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Crowsnest Kate

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Posts posted by Crowsnest Kate

  1. Good luck to all of you duelists on your books. I hope some of you show up at the Port Washington Pirate Festival next summer In Wisconsin so I can seek you out and see your work. Sounds like a fine thing to be undertaking.

  2. Washed a'shore?! How did you survive the horrid current of the ocean?!

    T'wer a merman, I swear t'ya come along as I flowndered in the sea. He pushed me up out of the water and bade me hang on to his webbed hand as he pulled me to the shallows..... And then with a flip of his tail fin he were gone......I thought I were dreamin as I stood thar in the waters, waves a splashin around me skirts......finnally I were feelin chill and thought I should find a warm place to rest me bones afore I caught me death. That is how I survived the current in the ocean Cheeky....I swar!

  3. Welcome to ye! I be rather new here as well. I'm sure ye be finden the companys quite accomodatin.....

    Have a drink on me.

    I'll take a Jameson's if ya please barkeep!

  4. What could we trade ye for turnin' back the clock ten years or more?

    Jacky Tar

    Bein that you and I are of the same age Jacky Tar, I be wonderin why ye would wish to be ten or so years younger? I seem to be likin the aging process meself. As they say were nay gettin older we be gettin better. Goes fer men as well as women.

  5. I thinks ye have a crab or two clawin onta yer locks..perhaps ye can shake em loose along wi th seaweed.

    If we can get these danged crabs of'n my hair we can cook em on the fire and have supper along with the warmed rums. I think there may be some stuck to me skirts too (shakes her skirts and some fall with a bony plop to the floor) Ah dinner!

  6. Thank ye all fer the kind welcomin. Tis a fine place ye have ere and the company all the finer. I be most greatful fer the towels and drinks.

    Fortunate fer me my coin were fasten'd to be belt. Have a round on me as I warm m'self by the fire.


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