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Everything posted by PirateSSe

  1. Wal-Mart also has a Spider-Man 3 commercial. Pretty slick lookin' movie...
  2. Oh, thank you!! It was excellent meeting you! My husband and I both admired and were intrigued by your vast historical knowledge. You definitely were a deciding factor in "Was it worth the trip?"! You wife was also delightful!
  3. Aye, I do believe this will be a blast. See ya there!
  4. Monopediomaniac~ Someone with a sexual attraction for a one-legged person. Ought to make any peg-legged pirate feel wanted!
  5. Thankfully, that's history....
  6. Italy..how beautiful. Carnevale must have been a blast!!
  7. That's cluckin' funny!!
  8. We have a winner! Yes, these are jewelry pieces that have not been cut away from their sprues, the term for the "stem" that connects the items to the mold. So, do you have a picture we can guess at?
  9. O.K., what is this~
  10. I didn't see a file name. Just knew what it was....
  11. Swandive "Nutopian Days"
  12. Well said. I liked it, and they were just sharing their project with like-minded others. Good for them. Courage to show your talent is commendable.
  13. The upper section of a butterfly ~ head, thorax, legs, top of abdomen. Hmm.. I don't see the proboscis...guess he's not hungry.
  14. I wonder if this is anyone here....
  15. Hmm..I dance very similarly to this. Just comes naturally...
  16. Silver Beam "Weightless"
  17. mmmm...elk steak jerky. Love those unusual meats!!
  18. PirateSSe


    I have no favorite brand. All are welcome with me!
  19. It was wonderful and fun to meet everyone. You and your wife are great people! I know I was very talkative, and hopefully your meal wasn't too frostbitten by the time you actually got to enjoy it. Looking forward to another meet up!
  20. You're not an old fart! Just beginning!
  21. Wow...how do I not remember that? Too much!
  22. I like to sink my teeth into a womans heinny! would said woman like havin' her ass chomped? Hindquarters a la mode......
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