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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. gravey! Jack where'e tha pie. Pie is 'bout tha only good thing 'bout thankgivin! N' no I didn't 'ave 4 pieces me self tanight
  2. "aye, much better Red Cat. Gimme tha bottle o port o're there n' everthin L be jest fine" Jane smiles weekly, the copious amounts of rum she's already consumed drowning her bad mood. "ey, eyes, leave so o tha pie fer me!"
  3. "bah, so long as ye ken keep tha little swabs from spending tha 'hole day nagging 'when's tha turkey ready, ken I 'ave some pie, 'e's sittin in me seat, I'm bored'. Naw, I'd takes a day wif out all tha littles quite 'appily" Seeing Eye's reaching after the pumpkin pie again, Jane smacks his hand, shaking her head at him in frustration. "none o that till ye've 'ad some vegetables darn it! oh, Sorry Eye's, it's tha pirate mom in me. 'ere" She slices a little piece out of the pie & passes it to him. The can of whipping cream is shaken and offered with a raised brow.
  4. wow, emaciated & repugnant in the same sentence! tripple word score for Jack!
  5. "Aye, thank ye Mr. Tar. I'll take tha rum, hold the nog." She drapes her thin legs over the arm of her chair. The cup of rum offered disapears in a single swallow. The bottle is snatched out of Ray's hands as he tries to refill the empty mug. The dark glass vessel is lifted to her lips, the liquer obviously improving, or at least dulling, Jane's otherwise sour mood. "Wot's that Silkie, 300 miles. Well I already tried 200 n' a house too small fer everyone n' that didn't werk, wots a few 'undred more. So who got stuck makin' tha bird round 'ere?"
  6. Jane comes wandering into the tavern with a particularly sour expression on her face. It's obvious she doesn't like these holidays that require such mundane tasks as cooking, house cleaning & visiting relatives. She sets three pies (pumpkin, sweet potato & pecan) on a table along with a spray can of whipping cream "Aw right, where's tha rum. Less get this rotten 'oliday o'er wif quick!"
  7. Jack, I'm sending over my family so I don't have to cook for 'em ok. oh sorry, thanksgiving scrooge here. Pray there's enough rum in tha house fer me ta make it through the weekend!
  8. welcome ta ye. Tradition round 'ere says tha new commers buy tha first round. I'll be gettin in tha holiday spirit wif a nice hot egg nog wif rum if ye please. I'd say yer not "internationally" known 'ere either, but we're not much on international stuff where I come from, Enjoy yer stay!
  9. Ah, Mr. Foxe, I hail from the great state of Wisconsin. If it's cheese ye want, tis cheese ye shall have!
  10. I was an 18 year old blond, oh, ten years ago Remind me never to bid against Kass. She's the Empress for a reason after all.
  11. Jane had fallen asleep curled up in the stiff chair again, the exhaustion of the past few days overwhelming even the uncomfortable position. The ship had returned to her rhythmic sway as they left the majority of the storm behind. The steady roll lulled Jane deep into sleep despite the passing hours. She hadn’t even stirred as Striker had returned from the late watch. Jane’s eyes opened suddenly as a shuttering creak resonating through La Maligna’s wooden hull followed by a thunderous crash. She was on her feet quickly, the worn wool cap tugged on over her tangled hair. A sudden gust had torqued the already straining sails. Backstays on the windward side giving way as the unrelenting wind pushed at the hard braced canvas. The foremast’s gallant yard cracked under the pressure, one side wrenching free. The force as it swung loose bringing the attached sheet and additional rigging along with it. The crew had already begun clearing the debris as Jane exited the enclosed cabin. A thin hand cupped over green eyes as her sight drifted up, scanning the barely visible tangle of lines and canvas. It was nearly impossible to tell the extent of damage from the saturated deck. If the tangle of wood & rope was any indication, the repairs would require returning to port. Dropping her hand, Jane turned, climbing easily to the upper deck. One of the men stood near the captain, gesturing to the larboard rail with a rush of throaty words. Jane’s attention focused on Striker, the creases around his mouth revealing what the foreign tongue couldn’t. She drew to his other side, arms folded habitually across her chest. She continued to watch him expectantly as the crewman walked away. “Doesn’t look good sir but I'll do what I can”
  12. Hum, how about older, already corrupted & easily distracted by fabric?
  13. I learned to drive in a race car.
  14. ohh, someone's buy tha rum I see. Tis that season so I'll take mine with a side o egg nog, nice and hot if ye please Ray. Welcome ta tha pub sir. Ye'll 'ave a good circle o friends 'ere so long as ye keep us in rum.
  15. wow Mr. Hand, I am endlessly impressed.
  16. Here are just a few of the free patterns avalible online. Most pages that I've seen are the same pattern just repeated and rehashed. http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carls...er/Monmouth.htm http://www.knitting-and.com/knitting/patte...ts/monmouth.htm http://www.employees.org/~cathy/caps.html GOF has some caps FS here a while ago too if I recall. oh & the closest to the thickness of yarn mentioned as "original" would be the Brown Sheep Burly Spun. Now, what will I have to do to convince her to knit me one? My knitting skills just aren't up to a project like this.
  17. or when someone asks you a question you answer "aye sir"
  18. Damn my eyes, Mr. Delmar 'as finally made it back ta tha pub! Now best get yer self over to initiation rites so I can buy ye a drink sir! I would also like ta see photo's of yer kits gentlemen.
  19. From our very own Ransom "I'll give um a broadside alright, but it'll have nothing to do with cannons." Love this quote! Will have to use it next time someone pisses me off.
  20. Oi, Gentlemen, if ye decide ta debate, please let me know so I can be sure ta leave tha room aye. Say, when can we expect the schedule to be up on the RF site? I'd like to be able to plan a bit so I won't miss anything good.
  21. Heavy white sails snapped against the billowing wind. Crew scattered around the worn deck, hauling against the resisting cloth as La Alma lumbered into a turn. Plumes of wispy white smoke swirled eerily in the enclosed space between the Spaniard and her assailants. The report of cannon fire echoed in the still evening, the rhythmic flash as loads were lit in succession reflecting off the darkening water. The deck underneath shook as the great guns thrust backwards one after the other. Barked orders were barely audible against the thunder of constant fire. As La Alma came round, the loaded side of one of her attackers skirted past, shot pounding against the Spaniard’s stern. The wood shattered from the assault, the force tearing through the aft cabins with ease. Another volley from the opposing direction tore into her full canvas, the sheets flapping aimlessly in the breeze. Another round found a solid target in a foremast, the impact as the beam collapsed sending a shiver through the entire vessel. The crash jerked Ulises out of his nightmare. He jolted upright, the room around him still rattling from the deafening roll of thunder. Rough hands ran over his weathered face, wiping the beads of sweat from his brow. Nothing but the howling sound of the storm filled the dark space. He sat forward, shoes settling on the worn floor as another rumble shook the small building. His hands settled over his eyes, trying in vane to block the image of La Alma’s disastrous fate. He inhaled sharply as the room shook again from the force of the impending gale. Ulises drew to his full height, wandering back to his vigil at the undersized window. The streets had begun to flood, a swirling darkness surrounding the foundations of the buildings. Several already showed signs of lost roofing and weakening walls. An arch of electricity filled the sky, the light filling the Capitán’s dark face as he continued to impatiently wait out the tempest.
  22. you know you think to much like a pirate when you send a message to your city councelman using "period spelling" (oops!)
  23. Jane wanted to rage at the Captain for having her followed. She wanted to be insulted by his patronizing action but found herself unable. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had worried about her safety in the way Striker had. She was filled with a sense of protection that all the weapons in the world couldn’t duplicate. Her view met his in the small space between them. She could almost see his concern behind the sparkling pupils. Any anger she held onto dissipated with the simple gaze. “Spaniards? Following me? Oh, tha man that ran off.” She gasped, a trembling hand raised to her lips. Her stomach turned sour, not from the lurching of the ship but from the thought of how close she had come to danger. The memory of their alleyway altercation with the Spaniards was still fresh in her mind. Jane could think of no other reason they would have followed her aside from seeing her with Striker. “Ye said they didn’t recognize me, when I changed. Perhaps,” Her eyes fell to the turned back cuffs of Striker’s borrowed frock coat. Thin fingers rubbed at the substantial cloth. She nodded silently to herself. The simple change of clothing had already proven a safe escape once, why not a second time? “Thank ye sir, for sending your man after me and” Jane paused, her volume dropping as the hot blush flooded her cheeks. Her green eyes lifted to Striker’s, the blue orbs never shifting from hers “and for coming yourself. I seem to owe ye more every day.”
  24. See that's the thing with the time that hurts my head. From what I can see, Ransom was the first out, it was early morning for her. Captain Sterlings bunch has gone through morning-afternoonish maybe to get to the 'Angel. Meanwhile Striker & I didn't start heading for Maligna til afternoon at the earliest 'cuase I was busy screwing around. I guess what matters most is to make sure if you're interacting with someone that they are in the same time that you are. But we're not all going to be doing everything at exactly the same time (right?). It's more of a day at a time rather than hour by hour. Depending on how busy the charecter is it might take longer to get through "morning" than it will for others. blah blah blah, the chatty bug got me today I swear it.
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