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Everything posted by Silver

  1. lisa with sarlet scarbe custom makes them. i think.
  2. it looks like the count has come to be only 6,759, but it was a grand party!
  3. just returned from the mariner's museum in newport news va. site of the attemp to caupture the guiness world record for largest gathering of pirates in one place. the rumor as of this moment is the record has been broken!! stand by for futher details as they develope.
  4. with a flintlock pull the hammer back to half cock or set the dog(doglock) push up the frizzen blow or brush all powder from the pan and check the vent it may need clearing using a vent prick before repriming. time- with all tools and new shot/powder handy and experience to clear and reload a pistol just at a minute, in a pinch you could save seconds using the ball puller instead of the worm to clear wading and powder.
  5. you will need a ram rod that is thread on one end to fit a ball screw or a worm. first ensure the weapon is not going to fire while you work on it. then attach the ball screw to the end of the ram rod and put it into the barrel. put pressure on it to screw it in to the ball then slowly pull it out, the ball should be on the end of it. next remove the ball screw then attach the worm to the ram rod push it into the barrel with pressure while spinning it around, the prongs on the worm will twist the wad into them and also break up the compressed powder. pull out the wad flip the barrel down tap it and the powder should pour out. check it one more time with the worm to enure you haven't missed anything (powder/wad)if time premits
  6. happy talk like a pirates day!!! need to keep the momentum going to break the guinness world record for the most pirates in one place sat. marniers muesum newport news va.
  7. VODKA! this would never happened with rum. (sorry couldn't help it)
  8. when this thread was first posted i did some research to see if the frontier folks were coping some medevil carriage but came up empty.
  9. i would like to see the drawing of the disappearing carriage in the sketchbook 56 series. can someone post it?
  10. have have thought about how it would be aboard a sailing ship in the 14-1800 and having the crew split to port and larboard watches of 4hrs. each. and how tiring it would be not to get a good 8hrs. this may be the answer of why the watches were 4hrs. During my days at sea we worked 12hrs on and then was off 12hrs. a 7am-7pm day. drills happen during the day so if you were on the 7pm -7am you did get broken sleep some days. this was on flatops small boys may be diff.
  11. just checked out the "authentic pirate living history" site on FB. the NEW PUB?
  12. the POTC did rocket the pirate persona into the lime lite. people jumped on board started resreaching the life of a mariner in the GAOP and alot of the farb turned to fact. it has been a plus to the history of that period, never a bad thing. there is a web page that lists pirate events, i have been checking it for several years. this year i see several event cancelled and more event then i recall listed as pirate/reinfaire. how is blacksails fairing?
  13. if you can get a copy of "the tobacco coast" a maritime history of chesapeake bay in colonial era, by arthur pierce middleton. starting on pge 491through498 it lists a tobacco fleet of 57 merchent ships that sailed from the chesapecke bay for england in convoy with the hms "exssex prize" on 9 june 1700, in those pages you will find signalls by day, night and fog. also line of battle and fighting instructions. i think that these instruction would be under stood by english sailors.
  14. i recall that the 2004 blackbeard festival i went to was coupled with a renaissance fair. i wasn't involved with the pirate persona at that time to say that was the being of many a pirate festival.
  15. could the pirate persona be on the wane. i do like tavern music, could we get it to play when we log on?
  16. the us navy used kites aboard ships in the early 1900, i also have noticed the decline here on the pub.
  17. if not involved in a task that required him being on hand and there was no one else to relieve him he could drop below for a head call, better then having to clean the deck. the other option is to call for a bucket aloft. also the he may think about working his way to the leeward end of a yard.
  18. which crew still around, would be the oldest blackbeard"s, devilmen? in the late 90's i was doing CW navy and a conversation came up in the group that poeple were doing pirates and maybe we should think about it, i did have the skull and cross bones painted on the rear axle of my pickup back then, it was in me somewhere.
  19. I'll be hoisting a few tankards to you today.
  20. marked my calender.
  21. the US Marines is an outstanding organizion, though not a marine myself (navy) i supervisied a jet engine repair shop in the Phillipines during the hostage situation in Iran. Half of my crew were marines all good men to have at your back. Good Luck to your MARINE and you also.
  22. WHAT FRESH HELL HAS BLACK BEAR PUT INTO MY LIFE NOW? Who ordered Black Bear's old style (exactly just like the one pictured on his website) purplish 1740's French and Indian War Linen Waistcoat with square 3/4" pewter buttons? I HAVE IT!!! I have looked at this thing from many different angles and no way in HELL could this be mistaken for The Navy Blue Linen Tradesman Waistcoat that I ordered. I would swear he had just ripped it off the mannequin and threw in the box and sent it to me.
  23. Shipmates here are some friends who have the weather gage of Rick and Linda Blizard of Black Bear Historical Clothing. I'll try to link them in for you if it dosen't work they are at "frontierfolks.net" trading post thread. they don't mind sharing their thoughts! htt://frontierfolk.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=&t=46465
  24. February 20th i talked to him on the phone, he said that he just needed to pick it up friday and asked that i send an e-mail as a reminder, which i did. waited half of next week and nothing, so i called him again, the excuse was he didn't have the correct color of material and would have to get some. so i'm on hold again.
  25. Another Rick Blizard promise unkept!!!!! I DID NOT receive my order and I tried to contact him. He will not answer my phone calls. I am wasting my time thinking I am going to get my clothing.
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