assisted some folks who rushed up with sandbags to attempt to stop or hold back the gushing water that was springing up from the storm drains. Maybe a futile effort but it actually somewhat helped. The waters were already up to the foundation of their home cause of the storm drain that was overlooked. And the downtown store of the BBQ place I work for is NOT being sandbagged or anything. So, guaranteed, that store will be a loss as there is at least 4 feet of water yet to go on the river and that will cause the water to go over the levies and cement walls into all the areas. They are calling this the 500 year flood. My sister is suppose to evacuate. It's not a full mandetory, but it's not voluntary either. It's kinda in between. She's near the edge of the evacuation point but within the bounds and will risk remaining until the police come knocking upon her door to tell her to leave immediately. In which she'll come here since I'm closer and I'm on higher ground (despite I'm just over a hundred yards away from the river). She's suppose to call me when she's on her way over. She better get out of there. Cause last I saw, the waters were around 2 feet deep on average and the closest was about 3 or 4 blocks away from her. Especially if the levies are being compromised and leaking... she better get her bum out of there. Luckily, the girls (Hailey and Sydney) are an hour away down south with mom and John and no where near in danger. Cause otherwise the girls would be freaking out. So... generally exhausted from the day. And another day tomorrow. Going job hunting (where I can get to) and possibly going down to the public works to help with efforts and/or sandbagging if it's needed. Sandbagging is only helping to slightly minuimize the damage. But not halting the damage at all. It's too late for a lot of areas already. Waterloo (MerryD's town) has been hit hard. Vinton (north of Cedar Rapids, south of Waterloo) has been hit hard and without power. Palo is under a mandetory full city evacuation. And the water is flowing over the Coralville Spillway for the second time ever! This is worse than 1929 and 1993. And again.... more rain and storms and waters from up north on the way. We need a ship here. Seriously... we need a ship now! ~Lady B
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