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Posts posted by michaelsbagley

  1. Well we just called Capt. J to give him the news, but I thought I would share here as well... It seems like the Bagley's/Souris' will not be able to attend this year. Sorry about not being able to make it. I hope you all have a great time! Take care and hopefully I will see all of you at other events throughout the year.

  2. Thats why I left it open to select multiple answers, did you have a problem not listed?

    Nope the two problem ones I have fit nicely into categories that were listed. One of the problematic ones is a problem I know how to fix, but just haven'y found the time for it yet, the other "problem child" I understand in theory how to fix it, but falls into the category of don't want to risk fixing it myself... Just in case.

  3. There is also the painting "The Captain's Table" (?) that has been shared here (from Foxe's archives) which I think is period and shows at least two or three subjects wearing wide brown and natural stripes... which differs greatly from the blue and white stripes most often associated with ticken. Sorry I can't repost the image but it is hard to do from the pocket device... maybe someone at their home can repost it from their handy bookmarks

  4. Apparently my expressing sheer and utter annoyance was the needed catalyst to get an answer...

    Registration will be extended to July 15th (firm), it will still be $5... A new form will be posted on the web site within days.

    I wish I was getting answers... Things changed this year, and the event was supposed to be run by a collection of folks... I volunteered to help with updating the web site and helping promote, but without the information to update with, there is nothing I can do or say. I really like the event and want it to go over well, but if the decision makers are going to be incommunicado, it might be best to just forget about it. Yeah, I'm that frustrated with it.

    OH,say it ain't so!!!

    -Tar Bucket Bill

  5. I wish I was getting answers... Things changed this year, and the event was supposed to be run by a collection of folks... I volunteered to help with updating the web site and helping promote, but without the information to update with, there is nothing I can do or say. I really like the event and want it to go over well, but if the decision makers are going to be incommunicado, it might be best to just forget about it. Yeah, I'm that frustrated with it.

  6. Speaking in generalizations now... Since Virginia was not a "front" there likely would not have been uniformed soldiers. It would have only been local militia. Since the armies were so wrapped up in Europe fighting the French and Spanish, any and all troops left on this side of the pond would have been stationed on "fronts" (New England and Canadian Maritime provinces to defend against the French of Quebec, and the Carolinas to defend against the Yamasees and the Spanish of Florida etc.)

    So it is unlikely (I know better than to say definitely "no" on anything, as new evidence is always surfacing). The issue here is the desire to apply later 18th century conventions to the early 18th century (kind of like the Marines issue)... and things were just too different. Piracy was not enough of a threat to warrant the issuance of soldiers (which were in shortage of supply), so it was left to militias and navy/admirality. It sucks that it plays out this way, as red coats versus pirates is a very iconic image, but it is just starting to look like it is an iconic image fed by pop culture.

    Edit - But if your friend is till intent on the soldier impression.... Copy my stuff. The Independent Companies were the most common over here, and it isn't that out of the question for a unit of soldiers to be sent to help out the neighbouring colony from either north or south.

  7. virginia 1700-1720ish??

    Uniformed soldiers disbanded in the 1690s for Virginia, so un-uniformed militia is the answer. Uniforms in Newfoundland, and other parts of modern maritime Canada, New England, New York, the Carolinas, and most Caribbean ports, but nothing in Virginia or Maryland that I have found for the first couple of decades of the 18th century.

    Edit - My bad, found the document I based this statement on... And it was the early 1680s the Virginia Regiments were disbanded not the 1690s.

  8. bump

    looking through this, there are a lot of dead links and lost pictures. can anyone shed some new light onto this topic. one of our folks just asked about a uniform and i have no idea.

    Year (or at least decade) and region? I have so much info on colonial soldiers of the era, that unless questions are somewhat specific, it would be too difficult to know where to start.

  9. I've been to the website. However, the registration form is for 2010.

    Will this year's registration be due by June 1, 2011 like last year's? If so, time is getting lean. How do we register otherwise? Are $5.oo checks to be made out to the same group and sent to the same address as last year?

    Thanks mates.

    -Tar Bucket Bill

    Hey Bill,

    I believe all of last years info still holds... But let me double check with Nate....

  10. Hey Cheeky, the dates have been locked for a while, so you are clear there. We will have to coordinate a limited number of trips to the island (3?) As we can get plenty of pedestrian ferry passes, but we will be limited to 3(?) Vehicles... which is why we will all have to try and travel as light as possible and coordinate avoiding bringing any duplicate equipment (cooking gear, huge tents for singles etc.)...

    Which leads me to Silas Thatcher's post... Sorry to be slow in getting back to you, but between Santa Maria and work I gave been swamped... but if you, Connie and Carol are going to all share the tent... bring just your large tent. I think everyone coming has their own tent/accommodations, but if anyone does need a loaner I am sure they will speak up. I think Mark's fly should serve us again this year, so thanks for the offer, but we ned to try to keep things streamlined

  11. Nope, and eBay also mislead me... the auctions did not start until 1:00 AM last night.... seems while the time set auction is a useful feature, it os not one that works perfectly. Specially when the guy doingbit has a shakey grasp of time zones.

  12. Only two days to go.... and the auction items are all already posted on eBay, but they are currenttly invisible to everyone but me... And will be until the start time begins this Friday at 7:00 PM EST... I wish they could be visible prior to the auction starts, but eBay has it's limitations...

    Regardless, we went through the list of those coming and factoring in the last minute "real life' sideswipes that always occur, we are guessing for a crowd of 30 to 35 for this one. Which while it doesn't beat our record for attendance, does pretty much tie it up. With the water levels being as high as they are (although receded to safe levels from the flood levels of weeks ago) it is looking like both the Black Sheep and Firefly will be in attendance, on top of the ever present HMS Scow (the ship's canoe)... There is also a very good chance there will be a fourth small craft present (Burgoo's boat, not sure what it is named).

    Kate_Souris and Jennie G and Trish have all been working hard to ensure that we will all be fed, and the menu is pretty much set and looks great! (see the Facebook page for details, and we still could use some more folks chipping in snack type stuff).

    Please contact me if you are coming and you think either Mark G, Jennie G. Kate_souris, or myself are unaware of your coming. Can't wait to see everyone there!

  13. While it isn't time yet.... I thought I would let everyone know that the auction (to be found at this link) will begin this Friday (May 13th) at 7:00 PM EST (that is 10:00 PM for you westerners, and the folks in between, you can do the math :D ). This set of auctions is for 7 days only.

    There is 17 items in the auction ranging from novelty mugs (they are really neat) to a small sword, and a gorgeous worked needle case (by the Pub's Bosun Carl). Also of note in this auction are some beads estimated to be around 180 years old (post GAoP, but great all the same).

    Please do have a look Friday evening or this weekend if you will, and also please pass this news along to any and all you think may be interested.


  14. Oops... Miss. Dobyns... I would very much like to appologize. It seems some new feature has been added to the pub, and not being careful of where I was tapping on my pocket mobile device and I accidentally deleted your post. Maybe one of the mods or admins on a real computer can figure a way to restore it... or I will try when I get home.

    Sorry again

  15. I can't view this page from my mobile device... but I recall the below link being posted recently on another forum i am on, and there being lots of extent handwriting examples (and some earlier stuff and lots of later stuff)... it is mostly in French, German and Dutch, but if you are just looking for handwriting styles, there is a lot to draw from... there are also some col maps of cities and battlefields there for those interested in that stuff.



    Some navigation to the correct area may be required.. like I said I am reposting the link and can't actually see the content right now.


  16. We can talk more details next week at the Santa Maria, but Mission we would be more than happy to cart your surgical gear for you.

    In fact talking at the Santa Maria next week will help a lot, as it looks as if most of the people considering Put-In-Bay will be at the Santa Maria.

    I have the Friday of the Put-In-Bay weekend off, so I will likely be spear heading the first wave of re-enactors to the island (late Friday morning, or early Friday afternoon pending other folks schedules).

  17. Well it didn't happen the week or two after I got back from vacation at the beginning of March as anticipated.... But the organizer and I finally did find a chance to meet when our schedules didn't conflict. The conversation was very easy going, because it seems he and those who gave me feedback were very much on the same page on most things.

    First off, the festival is getting more press this year... (See below image of a page from the regional tour guide book). It is also getting it's own web page (which I am told will be up in the weeks to come, I'll post the link as soon as I get it). (correction, the URL will be http://www.pyratefest.co , it ids up, just not finished yet) Please note, the URL is ".co" and NOT ".com" (the .com is used by a different festival). Also the schedule on the web page is subject to change, please speak up or let me know if you think any activities scheduled for us should be at a different time, or should be added or not listed or whatever. Also please note, the "Pirate King Captain Mad Dog" is someone other than our beloved M.A.d'Dogge.... It's a pirate festival, it wouldn't be unless there were at least two Mad Dogs around to confuse. B) I also saw mention of a pirate ball Saturday night, I don't have any of the details on that, but I will ask!

    This year we were offered the opportunity to divide our travel to the island into two or three stages, so we don't ALL have to meet at the same time and place, we can set two or three times to do so. We have been asked again to compact as much as possible into as few vehicles as possible (like three, maybe four) so as to minimize the costs of ferrying all of us to the island. Food will be provided again, but this year, we will have to come up with a "meal plan" and provide a grocery list and do the food preparation ourselves... The cost of doubling our numbers.

    There WILL BE a skirmish this year, as well as we have been asked to participate in the ongoing black powder demonstrations (along side the same canon crew that were there last year. In fact, we have been asked to use the roped off area for the canons for our skirmish (the roped area is larger than I thought it was).

    According to the brochure, the costume contest will be for the trip to the Caymans for their Pirate festival as it was last year (as won by stupid M.A. d'Dogge)

    Let me know if there are any other questions or concerns so I can answer to them or get the answers in plenty of time. It's looking like this festival is going to be exponentially better than last year!


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