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Everything posted by Lilith

  1. Here something to think about next time your dog awakes you, Captain. I have a 3 year old Lab that did the same thing, up until three weeks ago. After letting him out for his early 'call of nature' run. Baxter decided to bring his frozen poo inside as a 'yummy treat'! No more morning kisses from him!
  2. Sorry about the confusion, Captain Sterling. The fog is more of a fog bank. The boats will eventually make their way through it on their way to Port Royal. Correction....only one will
  3. As the sun disappeared from the edge of the earth, a Dutch sloop continued to makes its journey towards the harbor of Port Royal. Soon evening fell and along with it a thick fog. The Dutch Captain and his first mate stood upon the deck looking franticly through the thick mist, which engulfed their ship. It was then the Dutch Captain heard a loud sound at stern. "It must be 1500 perhaps 1800 yards in front of us...I feel it." said the First Mate. Grabbing the spyglass from his belt, he tried to pear into the fog. "Captain, I don't believe it. Have a look." The Dutch Captain quickly took the eyeglass and pointed it in the direction where his First Mate was searching. The dark evening sky soon gave way to deathly cold chill. The First Mate shivered suddenly as if death itself walked over his heart. The full moon split through the fog and before the Dutch sloop, sat the predator of the sea. The Dutch Captain withdrew the eyepiece and whispered softly so only his First Mate could hear. "God save us...its' the 'Tartarus'. And there perched upon its' blood soaked deck was the Sea Witch herself...Lilith.
  4. Looks like I'm missing all the fun. So, to clarify, it is dusk, correct?
  5. I just saw ALL the photos from this event. You are all quite amazing. I am truly impressed by what I see and look forward to Reenactor Fest III!
  6. **raises a brow** Perfect angel.... with no halo, and one wing in the fire......**smirk** What the?!? Hmm....interesting! This could help with my story line...when and if I ever get a chance to write again!
  7. Lilith

    ^, <, V

    ^ Raw pastry dough – I know I shouldn’t nibble when I make pies or breads but…I can’t up myself <Spent eight hours looking over ledgers and my eyes are blood shot! V Hot sand between your toes or cool summer grass?
  8. Oh, the choices one has to make when trying to determine the best possible place for an event! I remember visiting both places ages ago and I am sure that there has been improvement to both since then (the early 1980s). Gettysburg would pull in those who do American Civil War that’s for sure, but I do not think it will limit others; such as the American Rev War, Empire, or WWII to this event. Yet, if I had a choice between the two, I would have to say Williamsburg. Too bad Baltimore did not work out. I would have loved to visit there too
  9. Wow, just jogged over to the Reenactor Fest site and saw that the "NEWS" text has been updated. Thank you Cheeky Actress!
  10. I can see where the confusion came from. No big deal though...close to home and isn't two better than one anyway?
  11. Thank you for the additional information, Kass and clearing the matter up me. They are very lovely paintings, aren't they? They must have been considered very racy boudoir shots in those days!
  12. I've seen the Pirate episode. It really made the whole family look like fools. Is the money really worth it?
  13. Hi Kass, Great article for the "Getting Dressed Guide for Women - 1680s - 1720s! It is full of great information that will be useful in the coming month, but I do have a question for you. In the section (5) about "Cap and Kerchief" - you stated in your article that, 'women with their hair hanging down in period pictures are meant to depict mental patients or women in great distress." I have seen several paintings of time period; such as Mary Beatrice of Modena, Nell Gwyn, they have long flowing hair (with short fronts). Could you please clarify this a bit more on this topic? Any reference material would be a great help!
  14. Fireworks Here. Lots of people in the street from the party next door. I need to get back there. Happy New Year Everyone!
  15. Disillusionment
  16. It had been two full days of torturous sailing on the high seas. As the waters finally soothed themselves from Poseidon’s anger, The Tartarus now set course for Jamaica. Commander Lilith took command of the ship’s wheel. Her mood was one of hope, yet she did not show any signs of this towards her crew. The ship’s boson approached her slowly, fearing to make eye contact with her due to her sudden bouts of rage which she was known for. “What say you, Gow? What is your report?” She asked Gow. Gow’s eyes slowly met the face of his Commander. “The ship’s sails are in need of repair, we need to take on fresh water soon and the men….” Gow’s words trailed off for a moment until Lilith cleared her throat waiting for him to respond quickly. “Well, the men are exhausted from fighting the storm these last two days, Commander.” “Are they?” She said looking at him with her narrowed dark eyes. Gow quickly bowed his head again and cast his eyes to the deck. “Yes, Commander.” Gow said in a whisper. Lilith pushed her way past Gow and cast her eyes towards the horizon. “We are still on course for Jamaica, Gow. We will soon set foot in Port Royal. In the meantime, make sure that men are kept in line. If not, some unlucky soul will be cast to the bottom of the sea.” With a quick nod and a bow Gow left his Commander’s side. Lilith quickly regained the ship’s wheel once more and looked towards the horizon.
  17. Name: Lilith Sheol, but her crew calls her, “Commander Lilith” Birthplace: Unknown Occupation: Commander of the Ship, “The Tartarus” Physical Description: Tall and slender; standing 5’8”. Her skin is tanned by the many days in the southern sea’s sun. Strong and fit and considered an equal to any man in the midst of battle. Sharp instincts and clever wit have managed her quite well ever since she took control of the Tartarus these past seven years. Her thick hair is the color of dark auburn and eyes are the darkest shade of brown. Some would even compare them to be as black as pitch. She bares a birthmark on her forehead. Disposition: Aloof and suspicious by nature, she trusts no man. She is cunning, deceptive, devious, inventive, and resourceful when it comes to getting what she wants. She has crippled many a ship and devoured men for treasure, fortune and fame. Background: Known to her crew as “The woman that merchandises the Souls of Men”, she has made a name for herself in the human slave trade. The men that she captures in her many plunderings who refuse to join her crew either find themselves dead or on their way to slave auctions of Africa. It has been said that she is “The great whore that sitteth upon many waters...” Yet, she still looks for that one ship which eluded her several years back off the coast of Africa and now she has sailed all the way to the other side of the earth to find it. Beware those who fall into her path….
  18. Lilith

    ^, <, V

    ^Paying my Credit Card Bill....After Christmas! ( ) < Wrapping the last gift for my Husband VChristmas Snow or Early Thaw?
  19. Spinal Cord
  20. Oh, that's right! The Earthquake. That should make things very interesting... Why thank you, Striker...oh, I love PhotoShop!!!!
  21. Why, thank you Captain!
  22. Good to Hear! (oh, how do I look?) Thought a more current updated photo would look better. Okay then...as I stated before, it is the season of OBLIGATIONS. It's good to hear that I am not the only person that needs some time to muster through the holidays and then move forward come January....or perhaps February
  23. A new story line?! Yikes! I just spent the last week reading the entire Port Royal storyline and I am almost caught up! I like it...I want to know if the Captain gets home, if Aurore will stay with her family, what will happen to Jane and Striker? And will Morgan ever come back?
  24. Oh Captain, please don't say such things. I am sure that it is the time of year. There are so many obligations between family and friends that very few of us have the spare time right now. I am still trying to find my character. Let us hope that it is slow due to the holidays.
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