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Red Cat Jenny

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Posts posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Cat rushed the hatch almost tripping on it's edge in her haste. She yelled to Nate as she took the ladder in twos landing with a resounding thump drawing her own pistol as she landed. Cat let loose an exclamation as the fould smell hit her like the back of a hand. Oi!

  2. Jenny had followed Miss O'Treasaigh back down into the darkness of the hold, even as the sun began to warm the shrouds above it. Maeve wore what meager lendings The Lucy's Steward had to offer until she would be able to return to her own belongings. She paid no mind, as she examined dressings and made adjustments discovering some unseen wounds now that haste and chaos had left only its debris in the form of broken bones and damaged flesh.

    Jenny followed Maeve offering assistance where she could. The closeness below decks and the sight of those injured now seen with fresh eyes presented a gruesome reality which adrenaline, fatigue and urgency had blurred into only vague memory hours before. Blood seemed to linger in the air..mingled with groans and illness and her head began to swim. She placed a damp palm to her brow and closed her eyes a moment. Seeing the distress on the less experienced womans face and having most in hand, the churgeon bade Jenny up the ladder to see to the Captain and Ships Master.

    Thankfull for release, Jenny glanced towards the ward of Mister Marsh. No smells of food came from the galley stove which burned low smoking as a few embers spent their existence. Only water for the treatment of wounds and black coffee had seen the grate in the past hours. Jenny grasped the familiar worn spots between the rungs with one hand and held her side with the other as she ascended the ladder. She felt no warmth nor moisture through the thin linen, checking for the first sign of infection. The docteur had removed the only large splinter imbedded and treated the laceration with a salve. She ascended into the ward room and relief. A cool dampness which had lingered from the open shuters brought a calm to her skin. Relieved to escape the spectre below, Miss Ashcombe set her attention about the quarters to bring the room to rights before those officers and the Captain or perhaps Captains, returned.

  3. Hell yes!

    There is a school and I can't remember the name. I'll try to find it. They teach 18th century fighting and weaponry and also have boarding classes. I have wanted to do that so bad. But it's on the Right coast I believe in CA. Why is everything in CA? I'll post ot when I find the link Im off to work shortly.

  4. Tylenol and a seltzer for Syren...

    Sterling those shoes are hideous lol

    Miss Ashcombe swishes in with a tray of fine spirits to celebrate modship on the Watch Dog. Finding the members by the fire in raucous conversation. She wears a wide grin and takes a place at the hearth.

  5. Cat grasped th tiller, one side o' her mouth twitchin into a lopsided grin at his eyebrow wigglin..she watched as Nate strode forward an challenged Tomas an company. Cat an Nate'd only jes enjoyed a samplin o' th' very same stores not a few hours past. As he offered t' go b'low deck with 'em wot disparraged th' cargo, she placed a hand t' th' but o'th' pistol at her waist. Never likin t' see one go down under th' deck outnumbered. Even tho he be th' only one armed. She would have cast a silent glance t' Roberts t' follow em b'low, but he were still avoidin her direct attention. Cat huffed a little, shifted her feet an ran a thumb along th spot on th' tiller worn smooth from many a hand.

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