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Rusty Barrels

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Everything posted by Rusty Barrels

  1. Well that was fun, another festival over and gone (wasn't long enough). Didn't sail the Lady because my grandson wanted the Chieftan because it had more guns and good places to sit and enjoy the battle, (gotta love that boy), besides it was almost empty as far as passengers go which was a plus, me and the boy ended up working the mizzen most of the time which was a work out, but it was fun, the crew of the Chieftan were great (my thanks to them for a good time). Alot more booths this year as well as a bigger crowd. The entertainment was good too. Thanks to all the Pirate groups that made it happen as well as the town of Westport,Wa
  2. Why not? they believed in mermaids and sea monsters. Remember when a satillite caught a glow on the water in the Indian ocean one night not too long ago, there were ships logs that recorded that for centuries.
  3. Can't wait to go, I don't get to do it to often. Gotta book another battle sail on the Lady Washington because my grandson is going with us this time and he wants to be on the Ship that was featured on the POTC 1.
  4. I'm no sword expert at all but I like my captains hanger from mr. I also have the pirates companion from them, between the two the hanger is alot lighter and can be used in either hand besides that, I like the look . If you are left handed then a basket type like the companion may not work for you.
  5. Kenneth, Black powder Cannons are fine in California as long as they pre 1898 in design. There is alot of cannons competitions in Cal. and ranges that allow it which make me jelious cause theres none in my state of Wa.
  6. Ya she really looks blasted doesn't she? Why only $75,000 why not a million.
  7. I notice they are P.C. no sword no gun no weapons at all
  8. My first thought was," thats a disgrace to pirates" but it's still kind of funny.
  9. I voted against everyone that had oil money behind them. We're in this war because it's a national security issue, it's also said oil is a national security issue, need I say more. I guess Al Gore was right, Bush doesn't know crap about deplomacy.
  10. Don't drink much anymore but I musta been good at it from what I heard.
  11. Finally, I got to see the trailer
  12. Sometimes I have great dreams such as owning a large brig and sailing everywhere and raising kane or flying an ultra light over interesting areas, then I have dreams I can't talk about because I'm sure I would get hunted down and put away
  13. my first shot was my best 1074
  14. Wow I never seen that ship before and I thought I've seen them all. Is there a chance that it is computer generated. Come on Mates help Wages out ( and me )
  15. If it is the film I'm thinking of ,the brig was the Lady Washington, don't know about the 3 mast one.
  16. I have not attempted to email them yet, is the Privateer 3600 Harbor Blvd #135 Oxnard, Ca. 93035 the correct address to send a donation.
  17. Did I miss an address somewhere and who to make out a check to, sorry I don't trust computers, I've only seen pictures of her and will probably never see or set foot on her but she's to pretty to lose.
  18. I always thought Capt. Jack was a must for the film to work but I'm glad they brought Barbossa back, I like the sneer he has has when he talks.
  19. Got a Queen Anne pistol (that I didn't have to put together) and Captain's hanger (sword)
  20. Boy that was fast. Thanks mates, I probably should have posted this on Capt. Twill (thought I did).
  21. Rambling around The No Quarter given website I saw a sailing vessel called the Compass rose. I would like to know more about it, length, material makeup, where built. Beautiful Boat.
  22. I understand he was a heck of a Captain, during the travels to the northwest with Kendrick I understand most of the sailors abandoned Kendrick to sail with Capt. Gray, it was implied that Kendrick was a real jerk to put it mildly. Harbormaster, did you know the original Lady Washington was destroyed in a typoon off the Phillippines?
  23. Ahoy Kass, Are these shirts machine washable?
  24. Forgive me for probably asking a question thats been asked and answered a million times before, but what did sailors wear for shoes onboard a ship, I can't believe they wore boots except maybe the caption but hitting the rope would seem hard, didn't they wear some kind of moccasion
  25. Sure looks comfortable, nice job.
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