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Everything posted by MrSnailGrave

  1. you should put up a new pic of you to show eveyone what you have
  2. where do i go and oder them
  3. hey chirs you can keep the monkey i just need the barrels
  4. so hows the vest coming along chirs
  5. wow looks great makes me want to make one
  6. i think the shose look great im going to make me a pair soon
  7. what your price on the bckel shoes im a size 14
  8. the tv what not to wear and my brther on the phone
  9. tonight we dine in hell
  10. looks great
  11. looks good where you get your holdster??
  12. so where go i go to buy a pair of the shose
  13. lokks good now you need to make your vest or jaket
  14. not a fish...... bass not bass lol
  15. just wondering what kind i can use or make im thinkin about makin this one
  16. looks good do your slop have pocket and do they tie in back
  17. perkeo: love the hat did you make it or you buy it any i want one where you get it
  18. bloody jack: yes i would like to she the pic mary: not sure what im look for just something to replace it or maybe something eals what ever you think is far
  19. Mary Diamond: that be mine but may be willin to trade kenneth: i love the new hat will you be givin them out to the hole crew
  20. now i know why you are the way you are kenneth
  21. i can play bass
  22. you can sleep when your dead. i like that sayin
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