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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. She suppressed a smile as hequickly covered up affectionate beginnings of address. The hint of discomfort that played Sterling's face in direct response to appendage movement , brought a look of concern and caution to her own. Aurore did as he wished, nimble fingers making short work of key and lock, the case lid drawn back to allow golden lumination of lamp placement to caress hidden treasure. From Sabastian's semi-close placement, the warm carmel wood brought a look of appraisal and appreciation. Instrument was carefully removed from padded hibernation and Auroure eyed sunken treasure within. With the deft action of trained hands, parchment was released from ornate coffine and handed to intended.
  2. The rustle of layered silks whispered to the temprate air as she moved to large armoir taking rule over right wall. A polished box of teak origins was removed, along with mated key. Carrying it to opposit side of the vast mattressed fortitude, she unlocked ornate keeper and slid ablong length towards Sterling's reach. Within velvet confines lay blade, pistols and various other objects that had been removed for safe keeping. Aurore hovered mommentarily to assure that no assistance was needed, then returned to Sabastian's side, watching quietly.
  3. Beggar Prince had always been known for tendencies of light sleeping and even within the sanctuary of domocile, this quality still held true. The sound of rider stirred his senses on unconscious levels; the hailing calls beconed full awarness. The door of neighboring chamber opening and closing, brought Sabastian to upright position and he deserted deep and tempting four poster comfort for retrieval of cast off breeks. Observation of near total darkness, lent judgement that the hour was much later than first assumed. Without bother of further adornments, he left bedroom tranquility to follow where sister's padding had occured momments before. Staircase was conquered with agile step, emptying to foyer expanse and bare feet landed with assured placement to level surface as main door swung open revealing those known and one unfamiliar. Smallish crease formed on swarth toned brow in silent question to the man that stood just behind and right of youngster. One brow raised in minute gesture to noir case craddled protectively in same said's arms. Sean Roberts gave brief explaination, then nuged the boy forward gently. Sabastian listened patiently, dark gaze playing over curvitures of sacred burden then gave nod of silent acknowledgement. Aurore moved around Irishman's stance, offering a hand to young Merriweather and coup d'oeil to sibling. Sabastian stood to the side, proffering wide sweep of arm towards stairwell bearing. Youngster hesitantly took proffered hand, still clutching case with other arm. A determined expression lay over his features as trio navigated hall legnth and finale chamber was unsealed. As the boy entered, leaving kindred escorts in thresh hold framing, Sabastian fixed Sterling with mirth swimming his eyes and familliar smirk teasing wolfish features. "Capitaine, at this rate I shall be forced to build on or aquire a larger home..."
  4. Ah but this has to be true... after all you fell in love with a one eyed captain who passed out from Malaria the first time you saw him.... Oh sure....go ahead and bring that up....er....touche'?
  5. ***Your Birthdate: September 1*** You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet. You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily. Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail. You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details. Your strength: Your supreme genius Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity Your power color: Gold Your power symbol: Star Your power month: January Good Lord....As though my ego needed anymore encouragement.... And what of that, "inappropriate sensitivity" bit?! I bleed for my Art! Everyone wants to play the critic....Critics be damned! I suppose they said Byron was overly sensitve as well......**snigger**
  6. Christophe supressed the want to smile at the interchange, hidding such behind draught from pewter tankard. As vessel was lowered, he glanced to where Mistress McKinney seemed deep in some form of solace with the room's attention drawn elsewhere. Returning focus to the plate afore him, procured bread of touted manner was used to mop the dregs. The banter contiued betwixt Injured and Elder, young Davis watching on as if following a bout of tennis; Lilly deep in vigil. Small beer remnants were drained and Christophe considered filling tankards want, but true desire lay in ridding himself of stale clothing and a heart to heart dip in near stream.
  7. My warmest wishes with highest regard to you, my dear. My this day of celebration overshadow all of those afore it and be but a practice run for the one ahead. Breithla sona duit, cara!
  8. The Frenchman raised slightly to accept the other's hand in his own, finding the clasp to be of firm qualities, "De rien, Monsieur Reiley. It was a situation of fortunate and misfortunate bearings. " Letting loose his hold, Christophe resumed seating, sights travelling to Mistress McKinney briefly then back to Reiley, "You seem to be regaining your strenghth in a timely fashion, but I 'ave a suspicion that wounds of said nature are not unfamilliar ground on many levels..." A hint of knowing smile traced the Frenchman's expression as statement was left to hang. Simple pitcher of small beer content was reached for, then chunk of bread torn and laid near stew laden plate. "I doubt that those involved in recent past shall rise up to 'inder you again." Christophe commented off-handedly with accommpaniment of low chuckle.
  9. After checking to assure of comfort to equine charges, Christophe returned to the shelter of Mill walls. Coming in from the rear entrance, he paused step to take in the allure of tantalizing kitchen scent. Well remembered were the well rounded talents of culinary means at Madame Crane's beck and call. He moved forward into the origin of Siren call, nodding silent greeting to all at table occupation. Abbi made motion to rise, balked by the Frenchman's waving off. Making his way about the room, utensiles and plate were aquired with knowing navigation. Plate was filled then place was taken at former surgery surface's far end. With first spoonful taken in, Christophe smiled in appreciation then took draught from near tankard. Fixing Abbi with a coy expression he announced in ever calm manner, "Madame, there are many things which I count a pleasure...And many pleasures that I may long for in deep craving. But, it is this stew that I miss greatly when I think of those things that stir my want and whim." Mill Mistress laughed, amusement glinting in aged eyes, "Posh!!...You have been in Sabastian's company too long, monsieur. Silver tongued both of you."
  10. The sound of rider on near road interrupted Christophe's action of water draw. The mount in question had a strange gait and was recognized instantaniously. Moving closer to front yard proximity, he listened as odd hoof strike reverberated near bridge and continued to progress at semi-slowed trot. Any doubt that may have played Frenchman's assumptions were clarrified and hail was issued. Rider reined in at Mill entrance, rider dismounting to meet and allow quiet converse. Odd foot mount looked attentively towards structure having no interest in buisness parlay. Words were exchanged in regard to Kingston accords; information relayed in part of current happenings on this side of the bay. "Andre'?" Christophe queried. "Up to the old Maroon encampment." The Frenchman resisted the urge to show outword relief; the Elder had been known to stay out in the bush for days when inclination struck right. Changing subject, mention was made of Allisters and companion. Nothing more need be said, Rider nodded sagely in reply to indicate knowing of what need be done. They spoke for momments more then mount was regained and goaded back to resume Port destination.
  11. Sean Roberts smiled amicably at the boys bold show of boisterous righting of reputation; Stockton gave nothing in opinion, standing with pursed lips as though in deep contemplation. Younger Irishman moved quietly from shadowed aura, stepping with natural stealth to stand just beyond and behind the boy with instrument burden. Devon's liting brogue broke the silence of miniscule standoff, "So be tellin' us, me bully lad...An' take no offense to our curiosities abou' such a tale." A mischievous glint danced the depths of gray-blue sights, " Yer Captain must be a firs' rate fella to be wantin' the best fer his subordinate, aye?..." Merriweather turned with a small start to Devon's shift of position. They eyed each other in parody of requested tome's title. The violin case was clutched a little tighter to chest and young chin was pushed forward in effort of deffient stance. Before words of counter thrust could be delivered, Roberts spoke in coaxing tone, bringing Merriweather's attention fleetingly away from antogonist. "Jus' who be yer Captain, this fellah o' worldly ways?" He chuckled lightly, "Mayhaps we know him....or mayhaps we should?" Young Sean's overall bearing gave a beam of pride with answer and the three that stood as audience traded glances of sudden understanding.
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