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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. I'm wondering what the estame for how long it takes to put this coat together is? There are so many things on my list of "to sew" but I'd love to add this if I can find the time. I'm looking forward to seeing everyones progress.
  2. The barkeep took little notice of another young sailor in the busy room until the sound of copper hit the cracked table top. “A room sir.” Charles urged raising an eye brow to the pudgy man. “room only. No board” the man’s voice cracked fingering the chunks of metal. With a jerk of his head the man lead Charles through the growing drunks & up the back stairwell. The man’s fat thumb pointed up the second flight of stairs as he handed over a rusty key. Walking sidewise with his trunk up the narrow shaking stairway, Charles came to a small attic room under the inn’s eaves. Dust swirled in what little sun light spilled in from the under roof window. In one corner sat a rough table topped with melted candle & a small pitcher of stale water. The chest landed easily at the foot of a straw stuffed mattress. The door latched behind Charles with a solid click. His attention quickly focused on the chest. Pulling a leather thong from around his neck, the dangling key easily found its way into the chests sturdy lock. With the lid flipped back he eagerly began dumping the meager contents searching for false bottom release. A quick tug and the real treasure was uncovered. A pile of soft green linen spilled out of the hidden compartment. Charles smiled, running his work worn hands over the delicate material. It had been too long since the fine garment was placed in the chest, although it seemed no worse for wear. The rummaging continued until a small cloth & lump of beige soap was produced. The faded coat & sweat covered hat were quickly discarded into the pile of other simple belongings. Charles stood at the small table, dipping the rag into the pitcher & relishing in feel of the tepid water as it ran over his hot skin. Slowly the coating of work & salt air was stripped from his youthful face. The water ran black before the task was finished. Shuffling through the small pile on the dusty mattress his hands settled on a sliver of shined metal. He bit his lip before raising the reflective disk to his eyes. No longer was it the work worn face of Charles Chole, that stared back but the delicate features of Jane Melchert. For the first time in the nearly 18 months since she first donned the rough slops of a sailor, Jane breathed a sigh of relief.
  3. These are from my trip to CA earlier this year. I have to say the salt water was amazing, especially to this midwesterner. Most are from the rocky shore of Monteray Bay. Something about the combination of rocks and waves, I never wanted to leave.
  4. Charles Chole picked absently at the patch in his slops. The hot sun sent rivers of sweat through the hair trapped under his rough wool cap. They ran down the back of his neck & soaked into the collar of his dirty gray jacket. On the dock the last barrels & crates from the Anna Rae had been stacked in ordered rows despite the crowds of people. What few sailors that remained on board the empty merchantman milled about aimlessly, cursing being so close to land and yet still on the water. With a sigh Charles rose from his perch on the small travel worn chest. He hauled it up by the stiff leather handles before heading for the short bridge connecting ship to shore. “Headin’ ashore boy?” the sun blackened gunner asked leaning against the rail. “Aye” Charles nodded shifting the chests weight between both hands. “Watch yer purse rite. Plenty out thar happy ta lighten ye of it.” The sailor winked a rough smile cracking around his eyes. “Aye sir” Charles nodded again. Squinting into the afternoon sun he pushed his way through the crowded dock and beyond that into the tangled streets of Port Royal.
  5. Just jambalya & corn bread with honey tonight. Nothing fancy. ahh wisconsin cheese. One of the 3 major food groups. Beer, cheese & brats.
  6. Welcome to tha pub Scrounger. See if ye can scrounge up s bit o' rum fer a lady eh?
  7. Dear Rats, I am truely in your debt Sir. I'm afraid my obsession with fabric might be showing just a bit. I have been known to feel people's clothes on random ocassions when I like the fabric. Sadly the internet does not allow this.
  8. that is an interesting way to think about eye glasses. It was definately a less "reading heavy" lifestyle. I can see that there would be less need for close vision problems. Though there would still be people such as myself who can't see past arms length & wouldn't be functional without some sort of eye assistance. There is always the issue of cost. Eye glasses didn't get common until there was a way to mass produce lenses (1800 something right?) It's an interesting detail to think about.
  9. Very funny Lady B. Apparently I *saw* a lot of members from here at Port Washington this year. Of course I didn't know this wonderful place exsisted until reciently so I didn't know who anyone was! Now that I am in the know, you'll have the devil of a time gettin rid o me!
  10. If naut else I'd be interested in talkin more bouts the creation o yer flags. been thinkin meself that applique would be more period, usin' up scraps 'round tha ship n' such. thats a topic fer twill though to be sure.
  11. Now those be recies I can handle Mr. Hand. Me thinks the beer is a better lot. Tha rum tis only 8 oz a day. Not much once ye spread it out.
  12. Aye Rue the very reason it strikes fear in my gut.
  13. I garden here. Only a bit right now but it will grow quite literally over the next few years. Currently we have only native plants. The vegetables will be slipped in next year after the perenials have matured. There are also plenty of daylillies left over from the previous owners. My neighbors morning glories invaded our fence & have happily climbed our back porch. Next year I will intentionally plant them there, they look very nice.
  14. I saw the obsession with "fleas" to be nothing more than an exageration by a woman uncomfortable with anyone different than her. I have been in homes with fleas & it's not something you can ignore. I find it interesting that it was mentioned at first but stopped being an "issue" once Mrs. fine got to run things her way. This was also reinterated to me when Mad Sally stayed up all night to do the list of chores. She did not wine & complain "oh it can't be done" she knuckled down & proved that it could be done. Then of course Mr. Fine accused her of being nuts of crazy or some such for staying up all night. I'm sorry but wich is more imporatant, getting that list of tasks done or sticking to a strict schedule of sleep between 10 pm & 6 am? I don't hazard a guess what "reality" television would do to my life. We don't value the classical american version of "success" that's for sure.
  15. Aye, a welcome to ye Cap'n Sway. Since yer buyin I'll try one o them carbombs Mr. Lasseter has been goin on 'bout as of late. If'n that don't leave me among the dead men perhaps Mr. Fairmount'll buy tha second round eh?
  16. Aye Captain Sterling yer crewe be the best dressed by far. Tis a pleasure to see the fine images. The good Doctors coat is it perhaps wool? It apears to be the fabric I myself am in search of for some finery. I would be in yer debt to know where twas plundered.
  17. Aye, we agree 'ere wit what everyone else has said. Me little swab suggests Mad Sally come to our house next time instead. I can't imagine what that little girl will be like when she's older being so concerned with make-up & the like at only 13. Tis a shame to loose the fun in life at such an age.
  18. what's in this carbomb ye speak o?
  19. aye, good ta see I weren't the only one had trouble wit what Mr Richards said. I 'ave a recipe as it were for salmagundi. I'm a feared o it though. Pickled vegetables, fruit, eggs, various meats, cinnamon & garlic, all in one dish? I'll stick to hard tack. Lest I know whats in her. Me mum makes a smashing glug. No recipe fer that, jest fill a pot wit yer vodka, rum, port & anythin else strong. Toss in a few spices & drink er hot. Makes a family gathern worth while. I heard tell pyrtes ate turtle right regular. Seems we're fresh out round these parts.
  20. Me screen shot. Tis in need of a refit again.
  21. I ammend me last statements lads. Tis not tomorrow that is Talk Like A Pyrate Day, tis Tuesday. Tha rum is wrecking me mind fast tonight.
  22. Quite a fittin piece wit the holiday tomorrow and all.
  23. Cheers to that Mr. Tarr. Tis quite the group we 'av here. I'm constantly pleased to see so many other pyrates in the midwest. Proof we won't let lack o' water slow us down.
  24. Funny when people find out I'm a parent, they never ask me to watch their kids.
  25. Captain Straw tis not true what ye say about guinness here in wisconsin. me favorite pub serves it quite liberally. Tis only the name that is irish. perhaps a raid in these parts is in order. sadly tonight twas only a Budweiser night. Though a fine fellow emptied his purse on my behalf so all is well.
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