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Everything posted by PirateSSe

  1. S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A.: Sexy Amorous Minx Administering Naughty Touches and Hot Affection hmmmmm...
  2. From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success.
  3. I dress in piratical style everyday. I luv the looks I get. I also love the hipsway and swagger I throw in fer extra measure.
  4. I'm Savvy, the kick-ass deer with a mind of her own, a searing desire to grab everything that's not nailed down, a vicious sway in her hips, and Santa follows her around like a puppydog. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good fight.
  5. I live quite close. Just moved here. I do love an almost 80 degree day around Christmastime. White Chritmases are overrated.
  6. Thanks fer thinkin' o' me!! These past 2 months have been a whirlwind fer me. Couldn't attend PiP because my husband and I drove from our old residence in maine to our new home in Texas, so that week was pretty well taken up. I guess you could say we were on a journey to our own New World. I'm so thrilled!! Warm weather, a lovely house (which I will go crazy decoratin'!!) No more drab tiny apartment in a cold, frigid atmosphere fer me! Those days are done. Yes....life does begin at 40!
  7. Always a comforting sound.. like the fan on low on a summer night.ahhh However currently it's the comforting whoosh of airplane engines as I'm at work all ni... zzzzzzz..niiii....night *yawn* It's that white noise. Blocks out everything, causing relaxation.
  8. The washer and dryer.
  9. I type with only me left hand.
  10. tic tac throw
  11. Luv it!
  12. A little boy on a cartoon the other night~ "I tried teaching my hamster to swashbuckle, but all he did was run around in his wheel."
  13. Drunk as a monkey in a barrel o' rum............
  14. I wants a deadly bastard ready to slaughter and maim and pillage. Someone who will say"That thar gold piece would look fine about me lady's neck." Someone quick with the sword and always ready to lay waste... my guy. At work alongside with me, o' course.
  15. I live in Scarborough, Maine, but not for long.
  16. Rum diddly dee.... I'm takin' part in ye...
  17. Do you use a lot of kohl? I do. And I'm also crazy...
  18. Kaput and Zosky slaugtering and looting.
  19. That be one handsome set o' bones!
  20. I wouldn't sweat it. I'm quite the kinkstress meself.
  21. As I drove home from work a wee but very authentic lookin pirate sailed by in his stroller! I wish I had me camera! I swear he threatened me with his cutlass as his mum wheeled him past, the lil sea dog! How f**in' cute! I'd have lost it!
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