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Rusty Barrels

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Everything posted by Rusty Barrels

  1. I sure didn't know about the removeable breach, was that in the book too Harbormaster ? I better reread it in detail.
  2. Red Cat Jenny, sounds like Jack already found his treasure. HarborMaster, I thought I was already to go until I tried to load the guns in my truck(cost me two weeks of pain and pills that didn't work) I don't know what I was thinking when I thought I could muscle a 350lbs gun into the truck. Currently I'm working on portable boom to do the job. When I'm ready, you can bet you'll hear from me.
  3. Aw thats just great, an I'm still trying to get just one at a decent price. Harbormaster, just how big is your house? I've only got two guns and I find them to be in the way sometimes, did you incorporate them in to furniture like that one guy did with a coffee table top on top of his naval gun so it would pass muster with his bride, I still chuckle at that one. That is a beautiful piece you got there, if you ever need a place to store it, I'll be happy to drive down and pick it up and take it home and store it for ya.
  4. I like it
  5. I wonder if any of you mates know where I can get drawings or plans of various ships of old. I've seen a couple at some nautical type resturants and bars but no one can tell me where they got them. I would like to get one of the Rattlesnake and HMS Victory
  6. Aye Mate, look under Gurkee sandals.
  7. Aye, looks like clevage to me.
  8. Is this acceptable with you mates? How can this be stopped? I wonder how many younger mates veiw this board.
  9. Start with the backyard yacht club mate, it's right up our alley er channel.
  10. Well heck I thought it would be Lex Luther.
  11. Iron Bess, How come when you get a new item for us to drool over, your never in it, on it, or holding it? By the way, thats a fine looking sword you have.
  12. NO RUM ! can I have a choice, I'll take the keel hauling.
  13. I haven't heard nothing from the C.G. or the owner, but I sure the owner is glad to get it back.
  14. Ahoy Patrick, I have to say If it can be done by hand then Mr. Hand can do it. Nice Work.
  15. I thought they made a movie about me. I was gonna ask how they knew that.
  16. Aye, that I will do.
  17. I thought of that me Lady, and I did say if the owner doesn't want it then I will claim it (but I can't imagine that happening) anyway I think it was an honest goof on the owners part, ( done it maself but I was asleep onboard and a tug and barge woke me up). Just in case your wondering,no the sail weren't up.
  18. I guess I was just settin ma sights too high, I'm hopin for the Lady Washington or the Royaliste to be driftin by for the takin.
  19. Last Saturday I went out to see if I can catch few king salmon in Puget Sound which is Washington State. I was trolling along just singing a song when I came by a 21 foot san juan sailboat and noticed nobody aboard, I hailed the boat with no answer returned( thinking it was a beautiful day and maybe a couple was in the cabin having fun). I noticed the cabin door was locked from the outside, and a line was hanging heavy over the bow, I pulled the line up and there were 15 feet of anchor chain and anchor at the end. Well I figured that someone didn't moor it correctly and it started drifting at high tide, so I called the Coast guard and reported it and told them I was gonna tow it to the nearest dock which was o.k. by them since they were NOT going to get it, and asked if I wanted to claim salvage rights to it! I never thought of that and thats where I failed as a pirate. I said to just locate the owner and let him know where it was. I should have said hell yes and broke down the door to see what kind of booty was inside the cabin. Can you forgive me mates.
  20. Is that when a large wave pushes a boat end over end, or swings the stern to the side and is hit on the port or starboard side by a large wave.
  21. Soooo thats how the kracken really came to be.
  22. Sounds good, does anyone know where I can get 2 1/4" dia. paint balls that will hold up in a cannon?
  23. I wonder if he got the fish.
  24. That sure looks like the Constitution
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