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Everything posted by MrSnailGrave

  1. its like they always say ::you can sleep when your dead::
  2. ya ill keep the hat but just trun it to the side it looks better that what on my hat
  3. it a pattern the i got a walmart just shortend up i think its the jack sparrow pattern
  4. once i put everything on and changed the hat i look alot better you know like a pirate so i say make your check shirt
  5. i think thats what it is too many things in my head like ideas so you know you have to stay up and right them down or do them ya know
  6. just wornding how ever one got into it or when you first know ?? i know you all got some good storys
  7. congrats and good luck to you both
  8. dont for get the rockets and full auto gun
  9. ya i think its look in better now i put it all on and i think i looked damn good
  10. well thank but if anyone has any input of what eals i can do let me know
  11. no im not in my boxers sorry guy lol
  12. nope i have the straw hat member
  13. well kennth tell me how to get there or if you like we can make a trip down there
  14. well cheap as in under like 50 bones but one cut if half long way not in the middle of it. o ya the big barrels
  15. tea with whisky and honey
  16. SHEPHERDS PIE! this is just one way to make it 1 onion, diced 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 lb. lamb, minced 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 large carrot, diced 1 beef stock cube 1 lb. chopped tomatoes 1 tablespoon corn flour 3 tablespoons tomato puree pinch of salt and pepper 2 lb. potatoes 1 stick butter This is how to make shepherds pie, made with lamb. If made with beef, it would be known as cottage pie. Firstly, heat the olive oil in a pan, add the onion, garlic and carrot and cook until soft. Add minced lamb and stock cube, then cook until the mince is brown and shows a crumbly texture. Stir in the tomatoes and tomato puree, and add the corn flour. Leave to simmer, stirring occasionally, for about fifteen minutes, or until thickened. Meanwhile, peel and chop potatoes and boil until soft, then mash them with the butter and salt and pepper to taste. Put the filling into a deep dish, then top with the mashed potatoes and put under a warm grill (broiler) until the top is brown and crisp. Delicious topped with melted cheese. Enjoy!
  17. well im getting ideas for my pirate gear and making them and try to turn my brother in to a pirate
  18. i stay up way paet 1 i went to bed at 5am this moring i dont know what it is and i only get like 3 to 4 hours of sleep but im all ways going. so i dont know what it is and no im not on drugs i been this way all my life i guess.
  19. im making a pirate bar in my home and im looking for barrels to make the bar so any one know where i can buy cheep ones or get them for free
  20. at toys r us the got eveything the cd player ,tv, lamps and a bunch of other stuff
  21. im working on hand made slops and this it what i did look like
  22. so any info and anything you wanna new ask or let me know
  23. so your sayin i need to go with the smaller checks and ill post a better pic and no its not a skull on the hat lol
  24. jack the ripper
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