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Red Cat Jenny

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Posts posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Looking at the following quote makes ut easy to understand why sailors and pirates would be superstitious..


    Yet a sailor's life is at best, but a mixture of a little good with much evil, and a little pleasure with much pain. The beautiful is linked with the revolting, the sublime with the commonplace, and the solemn with the ludicrous.


    The only one I came across was superstition about renaming a ship without proper ceremony of one kind to put the "soul" of the previous name at rest.

  2. Well now please endulge th ladies out there.... there arent enough o ye piratey men in our everyday lives so's we needs our lil fantasies..

    It's the romantic, funny, overconfident, tough yet occasionally childlike wrapped in the potential for danger and general scoundriliness (is that a word) the whole general uncertainty that is for women what a bodacious rack with a willing smile and some really good connections for sports tickets, pistols or whatnot is for men. Not to sound shallow. LOL. There is of course a lot more than that but we're just havin some fun me n th other lasses....

    ye kno we likes ye all ye manly men!!!! :blink:

  3. These are great! You've inspired me. I am picturing ye in home Depot and Outback. Liquor store ..most definately!

    As fer th airport I haven't seen any o ye there yet.. but I like the idea of a whole bunch o us on a plane to Key West or other event, Imagine 15 or 20 pirates in business class!

    lol Keep the stories coming! :D

    I am wearing at least me hat ta werk on Halloween..will be fun walkin thru customs!

  4. MMmm egplant, sliced thin breaded with egg, milk, flour ,Italian breadcrumbs, red pepper flakes and fresh black pepper, bake it crispy in olive oil and dip in tomato sauce.mmmmmmm - who even needs the cheese? A nice bottle of Behringer Founders estate Merlot would go great. :D

  5. What is "browning"? I would think some coarse kosher or sea salt mixed with tar or maybe a tiny bit o shoe polish and some sand rubbed in may work. I remember getting new sneakers when school started and we all ground the huge looking white leather monsters into the sand to properly "distress" them to a much more acceptable state.

  6. I think a man likes a woman who makes him feel like a man...if you can follow that, not like a 5 yr old or a deck swabber. (Tho I guess there are some into that) But that he can provde, protect and proposition all to yer liking! Plus that ye'll stand by his side makin him feel like Captain..

    What say ye men?

    (Of course there is that pile of dirty socks that can be a problem)lol

  7. I'll be namin me ship The Red Cat and fly the jolly roger proudly above 40 guns!! :lol: If yer sailin and get that uncomfortable clammy tingly feelin at the back of yer neck....best check the horizon.....

  8. Where have you wound up while on your way to a reenactment, festival, fair, party, whatnot.... dressed in all yer spledour? (Gas station, 7-11, pulled over perhaps? lol!)

    I have always kept one braid tied in a good antique bit o ribbon which I tuck up under me long hair with a clip when at work. One day it came undone and when my boss asked about it I just smiled and said "I'd tell ye but then I'd have ta kill ye" He didn't ask any more questions..

    Good thing he has a sense of humor and I do my job well LOL.

    I used to work in the music industry where all manner of crazy fashion is acceptable, but now I wears a suit at the airport..little do they all know the danger in their midst (chuckle) Lookin foreward to yer stories.. :lol::huh::lol:

  9. Wow I knew you would come through! Interesting! I was trying to imagine being on a ship in the hot sun or a blowing gale with your head about to explolde.

    I figure if they meant to be sucessful in their voyages and plunders, pirates would have to look after their health in some way despite getting grubby and sweaty. I'd be interested to see if there were any requirements in ship's rules for keeping of health so as not to endanger the usefuleness of ones'self or the rest of the crew.

    Dont know much about apothecary of the period, but I suppose there must have been herbal remedies as mentioned.

    Are there logs of ships surgeons that might tell this in depth? NOt that I'm looking for the yucky stuff, just to see what they had to fight maladies of the time.

    Any info on the gold teeth Q?

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