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Everything posted by Saber

  1. Don't know if it would work but there is already a dinner planned next month... What say we open that to the crews and Captains of the LW and HC? Seems a good choice to me Mates?
  2. I do believe the LW and the HC were on the far side of the bridge so they might engage in battle for the entertainment of those they had aboard, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the Royaliste. Sunday was a great day later in the afternoon, searching for wind was the call of the day and by the luck of Posiden we found it on the way back to home port. NO doubt our paths will cross again, we'll all swell up with pride for the ships we sail, as it should be. Enjoy the wind, sea and powder and leave any other baggage behind I says. Saber
  3. Thanks for the photo; I rarely see a shot of the Royaliste from the sea since I've been crewing with the ship since early last year. That was the first engagement in the late summer or early fall of last year, very little wind and we did have the motor engaged, as did at least one of the other two vessels. This years engagement was sail only once we neared our quarry and it was so much fun! There is no real winning or losing with mock battles, only the pure enjoyment and exhilaration of wind, sea and, black powder!!! Bragging? Well yes of course!!!!! What good crew doesn’t brag about his ship? I would think that a tradition since the beginning of sailing, that is of course unless you were chained to an oar in a box that floats, aaaaaaand a stitch of sail. Hawaiian Chieftain You strike a fine figure against the backdrop of the sea, I wish you luck with your business venture and hope the ship stays in the Bay. No ill intentions or feelings Mates. Lady Washington She’s a bit of living history for us all to enjoy, I can understand the fond feelings you must all have for her and the traditions she represents. She’s a great ship Mates. Now back to being part of the FINEST REENACTMENT PIRATE CREW upon the Bay!!!!! FUN BEFORES ALL I SAYS Saber Regular Crewmember of the Royaliste
  4. If any of ye be seeking an exceptionally beautiful sword, I've put antique sword with double lion's heads up for sale on Ebay: See Poison Quill's Auction
  5. I got a last minute booking to do a POTC DVD promotional event at Media Play in the Great Mall in Milpitas CA. They had a small party, a pirate costume contest and best of all, one of the costumed pirates ended up joining our guild! He'll be in the parade on Sunday. So not only did I end up with a DVD, but I got me another fer th' crew!
  6. At last!! The latest photos are up!!! CLICK HERE FOR MORE PHOTOS! We had two more donations- Ryann MacGregor donated this beautiful book to serve as the ship's log!!! So now we can have a record of all the pirates who have "signed the articles" and sailed on the Land Shark!! THANKS RYANN!!!!! And our good friend Charlie came up and helped us with the final phase of construction.
  7. You know, the best thing about old Ded Fred is just how quiet he is, never a foul word about anyone, he's always hanging around and most of all !!!!! He don't drink much
  8. I think I"m getting sick myself, might need a bit of that Capt'n Morgans magic healing drink..
  9. AHHHHHHHHHH DON'T DO IT!!! If you build it you must go. LOL (Taken from "Fields of Dreams") Be prepared to give up your weekends for the rest of your unnatural life! Quill.. I love you *S*
  10. Ole Saber looks at the tree with his and Quills name on it and smiles. "Yup, I do loves her"
  11. Damn.... Do I have to scribble a note to my wife so I can see her? Quill!!! Don't forget Simba *S*
  12. Damn Damn Damn.. Since Capt'n took that butt shot I've managed to keep from seeing it until today, now I have that image burned into my brain and I'm scared Mommy.. Make the bad man go away!!!! LOLOL
  13. Ahoy Capt'n!!!! A fort be a nice target Mate, sitting all alone and waitin fer us? Wait!!!! We killed them already! Is there anything left in the Bay that we haven't splattered with powder? Talk about a great day, four of us duking it out and flashing powder like crazy. Twas a day to remember.... To all who sailed aboard the Royaliste, it was great meetin ya or see'in ya again.... Saber
  14. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Big Wind, Big swells, great day!!!!!!1 God I love that stuff, is there anything better then the salt spray crashing over the bow, sails stiff and full, wheel humming in your hands telling you she's locked in the slot? Can't wait till Friday Mates. NOTHING beats a good following sea!!!!!
  15. I dunno if we'll ever to be able to have rigging that is sturdy enough for climbing, there's a couple of problems with that. First of all, the mast needs to be able to be easily taken up and down, because the Land Shark has to be hauled long distances by freeway and set up on-site for parades. So a heavy wooden mast might be difficult in that respect. Additionally, the hull is fiberglass rather than wood, so I don't know that it could support a wooden mast's weight. At the moment, it looks like we'll be going with black 4" PVC piping for the mast and either 2" or 4" for the bowsprit. Eventually I hope to add a lot of cool details. But at the moment, I'm just going to be glad to make it look remotely like a pirate ship for the Dec. 7 parade! We are going to angle the bowsprit as you suggested. You can get a better idea how it will look when you see the next set of photos...
  16. Arrrrrrr Sweetie, you had me when you mentioned be'in cut off from the Nookie. I'll do what ye want when ye want it in exchange fer me Privileges back.
  17. HEY!!!!! Will you all stop giving Quill ideas for the Land Shark? Grrrrrrrrrrr I have to help build them all and I'm really lazy by nature!!!!! If she weren't me wife I'd have sunk the tub long ago... Only kidding darling. :) Saber
  18. Did you ever think an entire ship could fit in someones arse? I'll let you know tomorrow. Quill will be my test case... Yes I got my arse stuck in the gunport but not stuck all the way! I could have jumped to the dock but as Quill stated, not a good idea for a large man. Only problem I had was getting my arse out of the gunport and back on deck. Ever see a turtle on its back? LOLOLOLOL
  19. All I can say about our Drakes Bay sail is..... OUTSTANDING!!!!! Royaliste did a great job of getting us green team members to the right place at the right time. I never once doubted there wasn't enough skill on board to get us home safe and sound. I know there's so much to learn about a square rigged ship but!!!! Sailing is sailing, or at least I hope it is...LOLOLOL Thanks for the great weekend Captain Royaliste.
  20. Arrrrrrrrrrrrr...... I guess the folks at the habor are half right! Some of the new crew aboard the Royaliste might not know the rigging and other things that make a square sailer different but one of them knows how to helm a sail boat. Worst comes to worse, we'll not leave crew overboard!!! Arrrrrrrrrr Captain Royaliste, we're waitin yer orders Sir!
  21. Words to warm me heart! I'm going with the Crimson Pirate!!! Burt did his own stunts along with his movie partner Oh ho... I think that was the mutes name? Anyone ????
  22. Ahhhhhhh Haaaaaaaaaa!!!! *candle goes on over head* I didn't think about the snuff blowing away!! That makes sense! :)
  23. Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirates life for me... That is unless we're caught then its who are those guys? LOLOL
  24. Ahoy Captain of the Royaliste !!!! It just so happens that my schedule at work has been changed, I no longer work Fridays! If your in need of crew then I'm your man. Lets talk about it this weeked if its good with you! Arrrrrrrr powder, grog and fightin!!! Don't get no better then that Mate! Saber/Bob
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