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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I've been contacted by a Journalist in the Chicago area who is doing a video article on Piracy. Mostly not only about historical piracy but what the latest developments with the Somali Pirates and it's impact on piracy portrayal. She's looking at doing the filming of the article on Wednesday morning before 11am somewhere in the Chicago area. Anyone interested in talking with her, please contact Kate Hollencamp at k.hollencamp@gmail.com or call her at (937)-305-4096. Thanks, mates. ~Lady B
  2. Exiting the store then turning about to face Pontier as he came out followed by Kidd and Ranjit. Pontier with his nose nearly buried in the small ledger of sorts. "T'anz-ak-sun com-plet," the man said with a heavy french accent that most would be hard pressed to understand at times. Nodding, Ana glanced about. Spotting the Sinner's Neede. " How much spirits had we t' spare, Mr Pontier?" Pontier looked up to Ana but said nothing. Rather baffled by this so to speak. She turned to look at Pontier. "5 barrels of rum perhaps? Maybe a bottle of madeira or whiskey?" Pontier still baffled, stuck with that deer in the headlight glazed over stare. "Aahhh, Oui. A za-poz." Nodding, Ana then smiled to Kidd. "Run back t' th' Resurrection an' obtain a fine bottle o' maderia and a bottle of rum. Then meet us at th' Sinner's Neede," as she motioned with her hand to the sign out front but a few feet away. Kidd paused a moment then nodded. A willing lad for now to do as asked and told but he had potential. So, while young Kidd took off towards the Resurrection at the docks, Ana made for the Sinner's Neede with Pontier and Ranjit in tow. Ranjit opened the doorway to the Sinner's Neede. Ana strolled in followed by Pontier then Ranjit. Glancing around at the rabble that be milling about here, she made her way as best as one could towards the counter... and waited for someone of the Sinner's Neede to wait upon them.
  3. Ahhh... the resurfacing of this topic. Great picture that ye provided, Will. That's generally the idea I've had in mind. Oh, and Sterling... ye be right about the copper. The Odyssey Marine Salvage group (ones on "Treasure Quest" on the Discovery Channel and the ones who found the "Black Swan")... have discoverd the first HMS Victory (the one that sank in the Channel) and they did find a massive copper kettle for the ship's galley. ~Lady B
  4. Rockin' on th' verge of madness, Tignor. Oh, wait.. I have gone mad already! Oh, well that would explain why I did it. LOL. Thank ye most kindly for th' compliment in return, good sir. :) J8K... ummm, uh... Jake... ye look fabulous Spittin' image of some devil that stepped right out of an engravin'! Just amazin'. ~Lady B
  5. Yup... another Birthday. Can ye believe it? It be our own Mr Gage's Bday and like we always do here on th' Pub... we throw one hell of a virtual party, aye? So, as always... roll in the barrels of rum and various spirits... the wenches and cabana boys... and let's celebrate this fine gent's birthday in piratical fashion. What say ye? Hoist yo'r tankards high... and give tribute to th' man! ~Lady B
  6. Can ye believe it? It's Patrick Hand's Birthday! Well, I'll be. Ye know what his means, mates... PARTY!!! Bring out th' tortuga rum cake... and especially the Pirate's Choice Rum... wenches galore for th' gents an' Cabana boys for th' ladies. Come on now... Hoist yo'r tankards high an' toast to th' infamous Patrick Hand! Here's to ye, Patrick... may yo'r devilish Colours never be stirked... so ye can be a rakish devil for many years t' come. Hehehe,,, ye steam punk! ~Lady B
  7. Awww... happy bday to ye, Lily. I pray t'was a grand ol' time. Plenty o' rum? An' more importantly... did ye get what spoils ye desired? Or at least plundered what ye wanted? ~Lady B
  8. Coolies, Dorian. Can't wait to see pictures of the finished product. :) And that is SO TOTALLY AWESOME, Syren! :) Wow... so freakin' wicked. Can't wait to see the other goodies ye've done. ~Lady B
  9. Anyone else out there hear anything about the Festival - what's going on, etc? ~Lady B
  10. Thank ye. T'was my hope and purpose t' write down in it at events mostly. May keep some fictional info in there, too, to add pages to it t' look more realistic. ~Lady B
  11. Wecome, Shay. Ye be in good company here at th' Pub. And I'm quite sure ye'll find what info ye be searchin' for. Guaranteed. Many a good man and woman here who are curious enough to dive into every nook and cranny t' find whatever is needed and wanted t' portray the period properly. And Guaranteed ye most likely 'll cross paths with many of them at Pirates in Paradise, too. Ye'll never be alone again. Belly up an' Aye! shall indeed take up yo'r offer of th' first round. So... I'll be havin' Pirate's Choice Molasses Reef Rum please, hold th' rocks. ~Lady B
  12. Wicked! Forget buyin' 'em! Let's plunder them! ~Lady B
  13. Apologies for th' back t' back postin' here. Now, the bloody damn scanner decided it didn't want to work. So... I took a picture of it and sorry if it looks a little crappy photo-wise. But... been working on a Ship's Log and after doing a mock of logging down stuff and the such, I finally got the front pages done. A couple wee things on there I wish I could erase but.. oh, well. Mind you, all done with ink using quill pens. ~Lady B
  14. Unlike some who came to Port Royal for drunken carousing, the Lady was more interested in business. Beridding the hold of some items and gaining a profit in return was more than worth this risky trek through the now muddy streets of this wicked port. Stepping out of the 4th shop visited with good prospects. A dainty walking cane along side whilst wearing something a proper lady who was traveling would wear in a find mixture of crimson, black and a hint of gold tones. Brunette locks curled and tucked back into a fine silk ribbon all tied in a bow as those haunting hazel eyes glanced about for another shop to do business with. Behind her, a young lad at aged 15 and of good height, walked with his aunt. The boy greatful to have ran away and by luck and chance found his aunt, one whom he thought was dead. Now he wa living adventures rather than dealing with family sqwabbles and hardships. This was Davy Kidd. With the woman and the lad, was a middle eastern man and a frenchman. The frenchman was walking along with, writing in a small little pad of ivory with some lead piece of the transaction arrangement they just made. Stopping she looked about. "Ideas, Gentlemen?" before she turned around to look at the trio of men who accompanied her. The Frenchman, Pontier, still writing was finishing up as Ranjit looked about, "Man-ee ah mer-chunt," he said in his thick accent. "Pur-hops,,, dar," motioning to another general store. Nodding she agreed with the decision. "Then there we shall go." And so it was like that for the rest of the afternoon. Going shop to shop to peddle, making arrangements for the goods available. The shopkeeps agreed to go to the ship and have a look. Some items sold in an auction like manner. This would increase the odds of payday for herself and the crew. Back on the ship, Graves overlooked as everything was stowed and items in the hold were being prepped for removal. But not yet. Unfortunately- "Master Graves!" yelled a man as he motioned to another foppish and snobbing gent who strolled up alongside the ship and up the gangway, "Permission to come aboard, I need to speak with the Captain." "Permission denied. Captain is not here." Graves replied from the railing. "I need no permission to simply come aboard-" "On this vessel ye do," Graves stated in a strong by calm voice. "Captain is not here. Leave a message and return later." The fop was rather beside himself and didn't like being spoken to in such a way. With a wrinkle and sniff of the nose, "Very well, docking fee is owed before sundown. Inform yo'r Captain of that which needs to be paid by then." Then the man looked over the vessel. "Or the men of His Majesty claims this fine vessel." Graves was rather iron clad and no expression. Rest assured, His Majesty will NOT claim this vessel. Fee 'll be paid." The fop snubbed again "We shall see," he said as he turned about to harass another vessel. "Damn buggers," Toeffen hissed as he wandered up next to Graves. "Yeesss, well," Graves watched the fop walk away then glanced to Toeffen, "He's the least of our worries. Rest assured, he won't confiscated the Resurrection." Then looked back out over the dockside as a merchant man walked up, "Permission to come aboard by invitation of yo'r Capta'n," said the man. "Permission granted, come aboard." Graves replied. "Mr. Wyldes? Would ye please escort this Merchant Gentleman down to th' hold?" Wyldes moved to the hatch that led below. "After ye, sir," then followed the merchant down below to show him what goods they had.
  15. Fine image, Morgan. Oddly, ye appear headless there - head with no body. :) ~Lady B
  16. Gage... I feel for ye. Wish we all could party with ya. Hope it ended up being ok though. Feel for ye and know what ya mean though. Christine... I hope you didn't crack a rib. Or cause a contusion. Hopefully the pain 'll go away soon though. Ransom... Ouch! That's like getting punched in the face twice. Hope the pain with you goes away soon, too. Concerned. I'm still trying to get in to see a Doctor, not having much luck setting up an appointment. Hell, even went to the hospital to see what to do and still didn't get an appointment. I hate saying it, but I'm actually wishing to get sick so I can got to the emergency just to get seen! Heck, I was coughing and hacking, losing my voice and breathless when talking to these people to get an appointment to see a doctor. So tired of all this. I'm seriously considering not doing events at all this year cause my health is slowly getting worse. Losing your voice now, just walking barely 10 feet and I'm breathless with asthma... and that's just a couple of MANY, MANY issues popping up. Desperately needs to see a doctor cause I sure don't feel like myself any more. The rest of the stuff... not going to get into it. ~Lady B
  17. Or more... have ye considered a person's own initials or persona's initials in this ring. I likes it.. lots. And at that price more than doable. But I've no need nor want of a ring that has "TEYE BA" on it. With my initials or my persona's initials, yeah, I'd ask in a heartbeat to put me on that list. Lemme know if you will do that in the future. :) ~Lady B
  18. Courtesy of Andy Hare of the Archangel, this clip is absolutely hilarious. ~Lady B
  19. I have facebook and have that pirate "language" and it's OK... but needs some help. There is a way for those of us pirates to get it, vote for what is good pirate language, input on how to reword saying's, etc.... ~Lady B
  20. Welp, for those of you who missed it (like me), it's on again this saturday evening (6:30pm central according to out local cable guide). Interesting questions, Joe. ~Lady B
  21. ::points to it::: Oy! Yup! That's it! That's th' coat! Thank ye for postin' it, Sterling. :) Lovely thing. No comment. ~Lady B
  22. :::Runs up to Sterling, covers the Captain's mouth::: Shh! ::Eyes Dogge with a wicked glare. And the other gents::: Not's a word! M' mind is already trying NOT t' run rampant. :::Smiles at Cheeky::: Bound t' happen, some smart-arse remark, aye? :::nods to all the gents::: And thank ye, lass. Labor of love... ehh, more ultimate patience it was. :) ~Lady B
  23. Welcome to th' Puc, of one of the sea. Aye, I'm sure ye'll enjoy it here. A wild lot and barrel of monkeys we are. ~Lady B
  24. Kian... ye look fabulous, good sir. I think ye look right proper and shan't state more cause nothin' more needs t' be said. None t' worry, no harsh words t' say nor criticism about yo'r attire, again, it's fabulous. Only criticing, is the ones we place upon ourselves. And that from the Captain of whatever Crew we join. Tignor... ye look great as well. Astonishing, my good man. Don't mind those spladerdashers, I think they look fetching. :) Kudos to ye both, gents. Fits in right nice ye do. I pray shall cross paths with either of ye in th' future. And thank ye mighty kindly, Matt. I may wear it... I may not. ~Lady B
  25. :::nods::: two types of mentals... those that are free and get paid... and those that are locked away! Poor Gage. Pity you can't put some bitters on you to make the taste horrific for them at least. ~Lady B
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