I first mentioned this on Pirate Pop, in response to movie lists, but setting down to do a "think", I guess it might get a better response here.
Many Many (more than I want to count) moons ago, when presented for the first time, the Garfield the cat Halloween special, had a pirate segment in it.
(unless I be dreaming it) And the major part of this one segment was of Garfield and the dog (odi?) out on a boat on the rough sea. It was accompanied by a Sea Shantie, with a recurring line, "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, over the bounding sea we go, Yo Ho, Yo Ho, where ever the four winds blow" or something to that extent. The Shantie told a story, but I can't remember the words, and in subsequent rebroadcasts it seems this segment was taken out, for I never did see it again. I am not sure what happened to it. I would take it kindly if anyone had the words to this one and could post it. Even better if ye had a recording and could post it as a MP3