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Everything posted by MrSnailGrave

  1. i think it would be great to work with them. always good to learn new things.
  2. this is my shot at the tobacco pouch
  3. good work i like them
  4. ya its all fun and game untill some to looses an eye im sorry too
  5. ya where pirates hello
  6. ya i agree with abrams and get you panties in a bunch we are all here to have fun
  7. the vest is cotton and i bought the bag
  8. any one know any thing about it what one would look like or in there where any.
  9. i think you guys are starting a tern with the hole hollywood not hollywood thing lol
  10. kenny kenny your all ways good for a laugh and yes i do
  11. well im glad you and not tracy
  12. Mary Diamond: well i think the hat shine cuz on the type of stan i used on it and my shose i think ill do something but not use maybe just ruff them up thanks for the help everyone eals thank espcially caskethris he pushed me to be authentic pirate
  13. ok i got these shose at a second hand store and made them in to single lace shoes not done yet im going to sew around where i cut so it will look better. theses are my slops hand sewn yet again not done yet i have to get more buttons and than theyll be done
  14. ::hope is whenn we feel the pain that makes us try again..:: Max from Soulfly
  15. i dont know i thnik they suck j/k there good i like them
  16. hey i know that room thats where i took the naughty pic of you and you wife and than you made love to me
  17. good job hope i get all the good comments on my grab when im done
  18. they look graet now im going to make me one
  19. depens if my wife comes too but if she couldnt than her but besides that nothing id love it
  20. making my pirate costum most of the day and all night i keep adding new things
  21. what it like 1am here and on here and working on my slops what eals is there to do
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