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Everything posted by Littleneckhalfshell

  1. Me thinks ye be sleeping at the tiller, or just woke from too much rum. When it be posted, it be relevant as an encouragement to pull harder on the oars at the begining of a long haul. How be it that you only be posting to it 16 days after it be posted? Slackers with no more to blather than makeing a pun on a poor sailors handle should be dipped in butter and let slide down the gullet of the briny deep. All proposed in good taste mind you, with or without the sauce from Avery Island.
  2. "The writer explains about an encounter between two ships, one of wich was pirate. he decribes how a comand was given to load ball and partridge shot." I be educated by ye, it is a term I am unfamiliar with, but must be akin to when with a rifle or musket one loaded with "buck & ball". That being where ye load yer musket or rifle ball and then load a few ''buck shot" on top of the load. It was often used in the colonies both for war and to ensure meat on the table. Twould be interesting to see the evolution of the term, maybe because it was similar to what was used for the bird by that name, when hunting with a shotgun? Or if ye are sure it was like grape or maybe canister I wonder at the size of said "partridge shot". I have a particular interest in ordanance and would be intested in other information on the term. Any recolection if it be attributed to a particular period or date of history?
  3. Arrrrrr, it sounds like it have the making of a fine yarn, a fine yarn indeed. But may a enter a question for clarification, and maybe to my education.... I be familair with 'grape shot', 'solid shot', and yes even 'chain shot', but what be ""partridges""? "Clear the decks for action. Chain shot and partridges, bellowed the orders from the quartermaster." I am familiar with a game bird by that name, but fireing one out of a cannon would be a sight to see indeed! Be there some other meaning to word ""partridges"" that is relevant to the loading of the cannon or the impending ship action? Or be it a typo, for 'cartridges' implying they be using powder bags and not loose powder?
  4. Aye, Capt'n Flint, the answer be right under yer nose.... "Also has anyone heard of a new pirate film coming soon, staring Russell crow. I heard some rumors, but no hard facts... Let me know....... The Capt." Me first postin on this here section be about the Russel Crow movie. It be called "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" It be moved back to November if it's site be believed, I thought it orriginally was due in port this summer. The site below be a teaser, since the promised site be not up and running in full riggin yet. But be warned, Russell Crow be fighting the Pirates, not one of them, he be a King's Officer. http://www.masterandcommanderthefarsideoftheworld.com/
  5. I first mentioned this on Pirate Pop, in response to movie lists, but setting down to do a "think", I guess it might get a better response here. Many Many (more than I want to count) moons ago, when presented for the first time, the Garfield the cat Halloween special, had a pirate segment in it. (unless I be dreaming it) And the major part of this one segment was of Garfield and the dog (odi?) out on a boat on the rough sea. It was accompanied by a Sea Shantie, with a recurring line, "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, over the bounding sea we go, Yo Ho, Yo Ho, where ever the four winds blow" or something to that extent. The Shantie told a story, but I can't remember the words, and in subsequent rebroadcasts it seems this segment was taken out, for I never did see it again. I am not sure what happened to it. I would take it kindly if anyone had the words to this one and could post it. Even better if ye had a recording and could post it as a MP3
  6. Thanks for the link, the stuff there may be usefull down the road for decoration, but I am looking for something heavier for the stairs. Something that will actually take the place of the ballisters and provide a protective wall to keep at least little nippers from falling off the edge of the stairs. I was looking for something that I have seen made out of 3/8 dia. minimum rope formed into a net with 4"-6" openings for the spaceing. it is usually run between two running lines, one top and one bottom of a larger size rope than the net between.
  7. In many Ports of Call desireing a Nautical look to the surroundings they use a large net of rope to provide a fence to the walkway. (Particularly may be seen at Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom around the perimiter of the water to Tom Sawyer's Island) I have looked at it many times and have seen it in other locations, (restaurant, putt-putt golf etc) It looks like one rope is inserted through the other and the other inserted through the first between the lay of the line, to make the intersections for the net. I want to make some to line the railing to my basement as part of the decor for my own "Pyrates Pub" But for the life of me, I can't see how they did that, I can't reproduce the effect. Anyone good at ropes out there?
  8. Just noticed that we have reached the 100 post mark. Fire a broadside or at least slap your backside in celebration. Maybe it will give ye inspiration for to scribble about something Interesting for us to pass away these winter doldrums.
  9. "see if you like this one... it should work on everything..." Beware of language that is all inclusive........ a shirt me cabin boy wears says, "nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool" Well, I was fooling around trying to figure out this chat room thing...... and first off, I noticed that it wouldn't accept my full name..... It sort of stopped and started beeping at me after Littleneck, so I am not sure if I can go on as myself or does I become someone who is only half of me? Anyway's I appreciate the effort.
  10. I got me shoregoing dancing shoes, silver buckle and all at Jas. Townsend & Son, inc. http://www.jastown.com/ They have slops (seagoing trousers) and period shirts, along with some mighty nice drinking vessels and kegs that be very adaptable for Rum. Most of their stuff be for the landlubber, but some adaptable for the sea. If there be other chandlers out there to supply a poor pirate, don't let the cat get yer tongue, spit it out and let us get to provisioning for a right profitable voyage.
  11. "of course, that'd be better than 12 year old rum licked off a bare breast" Uhhhh, be that with or without ice.... But seriously, if there be MP3's, where be the postin? an Irish jib be alright, but how bout some good rum drinking songs, "yo ho" and all that. Be it light hearted or historical, I be ready to drink it in.
  12. Arrrr, what sort of blather is this "chat room" stuff, for a proper ship at sea or not, all discussion should be around the scuttlebutt, where grog be had and maybe a macintosh apple to gnaw on whilest we chaw over a yarn or two. but so far, the grog and water barrel be locked, or may it be because of my Apple, if ye see my drift?
  13. Maybe ye know of this port of call for "free text" and "Pirate image" information and maybe ye don't, not sure if it be treading on anyones private domain but I pass it on for a friendly come look and see. Take a glance at http://www.piratehaven.org/~beej/pirates/ thar be much pleasing Pirate related stuff to look at.
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