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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. sigh....hey..no telling our secrets..
  2. Suddenly Miss Ashcombe felt small and out of place, looking up at Preston Whittinford before her. He stood at least a head taller than she, with his brawny arms easily twice as thick as only one of hers crossed before him. Shirtsleeves rolled up to the elbows. She felt like a foolish child. Her uncle rarely made her feel more than opressed and angry with his belittling speeches or cold words dropped like stones on the front walk. But here she stood amongst men.. men she hardly knew, who knew the life at sea which she did not. If the ships master were hiding some amusement at her expression behind his flowing red goatee, it gave no hint of showing. Jenny's mind raced for a moment which seemed an eternity, but the faces of the women on the Watch Dog, what she had seen of them came into her mind. She raised her chin and took on an air of calm directly in conflict with her insides. "Mister Whittinford, MUST you address me in such a manner? Is my name somehow unpleasant to you? His eyes widened and she quickly kept speaking before he could reprimand or answer. "I have been aboard your ship by the good graces of your Captain...and yourself..but four days. Having remained below for most of that time I can hardly say I am familiar, except with the galley and the way between... I do know you have renamed her and assume that she has recently come into your aquisition" If Mr. Pews eyes hadn't widened anymore, his brow did raise at this last comment. But he said nothing. Had she misstepped and implied anything less than honorable? Jenny felt like she was crossing the old brook on the plantation, slipping on every other stone. Only the peril here was far deeper than the brackish water which held no worse threat than ruined shoes. "Posession..." she stammered. A smile or the trace of one, tugged at just one corner of his lips and was just as quickly gone. It was a small relief and she found ground under her feet again, realizing that perhaps some of that ground could become common between them. There was some experience she did posess "As for weapons, I am not as unfamiliar as you may assume, I have hunted fowl and did posess my own fowling piece. I am familiar with many weapons of ceremony and war beloning to my former employer, in recognition only. He has a vast collection" His expression did change to one of mild interest and Jenny tried to think of all she knew, to remember in detail the stories Garaud would tell in his study in the earlier days. Every piece he owned it seemed, came with a tale as ornate. She did find those interesting but the company became less than delightful and soon their brief chats would be no more. "Go on.." was all he said. "As for sailing..my knowledge would encompass more of what one should NOT do," she mimicked her uncle's directions "Don't sit there, don't pull on that" and running out of words and resources equally, Jenny's voice trailed off but she had found her confidence again. If only for the moment.
  3. I always loved Patton.. Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. Benjamin Franklin
  4. and salad? and garlic bread?
  5. Well Maeve started talking about hot chocolate...then coffee... damn. now I need a coffe
  6. I need an airplane, a boat and an endless supply of funds..oh and a really cool hat and some chocolate
  7. Im a rich brunette with natural coppery red underneath..and I approved this message
  8. WILLIAM! Stop that now..or Im going to have to go shopping for more than one! I covet that sword your friend made. Aye a good plain sturdy cutlass from ODF as well. Something that travels. out of period I love the etched ceremonial swrods..things of beauty
  9. Miss Ashcombe paused. Was there something she wasn't supposed to know? Was there more to the Lucy and her crew than she'd been led to believe? Would her answer lead him to suspicion or accusation? No, he wouldn't press her for such a question in the open. He had every opportunity moments ago below. Jenny's hands grasped her skirts as she looked about and then back to the man before her. His face revealed little more than the patient expectation of an answer. ..."Sir.?"
  10. Hmm.. I can always be tempted by a DiSaronno on ice. or a good expensive Cognac... hmm Rum of course, but I need to try more kinds. Aye, I think that'll be a new Years resolution. or gin and anything...with a lime I need to get some more Bailey's now that it's cold out. Drambuie, Zambucca, Ouzo...something that bites back
  11. Heh cool! You tough guys you... How was the Wydah?
  12. Red Cat propped a foot on th grate an absently rested a hand on th pistol at her belt. Considerin th' odds.. She walked back t' Nate after a time. "Mr. Durant..aye ye have some skills wi that tiller sah.. " Nate grinned widely "lets have a look at tha map agin aye?" He withdrew the parchment and they stood side by side comparin possibilities. "Now them we left behind has only a small boat, " she looked at him cockin her head t' one side "n'less they got friends ashore.." they both glanced back ta where they sped away swiftly from wit the sails filled finely in the wind. "Now wot say ye ..shall we put to? or stay along tween these atolls? I do b'lieve th Tortugas ain't far..mebbe a few turns o' th glass o'er here.."
  13. Huzzah on yer immoral imortality
  14. Fruit tarts and tea (it will be late when I get home)
  15. A quote I have long had tacked to my wall Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron. -Dwight Eisenhower
  16. I'm considering this morning that phones now have a "Q" I remember my folks old phone... that key said "P R S" no Q.... evolution on a small scale? and speaking of evolution.. Yesterday on the way to work I noticed 6 pidgeons sitting on the cross piece of a lightpole (yeah , it's a long drive) Spaced almost exactly apart from each other. Is that spacing for wing (elbow) room should one wish to depart? or as each space was almost exactly one bird wide between them (which caused me to notice this) are they saving a seat? If you've ever bothered to notice, birds and fish in large moving numbers, do not whack or jostle into each other like we humans do in a crowd....but they're sitting on a lightpole we made (having thumbs and advanced intellect) ..still they posess this non stumbling ability that we lack..is that a fault in our evolution? a gglitch? a bug?
  17. I have been deeply concerned for this country for a long time...that concern continues..aye..I voted.. But the pickings were undesirable all around.
  18. Having freshened herself and her clothing is the short time to be had alone, Miss Ashcombe started at Mr. Pew's voice while she dressed. She tugged at the lacings and gathered her hair hastily under her hat. Coming around the canvas Jenny hurried after the Ships Master out into the open air.
  19. Red Cat grimaced...snatched th map from Nates hand..looked it over, looked out across th water an back towards where they come from. She looked back at Nate fer a moment.. "Blast!" having shouted tha one word she paced off mumblin an grumblin an continued as such fer a moment..returnin back t' him she waved her arms wildly almost loosin th map in th breeze "Why would Ransom do tha?!" an continued on in a tirade..finally stoppin, she thrust th map back inta Nates hands an looked over her shoulder shieldin her eyes agin th' sun... Cat spoke in a low tone, glarin back across th' open water. "We'd best add some sail Mr. Durant...an find em wot we come wi, before those we...left behin.. comes a seekin after us"
  20. To the Finn Brothers - you wild boys you Sommat ta toast with Pirate pies an chips with plenty o malt vinegar Do try to behave a little now....not too much tho
  21. so many tings to do.......where DOES the time go?
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