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Tess St. Claire

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Everything posted by Tess St. Claire

  1. My Dearest Kendra, If you were to go as a high class courtesan, or perhaps a Lady who likes to 'dabble' for a coin or two. What better way to 'suprises' your audience...or victims If you give 'away' the element of surprise...(who would expect a woman of position/or fame to be the best cut-throat gambler in towne?!) it doesn't leave much for 'playing' your part. And if you go with 'the unexpected role', this would give your character a large amount of 'play'. Speaking as one myself, nothing pleases me more than to see the expression upon a man's face and leave him 'spent' in more ways than one!
  2. Tess looked over at the young man she now had acquired for her day’s work. “Tell me…what is your name, boy?” She said taking at her writing table as she rummaged for pen and paper. “I go by the name of Samuel, Samuel Tucker.” She turned her head towards his direction and saw him shutting the door to her room. “No..no, no.” Her tone soft but demanding. “We cannot have my door closed whilst you are here. Leave it a jarred so others will not think me ‘entertaining’. I do not need my reputation soiled and you do not need to end up in jail.” She quickly found the piece of paper she had been haunting for, then turned and looked at her hired help. “Samuel, I shall need these items purchased and brought back to me here at the Inn. I am sure that you can manage with the local shop owners. Can you read?” Samuel shook his head and laughed. “If’n I could read, my Lady would I be here?” Tess shot him a look of defiance. “Do not be pertinent with me, boy. I can soon find another to take your place.” She quickly scrawled upon the note and folded it, sealing it with wax. “There,” she said handing it over to the young man. “If you can get these items, there is an extra sixpence in it for you.” He took the note from Tess and bowed low. But before he could leave the room she asked one more question. “Samuel, you mentioned earlier about Reginald Killingsworth…that they took him away. Who are they?” She could tell by his body language that he was nervous about the topic at hand. “Go on…shut the damn door if you must. But you promise to tell me…everything.” Samuel quickly closed the door, but then lent to the door for a moment to see if there were footsteps coming down the hall. Once he felt safe, he knelt to his Lady’s side. “This town is full of cut-throats, my Lady. Many a man has met their fate by the hand of a pyrate. It is told that less than two-day ago, a horrible attempt of murder did take place at the burial of a maid servant who worked at this very tavern. Suspicions about claim that it were old Master Killingsworth himself that killed the gal and tried to take vengeance upon on Captain John Sterling. But the gal’s lover took control and stopped Master Killingsworth in his tracks. It was then told to me by a man who stood by a man who was there when Master Killingsworth was struck down, that the Brethren took him. God only knows if he is still alive, but we fear the worse. We down at the docks fear that one morning a body of Master Killingsworth will wash upon shore…’tis very likely indeed.” Tess sat there shocked by this news. Killingsworth had not only made himself known during his stay here in Port Royal, but managed to muddle everything up and put his own life in jeopardy. “Oh.” She said turning towards her desk again and gathering up another letter. “Pity. This Brethren you speak of, are they a large family and do they deal within their own claims.” The man looked confused as if he didn’t understand the question. “I don’t know what you mean, Lady. I do know that they are known by the merchants and shop-keepers here in…but this is Port Royal, Lady…best known by the priest here as Hell on Earth.” “Yes,” She said with a pause. “No need to extend the Church’s point of view into this discussion. Go now. Quickly.” She said shooing Samuel out of her room. As the door shut behind him, Tess’ mind began to rage. “So Reggie, you got yourself in a bit of a stew. Very well…I must take the lead then. How in God’s name did you manage to get this far in life…heaven only knows?!?”
  3. Dear Silkie and Cap'n Pete, I hail from the Northeastern sea coast, and winters here can be just as bad as in Chicago, Pittsburgh, or way up north in Maine! As long as their is good company, good food, fine drink and the hotel is nice...who cares what the heck it is outside! It sounds that it would be worth the trip!
  4. LADY TESS ST. CLAIRE aka (Tess) Physical Description: Tall and elegant figure, small frame 5’6”, yet has a slender build. She is in her mid-twenties. Her hair color is flaxen blonde. Her eyes are gray/blue. She has a noble look about herself, worthy of the courts of England. She as a very unique rose color birthmark upon her right shoulder in the shape of a star. Occupation: Lady and Daughter of Lord Robert St. Claire, Northumberland. Disposition: Though lovely to look at, she holds herself as being aloof and standoffish to those who try to get too close. She is very protective of herself within her own world, and rightly so. She was painfully rejected by a suitor when she was 20 years old. Now those who try to win her favor and her hand are more likely to get some reluctance in trying to court her. She is very cleaver and has a good head for numbers, she speaks French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch. Background: Born into wealth, but not happiness. Her mother parishes in giving birth to her. Her father doted on her though. He spared no expense on her. He paid for the best education, the best tutors, and the best instructors. She enjoys her station in life, and does make time for outside involvement with the Church of England. Yet, she bores easily, giving into temptations that she should not mingle with, It is said that she mingles with the lower class for carnal lusts and sins. She is very cleaver, quick-witted and known for her prowess in gambling (she love a good card game). She has come to Port Royal not only in search of her ‘cousin’ Reginald Killingsworth, but also requested by her friend, Lord Robert Darnly to ‘advise’ Killingsworth of his work there. Tess must find Killingsworth and deliver a message from Lord Darnly before he leaves Port Royal. She also has private investments on the sugar cane plantations there along with new trade to the Colonies.
  5. Tess St. Claire donned her best dress that morning as she entered The Ships tavern. There at the bar were three men still sober as the Tavern owner took need of his pipe. As she approached the bar with a smile she quickly took the attention of the men in the room. Her delicate frame and her bright blonde hair struck them with awe. “Where may I find a man-for-hire? I have need of a man-servant.” The Tavern owner looked up from his pipe he was lighting. “You can find what yer lookn’ for down by the docks. There be many a man willing to work for a day’s pay.” Tess looked surprised. “Come now…you do not expect me to wander down to the dockside myself? Is there no one where that will procure such a man for me?” With a smile she placed a gold crown upon the bar. It did not take long for the boldest man sitting at the bar to speak up. “Aye, I can assist you dear Lady. I would be happy to collect whatever you may fancy.” With that he held out his arm to her. She just giggled at his pale attempt. “Good. I need a man no more than 5 and 20, strong in build and in mind. He must speak English, and no black or Indian slave. Is that understood?” The man nodded. “Come, show me the way…” With that the man led her down the street to the docks. Upon arriving at the docks, the activities of the day were in heightened by the arrival of another ship. It was then the man lead her to an area near the warehouses were. Tess looked through the crowds and soon they managed to approach a handful of men standing near one of the warehouses. “You there…yes you!” Shouted the man who was escorting Tess about the docks. “My Mistress wishes to acquire you for service.” The young man turned and looked at the man, then at the lovely Tess. “Service? I am a free man and I work for meself!” It was then the man grabbed his coat and forced him to listen. “I said, me Mistress wishes to hire you for money…more than you will make in a day lifting these bails.” With a fearful look, he glanced over at Tess again. “How may assist you my Lady?!” “Splendid!” Tess said with a smile. “Now that has been taken care of, I wish you answer some questions for me.” She said pulled a coin from her glove. “I am looking for a..man. He goes by the name of Killingsworth.” One of the other men stepped forward. “You mean that Reginald Killingsworth?” Her eyes quickly darted over to the other man. “Yes…yes, I do.” “He’s been captur…taken away.” Suddenly a furry of panic struck her. “Taken away? By whom? Where was he taken away?!” The men all went silent. “Come now…please, I must know. I ...I have business with him.” They still did not answer her. She could see fear in their eyes by the mear mention of Killingsworth's name. “Is it money? Do you wish me to pay you for your information?” It was then the other man leaned in and whispered to her. “No Lady. No amount of money could make us say. We value our lives too much. It is best that you not mention his name here on the docks. There are 'others' that would wish him ill-will. ” She suddenly felt her stomach turn. “Very well. No more talk about such things. You will come with me. I shall need your services for the rest of the day.” The young man followed in tow with the other right behind her. On the way back to the Ship her mind raced with images of doom. “Damn him!” She thought to herself. “He’s a fool for getting caught and knowing him, it was probably his ego that turned the knife!” She looked back at the two men and smiled lightly, then continued in the direction of the Inn. “Men are idiots!”
  6. Isn't that what Symms is for Captain? Tess says with a smile.
  7. Of course, Sir...none taken. Hmm...what about Cheeky?
  8. Dear Captain Sterling... Perhaps you can just list the names of those upon the chat here?
  9. Not you too, Monterey Jack?! She says looking surprised. Is there no man here that can hold his liquor?!
  10. Tess walks to the doorway of the Tavern...looks down at the poor sod kneeling in front of her. "Dear..Sweet...Stupid Man..." She turns and looks over at Captain Sterling...then back down at the desheveled captain. "But dear captain...you are of no use to me in this state!"
  11. Oh yes! This does look very interesting indeed! I must see if I can manage this as well!
  12. Tess looks up from her glass of port. You have misjudged the situation, Jacky Tar. I am a woman scorn, 'tis true, yet you cannot say that ALL pyrates are men of their word. If this were so...I would not be sitting here drowning myself in so-so port. The company here is good...even if you or others do not care for my 'cousin' Killingsworth." (She shoots a look to Striker). "Yet, I am a woman of means and station. I can manage myself and my position, quite well. Now...who wishes to be my lap dog this night. I beg for male company...and one who can keep me in the lifestyle I am accustom to! With that she pulls out her fan and flutters it before her eyes
  13. Killingsworth and his lisp!!!
  14. Lady St. Claire smooths a finger over her full pink mouth. "My word Johnny. You still have issues with women, don't you?" She takes a sip of her port. "Never the less...you always seem to hurt those you love. It's a family curse you know. Poor Lilly sits over there alone as if she doesn't even exit to you any more. " Tess looks up at Aurore and smiles. "Oh, I'm sure his words are sincere, my Pet...for now." With that she opens her fan a flutters it quickly in front of her eyes. "Men are beast, my dear. Learn early in life and you will not be disappointed."
  15. After several moments of arguing with the Tavern Owner, the Lady St. Claire’s items were brought to her upstairs retreat. The elderly woman showed her the way to her room. Tess followed the tottering old hag as she climbed the stairs to a large oak door at the end of the hallway. “This be thy room, my Lady.” She said as she unlocked the door and stepped aside for her to enter. She walked into the somewhat adequate room and looked about. “This is it?” She muttered back at the old hag. “Aye, this be your room.” “There must be some mistake. I was told that the rooms here were quite suf…” “Ney Lady, this be the only room we have as of the moment. Come now, it has quite a view of the harbor and you capture the breeze when morning comes!” She walked passed Lady St. Claire and opened the window. “There you be. A cool breeze for thee!” She looked about the room again. “Very well, if I must stay here I shall make sure there is fresh air!” And with that she patted her nose with her handkerchief. “Sup is at seven of the clock. Surly my Lady is tired from her long journey. I be leave thee to yourself, but if ye need anything, just call for me. Lizzie be my name.” And with that the old crone left her. Tess quickly went to the window. The room was sweltering and the breeze was a much welcome delight. Things were not going as planned. She thought to herself as she took a seat upon the bed. Killingsworth had foiled himself. What surprised her is that complete strangers knew of him. She was told that he would be discrete. “Fool, send a man to do a woman’s job!” She mumbled to herself. “Fool! If he doesn’t find Mistress McKinney before I can catch up with him…I’ll kill him myself!”
  16. Lady St. Claire looks over at the good Captain. "Yes, but 'twas years ago when I was still very young. It so happens that the Captain's father fancied my mother. Lord Sterling would always make an effort to pine over her at court when she was there. Which, in any case, never seemed to raise any eyebrows by my father. Such things were...permitted then.
  17. (Blushing)...I haven't been upon the board for very long. But I must speak for those who are, "Thank you" Jacky Tar! You're compliments to those who are on Port Royal thank you from the bottom of our hearts. She smiles wickedly. "Try your hand...you are welcome to indulge yourself as often as you wish!"
  18. Lady St. Claire looks over at the two men, the flop and the pyrate meeting eye to eye as they stare each other down. Please, Reggie...Jacky. There is no need to raise such a fuss. I am sure that for this night we can act well in each other's company and not force our dislikes into open air. Tess looks over at the Captain and watch him chat away with Blue. "How odd?" Tess says looking at the 'fish out of water'. "Do you come here often Blue?
  19. As to answer Mistress McKinney's question. "I am here to enjoy my father's money...and spend time investing in the Theater." She looks over at Mistress McKinney. "If there is anything here to invest in."
  20. Hello False Ransom, Captain Ariashal, and Black Bess! Sorry about the Toast thing. My typing leaves a lot to be desired. Clearing her throat. "I hail from Whitby, but came to court by my father's hand. I now remember the Captain from his years at court. My deepest sympathies to the lost of your beloved wife, Sir. She was quite the pearl, indeed."
  21. I'm sorry for the confusion, Jacky. Oh, and I will watch myself, Merrydeath! Thank you for the warning! Tess looks over at the Captain Sterling after Jacky makes his toast. "Am I to assume that you like toast?"
  22. My word! You're all a rowdy lot, are you not? Looks like a found a perfect place to spend my time. Hello Rateye! Here, have what ever you like. Hello JohnnyTarr.. you too can have whatever you fancy, too!
  23. Tess looks over at the red-headed vixin afixed to the Captain's side. "Is she yours?" Where exactly have we met, Captain? Was it East Middleland area or perhaps it was in winter court?
  24. Smiling back at Aurore. "Thank you! What would you care to drink?"
  25. Set softly inside her carriage Lady St. Claire watched the streets of Port Royal scatter with people going to and fro. The alarm was sounded. On the south end of town a crowded mass was now gathered. She looked in awe at the masses. "Driver?" She shouted. "What is the commotion about?" The Driver looked down the street. "It were two night back that a barmaid was done in. Now the talk about upon the streets are that the murder killed another...a Captain I think. She lent back in her carriage. Her eyes darted to an fro in thought. "Is there no law in this town?" She asked the Driver again. "Aye, there is Lady. But we have heard very little from our Lord Mayor this last few months." As the carriage stopped at the Inn called, The Ship. She was helped out of the carriage and entered the main hall. There, in the main room sat a fat man with a dirty sun burned face. He looked up from his tankard as she walked in with the driver behind her. "Danny! Who do we have here?" Said the Tavern Owner. "This be Lady St. Claire. She is looking for a room." Suprise took over the Tavern Owner's face. "Here? She wishes to stay here?" "Yes, that's what I wish." She said stepping forward. "For ye see, t'was told that ye offer wonderful care for your guests." She the looked about the bar. Broken bits of furniture still shoved in the corners along with broken pottery for the fight almost a week back. "Aye, could have said those very words a fort-night ago...but alas, cannot now. Tis not a safe place for a woman, pegging yar pardon, Lady. I must turn ye away, for less than three days back this very inn was a site of deathly murder." Tess' eyes widen. "A guest here in this very inn was killed?!" Her pale face now drew to the colour of Alabaster. "Aye, tis true, My Lady." Just then a young man exhausted from a long run entered the bar. He leaned against the bar and begged for a drink. In the commotion, the Tarvern Owner raced by the young man's side and handed him a cup of ale. "What is it, man...what happen out there?" "I cannot say for sure. 'Twas walking up to the cemetary to see Molly off. Pay my proper respects. Then out of know where, a man shot at a noble man, riding horse back. I think he's dead. The crowd paniced! And before I could gather what was going on, Sabastian, Molly's lover, was had beaten the man...he may have killed him there right before everyone's eyes! It were horrible." It was then the young man turned as saw Tess St. Claire standing there. "Oh, I am terribly sorry, my Lady. I did not know ye were there...I mean...I was just...." With a calm warm smile she nodded gracefully. "Thee are quite fine, I assure ye." Tess' mind raced for a moment. She could only draw her own conclusions but wished to make sure that her own fears were confirmed. "Does anyone know whom this man was?" The young man bowed his head. "It were that Flop who stayed here...so sure am I that I can still see his eyes. What was his name Danny?" "Killingsworth." The driver said in a low hushed tone.
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