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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Cheeky, that sounds so much more exciting than me raw veggies and dressing...save me a few eh?
  2. Aye! Thankee!
  3. A hearty welcome T' th pub Culliford! A toast to ye Slainte!
  4. First o all welcome back William! (ahhhh yer girlfried looks a bit stiff there in th pic....wot did ye do t make er so angry? LOL) 2) To Capt Straw " Oh we can't wait for the sword pic hee hee ewwww."
  5. Anytime Captain T'was a learnin experience fa me as well!
  6. A bit late but welcome t' th pub Lil Ming! Always good t' ave another lass aboard ...and a Sheppey Relation t' boot! I'll have a root beer if'n ye please!
  7. Sorry guys, quotes are a passion of mine lol woohoo this fits Piracy! "There is left in every man something of the primeval love of stalking." - John Galsworthy
  8. Aye th lass's be makin a bee line fer th cabana!
  9. Passion takes no count of time; peril marks no hours or minutes
  10. Well I've just passed Adam Ant to ye in th hot tub, and I'll leave ye wi a quote from Albert Camus: (It's one o me favorites) In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. :) Cheers !
  11. Ye should contact Kass she seems t be th most resourceful, however there are many more ere who have made their garb by hand. Mrs Mad Jack and Captain Sterling as well . Check the posts here and good luck!
  12. ^ Still ratling wit the last bits of the cough < Have secret plans for tomorrow V have any secrets?
  13. Aww PirateSSe what be troublin ye so?
  14. Three cheers for ye Hester! Yer a gerl who knows how ta enjoy to th fullest! Look out lads she be dangerous!
  15. Early..1606 replica but great detailed pics inside (click the pic)
  16. eww eww ewwwww! I was rather hoping for pouring alchohol or some herbal thing..ouch!
  17. While I was claiming my neighbor's yard for William, th scallywags claimed me own ! Darned crafty Jamaicans! Sheesh!
  18. ^ Well everything broke at work yesterday so it wasn't the best < I'm buying me hat today! V If you could be anywhere in the world right now - dressed as you are (sweats, garb, suit, pajamas...) where would you be?
  19. My neighbor's leaf blower, hedge trimmer, lawn mower etc, etc at 10 o clock in th *#!@* morning on a Saturday! What is WRONG with those people?
  20. Despite the storm and the fighting, everyone stays remarkably clean
  21. Ahhh just add copious amounts of alchohol (or chocolate for those who don't drink) and that "come hither look" stir well and serve....
  22. Sadly tonight I only reheated lol. But tomorrow I'm making lamb chops wih garlic and rosemary and roasted veggies mmmm...oh and Callenish I love green beans and pearl onions!
  23. Ok well with all the slashing and shooting and such, did pirates stitch thir wounds? I would imagine they could have sustained some more serious gashes with all the close fighting.. How would they treat this? It seems with not much fresh watter and no antibiotics there must have been methods, I'm trying to imagine surviving through all the elements of life at sea..
  24. Aye thankee Jacky, ee be a pluderer of socks and a good chair warmer. Plus e can't get enough o diggin f treasure in th sand! I'm off tomorrow so I'll be updatin!
  25. ^ Marx Brothers <I just got over my cold V Ketchup or Mustard?
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