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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. Very nice find. What I wouldn't give for a collection of weights such as those. Further tables of weights and measures are easily found in various texts of the 18th century. Good information for anyone building an impression that deals with weighted goods. John Perkins, 1796 Every Woman Her Own House-keeper; Or, The Ladies' Library. p. 28 C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. and J. Rivington, and R. Dodsley pub., 1753, "Weights & Measures of Great Britain", The General Shop Book: Or, The Tradesman's Universal Director Chole
  2. Thanks Lady B. I actually *did* wear this gown at RF last year. This year I'm hoping to have something new for the ball, if I can only decide on what. If indecision continues then I'll wear it again, but I do so hate wearing the same thing twice! The outfit does have matching fabric shoes. I made them myself using the left overs from the gown & petticoat. They were just a fun little project really Chole
  3. Just popped in to share a few new photos of my "Sunday best". Special thanks go out to my photographer for braving the 30* weather to get these done before the holidays! I couldn't be more thrilled. Happy winter everyone! Chole
  4. No, this is my tent which I'm selling thanks to an upgrade. The coffeehouse business has been kind to me this year
  5. SOLD PENDING FUNDS For Sale, Canvas ONLY 9x9x7 ft tall wedge tent 10 oz Sunforger canvas all seams flat felled double door style reinforced ridge ends webbing loops along bottom & doors doors overlap ~3" with webbing ties 18 months old, used 20+ times No rips, tears or repairs just enough dirt to hide that "new tent" look Great starter or loaner tent or a place to stick those growing teens Asking $200 plus shipping, OBO Paypal preferred but will also accept cashiers check. PM or e-mail me if interested. First come, first served!
  6. Since you're on the subject of drinking THE Moderate Man's Advice against Extravagant Drinking, OR, Enough is as good as a Feast. Printed in 1707 Come all you brave hearts of Gold, Let's learn to be merry and wise For it is a true saying of old, Suspicion is doubtless disguis'd : Whatever we say or do, Let's not drink to disturb our brain; But laugh for an hour or two, And never be Drunk again. For a cup of strong bear it is good, To drive the cold Winter away, Twill nourish and cherish our blood; When our spirits begin to decay: But he that takes too much, Of his head he will complain; Then let us have a gentle touch, But never be drunk again. Strong Bear it is made for Man, But Man was not made for it, Let's drink and be merry as we can, But not drink away our wit: Then Drawer come fill us a quart, And let it be Claret in grain. We'll Laugh and we'll meerly sport And never be Drunk again. For enough is as good as a Feast, If a Man could have but the Power, A Drunkard is worse than a Beast, That lies tumbling on the floor. If a Man could his time recall, In an Ale-House he spends in vain, We'll learn to be merry Boys all, And never be Drunk again. The Trooper that mounts the war horse And Lovers that Courts for a Wife, Good Faith they are both at a loss, Were it not for the Liquor of Life: It makes them couragious and stout, Their Hearts in Jockeller vain, And tho we Drink briskly about, We'll never be Drunk again. Some Men that are commonly Drunk; Will often fall out with their Friends, And others will Troop to a Punk, Where Money they westfully spend ; The which they have reason so to prise, Because it is hard to obtain, Boys let us be merry and wise, And never be Drunk again. Dioginis liv'd in a Tab, And drank the cold water so clear; For want of a Cup of strong Bub, His Spirits he never could cheer: He's gone and left us behind, True Love and friendship to maintain, We'll Drink for the good of Mankind, And never be Drunk again. The Student that Studies the Law, And the Scholar that follows his Books, Their Learning's not worth a wheatstraw If heavy and dull is their look But cheer them with cherishing Bowls, Then will they true Learning obtain. Now as we are jocaller Souls, We'll never be Drunk again. Now here's a good Health to the Queen The Glory and Pride of the Land, And let our Allegance be seen, By six in a Protestants Hand ; O wish her both Honour and Wealth, A long and Prosperous Reign; And tho' we drink to her good Health, Let's never be Drunk again.
  7. Join the Great Lakes River Pirates & the River Rogues as we ply the waters of Mississinewa 1812. Proof that piracy knows no era! Faithful attention to authenticity has made Mississinewa 1812 the premiere living history event in Indiana. Here you will step back into the wilderness life of early Indiana Territory. Date: October 10 - 12, 2008 Hours: Friday 9-4, Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-4 Admission Prices: Adults (Ages 13 & over) $5.00 advance and $7.00 at gate. Children (Ages 6-12) $3.00 advance and $4.00 at gate. As Lt. Lith would say, See you in the past
  8. Always glad to have you as a friend!

  9. The Great Lakes River Pirates Captain Brian McCrary
  10. Just a few of my favorite shots from Pike River, all thanks to K. Garland. The Great Lakes River Pirates flag ship Pirata de Lago with II & Catspaw on the beach. Tantrum anchored near our beach camp. another beautiful shot of Tantrum in camp one morning. Captain Henderson & Lt. Garland wait for our trading partners to arrive Raided while conducting completely legal business, honest! Don't worry, we fought back. Silly soldiers didn't have a chance. A few of us take it upon ourself to pilfer the dead.
  11. Great Lakes River Pirates are very much looking forward to this event. The reservoir is so beautiful this time of year, even more so when full of all those fantastic period boats. Thank you again for all your hard work to keep it alive Nathan! Rest assured, it hasn't gone unnoticed or unappreciated. See everyone in a few weeks.
  12. The Great Lakes River Pirates will be in full force at the Pike River Rendezvous, naturally. Our "Pirate City" along the beach will include the usual contingent of tentage, large cover for sunny or stormy weather as well as night time entertainments by Brigands Folie and various visiting musicians. J. Henderson Artifacts will be open during the weekend with only the best hand thrown 18th & 19th century pottery available for sale. Black's Coffeehouse will be open and demonstrating coffee producedure; with coffee available for fellow reenactors and the latest news from the colonies. No less than 4 of our fully armed boats will be on the water for for the weekend battles, including that lovely one in your photo up there . As always, we are very much looking forward to this opportunity to pile our trade along the big lake & look forward to seeing many of you there.
  13. The Captain has updated his log with details from our successful conquest of Ft. Wayne. http://pirates.brigandsfolie.com/ It seems news of the fort falling has spread, along with a selection of photos from the battles. Not that knowing what we look like will save any future ports http://photos.aroundfortwayne.com/Attracti...2008_06.htm#7th All in all a perfect weekend raid. Weather was beautiful, clear, just the right wind; never mind the rain & sirens on Friday night. The fort itself is an ideal site with several well stocked buildings both within & outside the fort walls. Ft Wayne is poised to become one of the Great Lakes River Pirates yearly raids. Enjoy!
  14. You might consider referring to a book such as Old London taverns by Edward Callow for historically based information regarding tavern naming practices &c. Best of luck.
  15. Quick bump. I hear from the Lieutenants that we will have quite a few boats there & that the coffeehouse will be jumping with crew & illicit gaming. Do stop around if you happen in the area.
  16. Interesting way to look at it BlackFox. For me personally, I always do "local" events. Gas prices or not, I don't see a lot of reason to be running all over creation when the Midwest region has more than enough quality historic events to fill my schedule. I see the increase in gas prices as just another of many reasons to support smaller, local sites & events. As to the particular numbers, it's all about a fuel efficient car & packing light. My entire camp & coffeehouse fit in my Honda Civic. No small feat considering the tables, benches & cookware. However, every piece I carry was custom built to fit in my vehicle with a minimum of wasted space. I also work very hard to keep to the bare necessities. My car averages 40 MPG and can carry another passenger, although the space is increasingly taken by my daughter. The furthest event I do regularly is a 6 hour drive, ~360 miles. That is just under a tank of gas there & back. Even with gas at $5/gallon I still haven't broken $100 in travel expense. With nominal event fees and shared meals no event cost over $150 to attend. I feel for those struggling to continue attending events. I can only hope that they are able to find ways to lower or offset the expense. It would be a shame to loose anyone due to rising costs.
  17. And another video was just added! Brigands Folie is quickly becoming the historic MTV I'll Tell Me Ma & Rakes of Mallow
  18. I just recently received the small scale version of the sign for Black's Coffeehouse from the sign maker. A wonderful piece of work. And to think, he only asked to be paid in coffee and a close-up of the actual image, a Janus Face. Fitting in that it represents looking to the past & the future, something we do a lot of in reenacting.
  19. Nathan- As I've said already, your fees seem more than reasonable for the quality of this event. By way of comparison I just paid $10/person & $15/tent for an event. Judging by the several hundred tents & thousand plus reenactors, having to "pay to play" is not a strong deterrent. It seems perfectly reasonable to me to ask the participants to support the event and to help provide the needed insurance, especially when that event includes such dangerous items as cannon & boats. I wonder about this though. In my estimation last year, every group was putting on a show "of some sort". Would the camp fee be waved even if only one or two people in a group were doing a show, while the others merely sat around or would every exempt member need to participate? Does participation in the main battles exempt a group from the fee, when from what I could tell basically everyone was part of the battle? While an option to wave the fees is generous, won't that then lower the number of people paying, and therefor increase the total per person cost to cover the insurance? Would people be more willing to pay a small amount per person rather than a larger lump sum? I'm hoping that makes some level of sense. You do an admirable job of putting on events and dealing with all the details that so many of us don't have the mind for. Your hard work is very much appreciated. I for one and willing to do what it takes to keep this event going. Chole
  20. Join the Great Lakes River Pirates as we ply the waters of the St. Mary’s, St. Joseph and Maumee Rivers and raid Historic Fort Wayne Indiana. Saturday June 7th from 11AM til 8PM & Sunday June 8th from 11AM til 4PM Admission is FREE! For more information http://www.oldfortwayne.org/
  21. I'm pleased to have the honor of sharing several videos of Brigands Folie preforming live at the Bloody Lake Rendezvous. Footage is thanks to video blogger Roger Bindl of HEM Productions and Viodi TV. First we have two videos from this years event, a very blustery May 2008 From their recently released album, Fog & Fire; my personal favorite song, Johnny Cope and a new version of a traditional song, Spancil Hill And for those that haven't seen it, last years (May 2007) performance of Hal An Tow Enjoy & as Lt. Lith would say, see you in the past
  22. All of my materials as of late have come from Wm. Booth Draper. Wonderful high quality goods.
  23. Thankfully they are not all on the same project. That, I think, would make me truly "crazy". 22 down for the day, still plenty to share with anyone who wants to practice their button holes
  24. Michael, if you need more practice I've got 148 more to do by the end of the month. I'm always more than happy to share Do post these pictures at the other board. I know the gentlemen over there would be very pleased to see such a fine early period coat
  25. Beautiful buttonholes Michael!
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