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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Let's hope you don't get laid off, Silas. Ye know... worse comes to worse... we could just sign up and all be shipmates on the Royaliste. ~Lady B
  2. Good God. Glad to know you are alright, Michael. Sorry to hear about the vehicle though. Still that's a bummer, almost paid off, too. Her car is bad, but yo'rs... wow. Ok, if they don't write it off as totalled and expect it to be repaired, someone has a screw loose! Um, the damage is pretty obvious in the pic. :) Yo'r van looks just like the one my parents have and.. yeah, I can tell what's out of place already. They better total it so you can have a replaced vehicle, mate. But again, glad you are alright and what a bummer about the van. ~Lady B
  3. The morning sun bathed the Caribbean in tropical warmth with a few clouds here and there while a brisk breeze from the southeast ruffled up the gorgeous blues of the sea in steady waves that would a ship couldn't help but roll just ever so slightly or occasionally. Men scurried about the deck as well as up and down the rigging, a sail taken in, a line secured, an order by the coxwain, chuckling from below that echoed with pounding by the carpenter. A tall lad stood next to the bowsprit for a moment gazing ahead before shuffling off to the right, leaning over the railing of the bow as a man tossed in a rope line to get bearings ensuring NOT to run aground a sand bar hidden underwater. Straightening up he glanced up at those in the rigging then to the main deck as a man came up from below and another trotted down from the quarter deck after conversing with the tall, stocky man that stood there before the helm. The helm being manned by only one right now. One step infront of the other, he left the forecastle at the bow of the ship and made his way aft along the starboard side of the main deck waving around two men before he came to the foot of the steps to the quarter deck. "Inform th' Captain Port Royal is within sight," a deep, burly but velvety voice came from above as the young man looked up stopping in his tracks seeing Graves standing at the top of the steps looking down at him. Apparently Graves had seen Kidd cross the main deck and took advantage to make the young lad useful. After a second of letting that order sink into his head, the teenage boy Davey Kidd nodded, "Aye," almost reluctant and trying not to sound like he really didn't want to do this. He would anyway. Turning from the steps he shifted to his right to the ornate double doors and knocked upon them three times. Pausing , waiting to be allowed in. "Enter!" a muffled voice replied. Instead of opening both doors, he only opened the one and slipped inside to a cabin that didn't really stretch the width of the vessel. It would if it weren't for the side cabin on the right and the side cabin on the left. The cabin was rather ornate and finely decorated with persian rugs, sturdy furniture such as a cabinet on the back left and a small secretary like cabinet on his immediate right against a bulkhead wall. A large square table slightly off to the right, the right wall decoritively dotted with weapons displayed like trophies siezed one way or another from opponents - swords and pistols of various sorts. Along with those weapons the walls were dotted with figures that stuck out functioning as candle holders with mirrored backs. The figures were of sirens, horses, cherubs on a wall of ordinary moldings. The ceiling was carved of God and Lucifer battling it out with Christ upon a horse leading the Heavenly Hosts and the Archangels Michael and Gabriel clobbering demons. Silver and brass candlelabras in various places in the cabin, along with a small chest or container of sorts. Something decorative with something functional. The cabin usually left Kidd in awe, amazed at how his Aunt now lived. As his eyes diverted forward again from looking around the cabin, his blue-ish gray eyes landed upon a middle-aged woman sitting at the table with a log book underhand writing into it dressed in a white-ish plain shirt, light blue velveteen breeches and matching cotton stockings, black shoes with big black ribbon bows. Her long slightly curly hair pulled back away from her face with a black ribbon. Nex to the table was a man standing. Average and thin, same height as Kidd, not all that finely dressed with his hair pulled back by a simple strip of leather 'string'. "-ossible. D'pendin' upon tha merchants if they sought what we 'ave." Warren Wyldes informed the woman seated at the table then looked up to see Kidd standing there. And generally refrained from saying anything more. A few more 'scribbles' in the log book done by the woman before her eyes lifted upon to lock upon Kidd. "Yes, Davey?" as a brow lifted ever so slightly. "Graves, uh, had me come to tell you that we are near Port Royal," Kidd said. A moment's of nothing before the log was quill in the woman's hand was returned to it's ceramic holder and the ink holder lid closed, followed by the log book closed. "We 'll figure it out once we've dropped anchor, Wyldes. Doubt th' Merchants 'll pass up what we have t' offer." She smiled. Then turned to Kidd, "Go inform Smalls to get to th' helm," she told her nephew in a mellow voice, giving the lad a barely noticeable smile. After all, he was her nephew. But if ne didn't know it, one would swear the boy was her son; she treated him like a son. The lad nodded and left the cabin. Wyldes left the cabin following Kidd. Grabbing hold of a simple linen/cotton justacorp and slipping it on, she picked up the spyglass and left the cabin.
  4. Thanks, Thomas. I like this map above all the others... shows the forts and gives a wee bit more detail. ~Lady B
  5. Lady Anastazia "Ana" Elisabeth de Kalb Barbossa Late 40-ish in appearance Born to a blacksmith and a merchant's daughter, growing up with a hidden desire for adventure. The girl became a Lady whom fortune was not normality, but a path of mystery. Forced from the familiarity of home into the midst of war. To survive, she had to hide in plain sight. From Gentlewoman to Dragoon, she soiled her hands with the blood of many. From Dragoon to captive of a British Colonel who was her enemy only to become his Fiancee. From Fiancee to mourn the Colonel's demise to Adventuress of the New World. From Adventuress to Harem Slave. From Slave to an Apprentice under Big Ben Copper, a friend and mentor. From an Apprentice of a Privateer to a mysterious Pirate Lady and Beloved of a man Hell hath spat out. The Resurrection A elegantly haunting bloody crimson and charred black hull, elaborately carved with figures of Gods, mythical beings and ghastly images giving the appearance to some a vessel of legend. Masts are charred black with hints of red claimed to be blood. The sails are deep crimson some swear has been soaked blood. The charred figurehead of a skeletal woman Angel rising from the flames of Hell with the left hand outstretched towards it's prey as though in desperation to grab it while the other holds a blackened heart. Incorporating sweeps plus fully rigged; square and fore-and-aft sails with studding sail, to ensure it's speed to reach it's destination if necessary, be it near or far, be it a prize or a port or means to escape danger. The crew is a hodgepodge of murderers, thieves and misfits. All doomed and damned by God or the Law. Marks on their body from narrow brushes with death. Each one of them the epitomy of the 7 Deadly Sins. Benjamin Graves The First Mate of the Resurrection, Graves is a tall, stocky man in his early-50's with long, curly salt & pepper hair in the current fashion, wearing mostly neutral colored fashion almost similiar to a Quaker. Andre Louis Moultrie Moultrie looks like a foppish Courtier but is a sensable and mostly quiet Gentleman, far more masculine than he appears. Average height, thin build. He's the Navigator and does his job well. Nicholas Siege A young man in his late-20's, Siege perhaps is the most energetic and outspoken man aboard. He's never afraid of getting into some fight, better if it's a sea battle. After all, he is the Master Gunner. Don't let his pretty boy looks fool you; dirty blonde and cool eyes, of average height and build. Prideful but he will never cross nor anger Graves. He knows better. William Grey Quartermaster of the ship, he's a cold, hard man trying to pass off as a stuffy Gentleman. But wouldn't hesitate to betray. He's kept in line by constant reminders - silent or otherwise - by Graves, if not by Ana and Locke. He a tall, thin man with steel blue eyes and dark curly hair in a fashionable style, dressing as fashionable as possible to try and exude himself as better than others. Jonathan Locke One of those men who is by the book so to speak. Former soldier in His Majesty's Army, Locke is a pretty stiff and humorless man it seems. He does have his days, but he's usually serious. War hardened him like it did with many others. His role is the Master At Arms. Thomas Cryer Good with the crew, hard when he needs to be, but rather calm and encouraging. Hard to come by men like him. Average and lanky with a dark mop upon his head, part Asian in appearance. He's no fashionable person by any means. As long as it's functional. As Boatswain, he does a good job. Perkeo Flarg One who enoys life and he's not afraid to show it. Average and stout, he's also good with the crew. Modest man he be, refusing to be Boatswain but would contently be the Coxwain. All in all, he does his job well. Matthew "Smalls" Toeffen Toeffen gained his nickname by the questionable ladies while in some port. And somehow, it stuck! A fun loving gent, he's too fun loving. Definitely loves his rum and has been known to sneak away a bottle or few. Which usually does NOT settle well with the Captain. All in all, he's the power to handle the massive helm of the ship and takes his duty as Helmsman seriously... well, as seriously as he can be. Davey Kidd Ana's young nephew. Somehow the lad found his Aunt and joined the crew. By no means a wee thing, he's a tall, stout lad and a heart for adventure. Other crew members possibly mentioned: Shun Li, Jeremy Keyez, Siam Ranjit, Abdulaziz, Colt, Nat, Havana, Umbangu, Nkunda, Marco, Duarte, Warren Wyldes, Takoda, Aaron Pontier, Izrael Sef, Kumar al-Shad, Joaquin, Jacob Younger, Timothy Younger, Joe Patch, Olsen "Ol" Mann, Devlin, Dirks Maberly, "Lefty" McPherson, Hackett, Redd FYI - I please ask that you do NOT take on or post these character unless you have my permission. Please? ~Lady B
  6. Bastian! Miss thee. :) Shall indeed look forward to fun alongside with ye, Red Bess and many others. ~Lady B
  7. Salamagundi or even a salad, either way... post yo'r recipes of how ye make yo'r favorite salads. Be it cold or hot. ~Lady B
  8. Anyone see th' episode with the Black Swan battle with the Spanish Government? I missed that one unfortunately. ~Lady B
  9. Welcome to th' Pub, Mr McLaren. Tis a pleasure t' have ye here. Now ye'll make many here happy with two rounds. That's a guarantee. Shall look forward t' seein' some of yo'r shipmates and conversin' with ye all about the Pub. So... how's 'bout m' first drink from thee bein' some Pirates's Choice Molassas Reef Rum. The second 'll be Irish Cream with Tequila Rose. Do tell us more 'bout ye, sir. And yo'r crew. ~Lady B
  10. I saw, Ransom. :) Awesome. I be one oldie returning. Was in the story at the very beginning when it was started by Hurricane. Then I had the Lady leave via her ship. So... she'll be returning. I think the last time she was there, all hell broke loose and someone important died. Shall post soon enough. I'll get a wee bio up of her and the Crew of the Resurrection as well. People are more than welcome to come to Port Royal aboard the Resurrection if they wish. Do let me know though. I'll be posting soon. ~Lady B
  11. So... this be th' Official, Formal intro, eh? All be forgiven, Jon. None t' worry. Though I would worry about th' floggin' at Blackbeards. Tis not Blackbeard himself ye should worry 'bouts... but Sterling! I'll have some mild red wine thank ye. (eventhough I shouldn't have it) ~Lady B
  12. Yeah, heard about that. CR is mourning his loss. He played for the CR Kernels before moving to the major league. Tragic. ~Lady B
  13. Christine, Morgan... hope the Doctors don't give you the run around any more. Glad ye be doin' better, Syren. :) ~Lady B
  14. Hehehehe... don't feel bad, Silas. Doing the same with reworking the crimson velvet frock of mine. Time consuming but they look good when finished nicely. ~Lady B
  15. I'm interested. Still not sure how the Lady will swing back to Port Royal. Easy to bring her to Port Royal via a ship... but to go from there... I guess we shall see. And why she is there is the tough question. Still debating this. As to starting over... ehh, I think this is like a Soap Opera... it's just continuous and on going... new characters enter some die off or disappear or leave... sometimes they come back... I say just keep it going... just... intro new characters in with the current characters and the current storyline. ~Lady B
  16. Things are never black and white, are they? Always gray, never truly defined, etc. Hopefully somethin' 'll come up, Sea Rover. I know, not really what one wishes to hear. I'm told that too many times, too. MadL, what do ye mean EDD? Some of what ye've mention be offered around. I usually hear about it too late unfortunately. I've no resources left any more and no more unemployment. Here's to hopes that are getting rid of people aren't laying them off just to get more money and be greedy bastards! ~Lady B
  17. Oy! Jim.. ye rest up and be careful. Blood thinners are no laughing matter that's fo' sure. Don't be pushin' yo'rself. And don't let anyone else push ye either. Rest up mate. Glad t' have ye back with us. And have those doctors keelhauled!!! I'm beginning to find doctors more and more USELESS!!! Ye had angels about ye, Jim, that's fo' sure. Appendix is not something ye want to test and prod.... not from what I've seen. People die within a couple days at most from such. Again, those doctors need to be keelhauled! And again, glad ye be back with us. I'd offer ye rum, but not a good idea with the thinners and stuff he be gettin'. ~Lady B
  18. Still stuck in SD, Captain? Hehe, good Lord! After hearin' what they've got up there. I have to admit, rather glad to hear all that along the red river won't come this way. But still leary nonetheless. ~Lady B
  19. Some way we can have this pinned? I've always got plenty of stuff to be rid of. Eventually will put something up here. ~Lady B
  20. Awesome, Jon! Will keep this in mind. :) Thank ye. Oh, I'm sure they'll work, James. Worry more about the amount of grains ye have. Hehehehe, otherwise ye'll have a big BOOM, blast leaves off th' trees and fall backwards onto yo'r bum! (yes, I actually saw that, t'was hard not t' laugh while on th' battlefield bein' shot at) ~Lady B
  21. Hmmm.. my guess... no fountain of youth .. cause they already found it. They meaning Jack and Barbossa. Fountain of youth bein' a double for Walt Disney World. But..:::Shrugs::: the final story is anyones guess as we've seen over and over and over again. Lots more piratey lore and legend they can work with. OMG, do they have lots more! And still a couple more elements from the Ride they can use. ~Lady B
  22. Prayers be with ye, m'dear. :::hugs::: ~Lady B
  23. I pray ye shall enjoy it here, Mr Michaels. A fine lot here, tis true. An' thank ye for th' drink, sir. :) ~Lady B
  24. Oooo... the Bud Clydesdales are an awesome sight that's for sure. Especially when all "suited up". Have fun tomorrow, lass. Prayers heading out to ye, Cheeky. :::hugs::: ~Lady B
  25. Now... question, MadL... are ye really looking for brocade? or are ye lookin' for a damask or something else. Oddly enough, there is a difference between the damask and brocade. And finding 100% of what you need is difficult. I honestly don't know of brocade in a solid color as it is a woven pattern. The LA Fabric district is awesome but can be overwhelming from my understanding. Don't give up, MadL... keep searching. Fabrics come and go. :) Takes time to find what ye really want. ~Lady B
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