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Posts posted by casketchris

  1. What I like is that it's all neat and tidy and looks just great!

    ;);)<_< most of the time it looks like a sweat shop fabric thrown all around a sewing machine on his desk and the window open and a pile of cigarette buts on the window ledge :unsure::unsure:

  2. It's not really another direction. These are things that affect our interpretation and authenticity. Children are always an issue. I've seen the gamut, from 3 week olds who are in period kit, and who never have anything but wooden, period toys as they grow up, to the kids whose parents won't separate them from their modern toys and electronics. My experience (and we have had several kids in the regiment) is that the ones who are as immersed as the parents adapt better and generally make better kids, especially if it is started early. They are more likley the ones who are considered to be part of the regiment, considered and treated more like short adults than kids. The ones who are given options to bring modern stuff are the ones who have the most trouble being parted from it when it does become neccesary. They are also the ones not likely to stay around when they become teens. Treat them as a functional part of the unit from the word go, expect the same standards of them, and don't treat them like kids. It worked well for us.

    although i might not agree with everything you say i do feel this is "path" me and my wife will take, as long as she (my daughter) is having a good time if or when it comes to the point of it no longer being fun then we will have to make some other plans for her. the good thing is all the people in our group are people that she is going to grow up around all being "aunts and uncles" so i hope this will help with her enjoyment in our reenacting and her future in it.

  3. Beside... when they get older and do enjoy the hobby and they are misbehaving...the leverage you get with..."knock it off or you aren't going this weekend" is mighty powerful... ;)

    ;) very true or if they hate it "knock it off or you are going this weekend"

    sorry i did not mean to move this topic to far in another direction i just thought that bringing up the things that might be in a way out of our hands when it came to reenacting was something that i thought might fit into this topic.

  4. To whom it may concern:

    Afer an appropriate period of deliberation, I have come to the decision to tender my resignation from (Insert Company Name Here), effective two weeks from the date you receive this letter.

    Please know that I still maintain a high level of respect for you as a manager and colleague, and I thank you sincerely for the support and assistance you have offered me in each of these roles. I have been proud to work for (Insert Company Name Here) over the past (Insert Years At Company Here); it has been a journey that has provided me an unparalleled foundation to move forward to new and exciting opportunities.

    As such, I have decided to become a professional pirate. It has always been a dream of mine to live the life of a swashbuckling corsair, beholden to none and master of all I survey. once my crew of unabashed rogues is assembled, we shall take to the capacious expanse of the high seas to pursue fortune, fame, and hair-raising or loosing adventure.

    Our path may not be filled with the porcine comforts or technological marvels that (Insert Company Name Here) provides, but we shall nonetheless move forward to carve a name for ourselves in the annals of bold insurgency and death-defying daring-do. Once I have a keen blade at my hip and the Jolly Roger is flapping high above me, I believe I will find my true calling. After all, when you are a professional pirate, you don't have to wear a suit.

    Please note that I am currently accepting applications for First-Officer, if you are at all interested in applying. I will provide a full medical and dental plan, along with a full disability policy, which will offer immediate coverage of all maladies other then scurvy and the occasional bout of rickets.




  5. i just want to think ransom for putting our name out there(kern county pirates) like i said we are not close to being spot on but we try i mean come on this year at ojai we had my 3.5 month old daught in a fairy hat...


    and other than her and her drool rag we tried our best did we fit in no di we gets some rude comments yes did we have some people ask why we were dressed the way we were yes, and we see that one person asking why as a possible future "historical pyrate" and if not atleast they took the time to learn more about what we are doing... like ransom said not much in california other that old west trapper stuff . . . although we do have a roman group from nor cal... it would be nice to get a historical event for the golden age in ca but due to "lack of history" for the time we all must live in harmony at a ren fair or pirate fair... and that has worked so far, other than mr you need more black, bucket boots and skull and cross bones that kenny ran into ;)

  6. My opinion is that history reenacting should not be made easier for the sake of getting more people to attend, but the reenactors

    should make the “newbie’s” feel welcome as long as they are doing their best and truly trying to represent the era of the event. As for the group I am in we try to be as historical as we can afford for the golden age. That’s not to say we don’t have a few things around the camp that are not perfect but we try. And the funny or not so funny part about it is we go to pirate fairs here in California because those are the only real outlets for us as reenactors of this age and we get people wanting to know why we are there telling us we don’t have bucket boots or we need more black and skull and crossbones, or as we walk around saying “hey where’s the tea party”. So I understand what’s being discussed if it is in a weird twilight zone reverse kind of way. I think being nicer to new comers is the best way to get new players, the same thing happened to me when I first became a Mason, the older men who had been in lodge for the last 30 or 40 years would just sit and complain about not being able to compete with modern “things” and the attendance of lodge was declining because of it. Well me and a friend joined and came up with new fresh ideas for the lodge and brought them up one meeting, needless to say they were not well accepted and we were chastised for not following the “old ways”. So the question is are the new “computer generation” to blame for the lack of people doing history reenacting or are we to blame for not being “friendly and accepting” I think the answer lies somewhere in the middle, being more accepting to people who are really trying but not sacrificing all the authenticity just to get a bunch of players.

    My two cents sorry if I seem naïve on the subject of philosophy of authenticity

  7. callenish gunner i love what you said to him on youtube its people like him that are going to cause harm to other people and put us responsible black powder enthusiast in a bind when we have to defend our passion and or hobby to the powers that be when a serious action happens..

    Ron White was right..."God protects the STUPID......That cannon doesn't even look to be a real cannon....Packed as many times and as hard as it was....It's a freakin' miracle anybody present is still alive... We need to do a youtube on proper procedure so these idiots don't kill an innocent bystander....

    at the start of the video is list the guy who made it im assuming it was a friend of his, with him boasting about having 7 im sure hes not buying them but having a friend make them for him.

  8. If anyone is interested I can do a Tutorial on How to make a temp mold from craft plaster to make pewter buttons and post it in Pyrate craft,That is how i got started making them

    im very interested in a tutorial please let me know when or if you are going to do this im wanting to get into this for buttons ...

  9. callenish gunner i love what you said to him on youtube its people like him that are going to cause harm to other people and put us responsible black powder enthusiast in a bind when we have to defend our passion and or hobby to the powers that be when a serious action happens..

  10. Kenneth, Chris too bad your not there saturday, man we could have kicked it there at your GAP camp for awhile. You guys have some of the best gear and kits!

    thanks sir id love to go but i work weekend so im limited on my time to be a pirate :blink:

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