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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. yeah .. he thinks hes a sled dog
  2. well me wee doggie wanted to try on my t shirt and gave me an idea as we got hit with a sudden snow and I'd thrown out his old coat So I stitched him up a new one with a few buttons from mom.. Survived the cold, wet and shake test.. woah....
  3. Aww you guys take care of yourselves. Grape Juice and red meat.
  4. Joe Jackson but I'd rather watch Elvis Costello http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiNHe7BUqhc
  5. Cranapple and 2 asperin Rain melting the ice from last night No one - I'm still grouchy from yesterday The people who mean most to me
  6. Cranapple and 2 asperin Rain melting the ice from last night No one - I'm still grouchy from yesterday The people who mean most to me
  7. ^ I had a head start....but then the weather turned. Ill be decking my halls the rest of the way on the 19th my first day of a week off woohoo! < Note to self - A trip to the liquor store for extra spirits! Party's here on Christmas Eve! V Pass the Q
  8. Drove home in 40 minutes of ice pellets I hate that. Snow turns my work day into chaos at JFK. damn and I had planned to spend my down time surfing for Christmas presents. If I don't have to drive in it, you'll find me out playing in it YOu just might get pushed in that snow drift "FWOOFFFF!"
  9. Good Gracious all these December Birthdays! Happy Birthday Capt Jim!
  10. Late but wished no less earnestly Happy Birthday To Ye Sah!!!! A round of Pirate cupackes an Grog in honor!
  11. A Red Cupcake for yer Birthday! Happy Birthday Red Maria
  12. WRW - A Happy Natal Day to ya. I'm sure the lovely Maeve and the wee minions made it grand! A toast to ye! SLAINTE!
  13. more than nice..I didn't sleep anyway mmm outstanding Captain. A blackberry tart would make a lovely finish
  14. Aye,....aye..
  15. Captain... I need something soothing to help me get to sleep maybe something ...fluffy
  16. why am I not sleeping?...sigh - If I go to sleep now...I'll get 5 hours of sleep
  17. ^ Heehee Well congratulations on the new you. I feel content despite starting to do the insomniac math..if I go to bed now, I will get x hours of sleep.... Gotta be up at 4
  18. comunism (bleah)
  19. Ward Room of The Lucy Mr. Whittigford had come into the Ward room announcing that several would assemble there shortly, then exiting to collect those he spoke of. Jenny hastily cleared away any items on the table and lit the second lamp. Setting glasses and a bottle on top of their cabinet should they be expected, she absorbed herself in the tasks at hand and tried to dispell the trepidation of returning to St. Louis. Had she not known the reason, she might have feared greatly that it was to remand her to authorities there. Despite the men aboard, Jenny would have felt more secure were the Captain of the Lucy present as well. However, in his stead she told herself the Ship's Master would look after her as he would any other crew member, affording protection in all circumstances great or small. In the absence of the actual Captain, she assumed the next in command would posess the same absolute authority. Jenny opened the door a crack to look for the would be visitors and in slipped the black and white cat who seemed to appear as quickly as he was able to vanish. A quick brush against her leg and he marched in with an air of entitlement.. followed by Mr's Flint, Tucker, Brisbane, Wenge, Johnson, and Brocke who took no notice of the creature. As Mr. Pew settled at the head of the table those others remained standing and crowded into the small space. The pooka slipped easily among them settling himself resolutely at Pew's feet and gingerly entertaining his curiosity with cold nose against the Master's leg.
  20. I'll take the blue one thanks, I look divine in that color
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