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Everything posted by Lilith

  1. Thank you for all your kind words of welcome everyone... Gosh, there are a lot of interesting people and outgoing people here about. Thank you, Mad Jack, Mad Matt, False Ransom, Cheeky Actress, Captain Sterling, CrazyCholeBlack, Kass, Jacky Tar...(gee, I hope I haven't forgotten anyone ) for making me feel a bit more relaxed and at home here. Grab the drinks of your choice...Champange, False Ransom? Odd drink for a Pirate, don't you think? And by the looks of the friendly banter, the lot of you know each other quite well, (or am I assuming too much)? As for the question which Capt'n Sterling asked of me: "So what undiscovered territory do ye still wish to explore?" I would have to say EVERYTHING about this hobby. Got bitten by the Pirate bug back when Cut Throat Island came out. Yes, I know not the best movie to referrence pirates by but it was a start. I've live by water most my life because my Dad was in the Navy...but really never fancied it until I got the bug. Now I snatch up anything I can regarding the topic. It's funny. I found this site by spelling pirates wrong . I hope to be able to learn from better sources and perhaps make a few chums along with way! (Raising Glass)...To you Mates!
  2. Making out a shopping list for the market! Boy, where does it go?!?
  3. Roasted Pig's head!
  4. I really don't have to worry about that until my brother's kids come over on Christmas Day. As for your cats, they are very well behaved.
  5. Mercy People?! How do you keep up with your replies! Here then. Take the keg and have at it! I'll be back after I finish cleaning up the Christmas boxes and putting the tree right again. Anyone of you have a cat that thinks the Christmas tree is their own private play area?!
  6. My word, you're a catch michaelsbagley! I don't know too many men that hand sew. Buttons maybe, but not a full outfit. Mmm, Mead. Now there's something I wouldn't mind bartering for!
  7. Hello Gilligan...welcome! I'm new here too! Wish you many happy travels about the chat~!
  8. It is sunny, but very windy. Looking at temps in the mid 50s - low 60s. I want snow, but if it is coming the way the local weather reports say, I rather you keep it! There is nothing worse then 6-8 inches being dumped in an hour!
  9. LOL! Rum it will be...as for going blind?! There are better methods to do that my friend!
  10. I just checked out this website last night. It looks interesting but I'm too far away to take part in it. So, is this a CON or is this more like the meeting of like minds? Is this a national thing and is there a chance it will move from year to year? Sorry for all the questions, but I've done CONs before and some are worth going and others are just a plain waste of time. Can anyone be so kind to enlighten me on this? Perhaps next year I might be able to make it.
  11. Lilith

    ^, <, V

    ^ Does it really matter? < Just finished the holly on the front door! V What is your favorite Christmas decoration?
  12. A many thanks to you Mad Matt! I've been jumping from one topic to another tonight...trying to take it all in! I hope I find my way back to my ship Have another...and keep them comming!
  13. Lilith

    ^, <, V

    ^Sorry...don't have one as of the moment. <Putting away my Nana's best china and getting the house ready for Christmas VName one of the people you've met thus far upon the Chat.
  14. I wish to wave a grand hello to all of you here at this port. I have been skulking about for a bit and hope that I can find many a good mate here to befriend. So, raise your tankards high and I will toast you all in good health!
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