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Morgan Dreadlocke

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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke

  1. A small bribe at ye local bumber repair shoppe might fetch thee two plated of equal colour.
  2. (runs tae th' gunwale a'hollerin fer RAAAALLPHHHHH). 'ow 'bout the pyrate hero who arrives at the rescue by slidin' one handed down a furlong 'o rope w' nary a hint 'o ropeburn?
  3. Aye, T'wood be nice if an old bumblefingers can get this "code" fert'lizer tae be workin' Yer kids be safer iffins ye have somthin sharp tae guards 'em with.
  4. ^ Findin' rat'ler snakes where me kids be playin'. <Figgerin' out 'ow this chain conversion kit fits on Da Buell. \/Favorite toppin's on pizza?
  5. In what berth 'o this pub hath this villian made said claims? Seems ta 'ol Morgan ye be on a quest fer insurrection er mutiny. I holds not ta that notion. There be no profit in it. Iffen ye makes wi' some lucre 'ave a chair an spin a tale. If not then I musts hold thee in contempt an drinks me ale alone. A score a years ago a rift atwixt SCA Darkies an Rennmen befouled the air. Tis no different now. Friction between an in the classes keeps the dream from a stalein'.
  6. I brings a bag of RFID chips an 'ides 'em on everything too big to stuff in me pockets.
  7. Me hands be those of a workin' craftsman. Fine writin' is beyond me patience. Be there an artsy cheap 'puter program whats can replicate said scripts? Fonts fer befuddlers mayhaps?
  8. I's thinkin' Mr Tar has flown not inta cossack airspace cause e's still breathin' an postin'
  9. Aye, twistin' be what the game be about. The back seat i've occupated bein' an egress cadaver for the fire dept. The belt was mine fer about 20 minutes one night. But ya plays the game as the booker calls it or ya plays no more The lie was singin' the "battle" in '76. Twas '78, an the 513th would 'ave had my arse iffin's I sang a song beholdin' to blokes.
  10. Cap'n Pete says, See? This is unfair. So little has not been revealed about myself somewhere in this Pub... there's almost nothing left to lie about, and most all the truths have been laid bare for all to see. I gives thee a polar extreme. The Mench no naught of me so's i'll play yon game with thee- 1. I've parked my keyster in the back seat of an SR-71. 2. I once held the North American heavyweight wrest'lin belt. 3. At 10 pm on the 4th of July 1976, I sings the "Battle of New Orleans" whilst walkin' through Mildenhall village UK, on me way back to the base.
  11. Besides feedin' me gizzard lunch, I'm agin' two pair'o 1/6 sorta scale cannon carriage. Me 'hole boatyard be covered in wood ash, white oil paint and black stain.
  12. Now that be a right piratey vessel. I be bookmakkin' that sight. Me humble thanks
  13. Sea Bass braised in butter. Small squares of Swordfish on toothpicks and everything covered in breaded shrimp.
  14. By it's traditional name - "Aweigh, Santy Ano". Ye heards it back in the early 60's as "Santiano" by the Highwaymen. The Corncrake Song by Ossian. A fast an easy strummer in Am an G.
  15. She be naught but a pyle 'o parchments and dreams as yet. On the morrow the cannon be cast (pvc glued up) . Owin's to me blarney tainted gypsy roots she be named - D'jali Rajah
  16. Perusin' the Hitman's links above, it seems likely I's be buildin' me own right soon. I be wishin' fer a 2 masted , square rigged, right proper pirate ship scaled down to fits a 12' stich and glue hull.
  17. Beggin' yer pardon, me thoughts the title was "FAST life analysis". (scratches out past adventures) Reguardin' this list 'o professions I see naught of cutthroats, thieves and ladies 'o pleasure.
  18. Not uncommon to go a'hunert days with 100+ degrees near Tucson :angry:
  19. Avast there! Ye've not mentioned the most ingeneous pirate to ever tame the seven seas. Whar be Captain Nemo? Me thinks Swiss Family Robinson might fits yer billin' too.
  20. 6&12 string guitar. 6 string banjo and 12 string banjolin. Gots me a set 'o 2 drone pipes but the ol' battleaxe say it gives 'er a 'eadache.
  21. Aye, Jost a humble balladeer put in fer a tankard 'o ale an a chance ta leer at the bar wench. A toash ta ya 'll (Drinks the contents of the closest spitoon).
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