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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Miss Ashcombe, still a little queasy from the tossing of the ship, was now hot and feeling the smothering dampness of the ward room which had been dry before so many storm and sea soaked officers had tested it's very limits. As the parties left only the three of them alone and even before, Jenny felt like a thing in the background, a cup or quill..she served the men, and the Captain and did not participate but to listen. None had paid her any mind. So the sudden query came as a shock and she felt the closeness of the room as if the men hadn't left at all. Jenny gripped the decanter and spoke, trying to drown any fear from her voice. It sounded strange to hear herself join the conversation when she had been silent most of the past hour. "Captain, I cannot tell whom the man shot at, nor was it told to me that he shot at anything known. I was struck, with a sweep or musket and was not concious of my surroundings when brought aboard." She said no more.
  2. Red Cat couldn't help but laugh..she warn't really insulted... she was jes playin wit the poor man t' satify her mood. T'wasn't fair really.. He did come after her an her, did think t' bring the rum. ...an a compass an chart! Her mind switched quickly an she hopped in th' boat feigning a bow t' an flashin a grin t' ol young Nate hisself. "Wall lets git under way then an have a look at tha chart ye gots Nate.." she ignored th' last roll o' his eyes an wotever he mumbled t' th' Father.. Huggin th' coastline made sense an she felt more sure they'd have a better time o' things. Who knows wot they may come upon along th' way. Soon th sail were filled wit th' late mornin breeze an they were tackin along off shore.
  3. A Very Happy Birthday!!!
  4. Being a smart ass is a good sign Bess :) Glad he's on the mend! Thoughts and prayers :)
  5. Cat stood wit her boots in th' sand .. Not used t' bein given no time t' decide, she looked back o'er her shoulder, mayhaps there be summin worth lookin into given th' unseen occupant. Her sense o'opportunity were overtakin her earlier sense o' trepidation now tha th' light was in th' sky. Still... They had pistols an a musket, but not much means o' escape. So she stood...not one ta be pressed...an cross from little sleep an less breakfast.. Cat scratched th' back o' her head an fixed Nate wit a stare. "Ye know Mr. Durant....I ain't accustomed t' bein ordered..."
  6. Red Cat stood a moment watchin Nate as he went about stowing their gear. "Wot?..." she chuckled, replacin weapons an grabbed th' few loose belongins placin em in th' boat. "Catch up? t' a brig under sail?" "Aye" he replied wit a determined grin "Innis weeee boat??" She laughed. Nate stood up straightnin his wesket an looked at his handiwork. He leaned in an tightened a rope round th' supplies, tuggin on it until he were satisfied that it would hold fast. He slapped th sand from his hands an slops and turned t' face her. "Told Cap'n Ransom we'd be back afore they make th Tortugas" he looked at th boat "Aye..She'll make it.." Cat wasn't so sure..she'd taken many a risk..but she'd just finished wit one foolish chance that'd cost her an mayhaps now Mr. Durant dearly. "Acrost all that open sea...in a wee unarmed boat...." Placin one foot on th edge o' th' craft, she leaned an elbow acrost her knee. Red Cat shook her head an squinted up at th' taller, sandy haired sailor, "An how do ye propose we do tha Mr. Durant? Catch up wit em you say..." It warn't impossible, th' Rakehell were damaged, an likely travelin more slowly lest she risk tearin open th' maw in her side..an given someone else were here an not makin themselves known, mahap it were better t'take a chance wit poseidon. She jes wanted t' hear wot he had t' say on th' matter.
  7. To add to my earlier refs see what threatexpert has to say http://www.threatexpert.com/report.aspx?ui...a1-ccf7fb70dc82 read the whole page you will see the sum4count ref I know we have more than one IT pyrate out there... What say you guys?
  8. I have been watching these guys on Youtube Lol I like their slogan "Full contact jousting no sissies allowed!" I don't know anything much bout armor but thats gotta hurt. http://fullcontactjousting.com/jousting.html There's some rough stuff in there..these guys don't just play Heh looks like fun..but I like my parts where they are..oh well
  9. Wow.. My grandma was also born in 1903. She passed away bless her soul at 100 years and 3 months. I have often marveled at the fact that growing up rustic on a farm in the snowy, hilly part of Sweden she washed clothes on rocks in the stream, picked fresh berries on their property, lived by candle light, made butter, had a washtub, could slaughter dress and cook a goose.. Later coming to this country saw the Wright brothers fly and later still flew on jets to visit her family in Sweden. Saw the moon landing on tv, the end of segregation, the end of the cold war, two world wars, women go from skirts to pants. The many lengths of hair and hemlines etc etc... Remembering her in her 90's she was quite adept with the microwave, cordless phone, remote for cable, coffee maker, and she liked to watch basketball and Johnny Carson on tv. She never did learn to drive. She'd traveled extensively by air and train, crossed the Atlantic as a divorced foreign woman (Not common at all) with the youngest twins ever to make the crossing by ship (my Mom and Aunt) to escape the war in europe. She left this world a very well read, very self educated woman who had seen the world change in profound leaps in her lifetime. I wonder sometimes how that much change must have felt.
  10. Delighted.. It was an interesting eve
  11. In honor of the Olympics and the proprietors taste for Mediterranean foods.. Miss Ashcombe lays out a fine Greek brekkie Date and walnut rolls with honey Fresh spinach and Feta egg white omletes (my favorite!) Black tea from Malotira and Loukoumades (Greek doughnuts) Eis Igian me hearties!
  12. T'were tha time o' morn when th' stars still looked bright in a lightnin' sky wots edges were jes showin th' slightest hint o' sun on th' rise. Th deepest shadows makin cover still possible, yet th soft glow givin some things more appearance dependin in th' direction one was lookin. A brief chill stirred Red Cat back t' a more awake state as she'd wandered further from th warm circle o' now dyin embers. She walked back closer t' th camp an spied Nate still aslumber. His face calm an his pistol laid close t' hisself under one hand. She looked about now findin it harder t' see after th' light o' th fire small as it were. Cat strode not too far towards th' nearby rise in th beach t' have a look out towards th' water. Soon th' chill would give way to a hot sun an she hoped, a good strong breeze. Toppin th bluff Red Cat could still see Nate an th' camp only a hunnert yards by, but now could look around to th' East an North. All seemed quiet. Then she spied th' footprint. Crouchin down an drawin her pistol slowly she ran a hand through th'impression.. It warn't just made, an th' night breeze had obscured it's partner, but then she saw that there had been more movin North o' the spot where she crouched. Th' chill returned.... Had someone been wotchin 'em? R' had they happened on th' beach just after? She transferred her pistol t' her left hand an grasped th hilt o' her cutlass wit th' right. Slowly she returned t' camp in an awkward, stooped and backwards manner .. all th' while scannin th' sea grasses t' see if they moved other than wit th' gatherin breeze. Red Cat nudged Nate wit one foot, never retreatin from her survey o' their surroundins. He stirred an she loosed th' cutlass bringin her hand t' motion him not t' make a sount. Mayhap they were now alone..mayhap they'd been all th' while. But she were wont t' take no chances.
  13. http://www.roadsideamerica.com know before ye go
  14. riiiiiiiiiccola.............
  15. Well don't go feeling too old... Consider The brick" weighed 2 pounds, offered just a half-hour of talk time for every recharging and sold for $3,995. Clunky and overpriced? Not in 1984, when consumers lined up in droves to buy the first cellular phone as soon as it hit the market. And certainly not to Rudy Krolopp, lead designer of the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X ------------------------------------------------------- Now 2008 the iPhone 3G $199- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Microwaves become a household appliance in the 80's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1983 - Microsoft announces windows Now part of everyday life ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1994 the zip drive arrives from iOmega ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and now car paint that heals itself http://blogs.consumerreports.org/cars/2007...tches-heal.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a lot has happened in under 30 years
  16. Red Cat wanted t' finish her dream..it were a right pleasant one.. "Oi!" she grumbled an drew away from th hand shakin her. Slowly she realized she warn't swingin in a hammock, but curled upon a canvas in th sand. Red Cat stretched an tiltin her head sideways..threw th grinnin but sleepy Nate a foggy look. She then looked past him at th position o' th moon in th sky. It was nigh late in th' night. Cat shook off sleep an accepted th musket. She took a sip from th water flask an walked about th small encampment stretching her limbs. Cat turned t' talk t' Nate but he'd fallen asleep as soon as he laid hisself down. She grinned an hummed a shanty, very quietly as she drilled round th camp an back. Studyin th lay o' th horizon should it change.
  17. aye..and that was interesting..thanks I rather meant another choice of either party.. although a lot of people have swung independent from both sides this year... I can't say I blame them..or haven't considered it. However, as you state...the current two party concept works..if not this years model..or last..or .err well.. you know... The concept of a great president only once a generation or so is rather facinating... I would guess it would take a generation usually for things to get bad enough to require greatness or great effort to step up to the plate...There is some merit there. Barring a large unforseen circumstance that is. Plus I guess someone great would at least last a generation..thereby eradicating the need for another just then... Then there's the thought that if there were many..would just one seem truly great? Or would the norm be different due to the abundance of more capable and stoic characters? hmm... fodder for the long drive to work and back.. As for my thoughts... I have been enjoying the History Channel Series on The Revolution which I recently bought. You know...there are some very interesting similarities.... But then I've been saying that was coming for some time You just never know..
  18. Red cat had woken and peered towards th fire wit only a slightly opened eye..all seemed quiet. She'd rest a wee more 'n then insist on takin a watch.
  19. ^ Currently searching for a costume < Has many bits and pieces in the closet, trunk etc.. V Again, pass the question..
  20. That's because we have yet another "lesser of two weevils" vote. Personally I'm voting for Patrick Hand, myself. (Write in. Let's see 'em figure out who that is. Vintage goggles for everyone!) Well last night Lou Dobbs gave the results of a new poll showing the two *ahem * "choices" being split 44% to 44%. I shall feel guilty voting either way. But it is said it's bad not to vote which I concur with normally, It's a right we fought for and not voting lets people less savory take control. but is it better than voting for either of two people you have no good convictions about? I'm still thinking this quandry through. I vote for a third and fourth choice. Where are the John Adams? The FDR's, the Teddy Roosevelts, the General Washingtons? Are we devoid of such men (or women) of substance forevermore?
  21. Yah Jenny I find it the same with gymnastics fer the Summer games and skating in the Winter games. The side commentator is always full o'criticisms. "Oh he really didn't do...." "Oh she should have gone more for the...." YADDA YADDA YADDA!! AYE. Never mind that these are not all professional athletes..or how about saying it's remarkable that he/ she made it here and is competing on a world class level. Thank goodness the competitors can't hear the announcer. and what s up with that random music that seemed to start without warning jusat as someone was geting ready to start. That would throw me off. strange.. However, it's always exciting and I do think the olympics shows peolple that the world can come togther. Not all of us are focused on the bad stuff or our differences.
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