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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Aurore offered swarm smile in return, everything about this venture back into The Port set her senses on edge, but she worked to keep the extreme of worries from showing on the over all of visage. From within the folds of cloak, a linen square was obtained and she gently dabbed the sheen od perspiration from Sterling's brow. The carriage slowed to halt and Sabastian appeared, leaning in the saddle slightly , to be framed in the borders of right side windows. "The Mill is just up ahead..." he announced, a furrow creasing brow with observation of Sterling's palor. "Perhaps we should stop for more than just the time it takes for you to gain you seat, ami. You are not looking well..." He glanced to sibling, noting the concern in her eyes then returned center to the Englishman. "We well know the Proprietress of the establishment and I am certain that she would be willing to allow a place at the hearth for a momment before we continue on." Glancing to the road before them, Sabastian surveyed the ravage of ealier weathers effect, thinking that the carriage, so normally comfortable in ride, must have proven hellish thus far. Noir shifted footing impatiently, as if in total dissaproval to the muck below surrounding noble hooves and Beggar Prince mused in wonderment manner, that the carriage had not bogged then stuck under such conditions. "I sent word ahead with Monsieur Roberts to have someone meet us at the Mill. Message can be relayed, if need be." Sabastian and Delaney traded glances in fleet; twined Grays shooks harness trappings while waiting idle.
  2. Seeing that he was concreted in mindset, Aurore said no more of the matter. It was not that her will was so easily bent, but she saw no reason to turn current circumstance into an unwanted battle. She always chose her squares with careful judgement and this would be a prime example of one that would yield no ground nor proffer victory. With a wistful sigh, Aurore gave him the field. The carriage shifted slightly as Delaney took driver's perch and soon after, matched Grays awoke from mommentary siestas to draw vessel down drive to the large gate and beyond. Aurore's eyes traveled over Sterling's form, stirring her senses and giving further wish that this were nothing more than an errand to be run. An errand that could be disrupted in passage; convienently delayed on offshoot trail. A hint of her thoughts froliced in the dark olive of soul's panes; temptation's smile shadowed the slight curl of full lips.
  3. **cringe** Sounds painfull..... Greek Fire
  4. Sabastian laughed good naturedly, " I believe that formalities may be dropped in light of all..." He mused for a momment, " I have not heard of Christophe's where abouts and there seems to be an object of interest that has come up on the market...per say. I shall have my horse saddled and accompany the carriage in." Smug expression gained regular placement on lupin features, " Just another lovely family outing to town...."
  5. She glanced to Sabastian then back to Sterling, "Our elder brother, Cher...I do not think he would be overly understanding to...everything." Sabastian inhaled sharply as if to give nonverbal punctuation to sibling's call of cards. Then familiar smirk caressed his features, "But...he has gone up to Maroon's holdout and I doubt he shall return before the morrow. It is somewhat predictable for Andre' to shy from "civilized" dwellings when he has delt with Gadje for extended time..." Dark brown sights centered of rouge trapping mommentarily then to Sterling, " C'est rien, Capitaine. I will leave you now to check the carriage progress." Backing to doorway, Beggar Prince smiled slyly at Englishman then disapeared into hallway beyond.
  6. Sabastian opened the door slightly, taking in the scence afore him with knowlegable and practiced eye. Quick note was made of crimson silk adornment, though no inkling of his acknowledgement show outwordly. He survey Sterling's overall bearing, wondering if the near future traverse overland would be less than practical. But the news just gleaned with newest arrival from The Port would have called for forced retreat, regardless. "Andre' has returned from Kingston...The carriage will be at ready soon and it would be wise to depart soon after." A form of dread briefly lit younger sibling's eyes, then was forcibly quelled.
  7. A trace of contented smile played the corners of her mouth as Aurore listened, head tilted slightly to the right in thoughtful manner. She half heard his words of instruction, more focused on what had just transpired and the sudden calm that had washed over her. Furthest from her mind were the possible ramifications of her accord and in truth, she would have risked far more if that had been the case. The worries of the outside world could continue to rage and bellow, such things seem of little meaning or consequence when weighed against the completeness that now lay over her like eloquated ermine mantle. The sound of determined footfall half drew Aurore's awareness to more finite focus, but only briefly. Streaching up on bare toe lift, she kissed him again; deeply with passionate undercurrents begging for full riegn... Soft knock resounded chamber; letting those within know that the outside world still existed and would claim its' due.
  8. As he looked away, a fleet of further panic rose in the pit of Aurore's stomache for she assumed his thoughts were of the worst. Sterling's single word of half-hearted utterance brought caressing fingers to fall back to one of solem duty. Using the one to silence his next statement, she raised other hand to cup his chin gently and waited until disturbed sights re-trained on her own. Her gaze was unwavering as silencing digit and those that kept its' company, dropped away and reverantly procured the crimson silk. Leaning forward, she placed soft brush of lips to his then stood to full heigth, a hint of smile playing her expression and a depth of devotion drowning in olive sights. Floral scoll gracing reddened field was lifted, then secured with the dictates of tradition. Aurore kneeled before him, russet tress bound in scarlet splendor and reached for the hand not affected by ealier injury. Laying his fingers open, kiss was placed on palm surface; one word spoken in soft whisper. "Oui..."
  9. According to International Brewing Standards.... Everything here in the Colonies is a "light" beer. Beer, as in any spirits, fall into classes. Stouts, Lagers...etc., etc. Some of it has to do with brewing....some what makes up the brew itself. I prefer Hefeweizens....a wheat based bier....Though Peche Belgium mixes are very pleasing, as well.
  10. Aurore's eyes moved away from Sterling's face with hesitant manner to rest on the contrast of bright scarlet against pale linen bed dressings. No motion made to pick it up or move closer for satisfaction gleaned by inspection...The object in question, adorned with ornate floral embroidery had belonged to her mother and before that, it was father's. Though a thing of beauty, its' worth and meaning went far beyond such understated stature. She controlled her breathing, taking in slowly and exhaling in the same measure as counter action to the rapid pace of thoughts that jockeyed for position in cranial boundries. Tradition and Way taunted her conscience, Gadje Gadjensa...Rom Romensa. The words she had used in retaliation not overlong ago against Sabastian, had now come to roost. If this proposition had been made back in Navarre and acceptance was given, she would loose all rights amongst her own. If a Rom chose a Gadje for wife, a time might come with proof of worth, that said bride might be taken into the Tribe. But it was completely different if Roma made same choice, for the purity of lineage flowed through the men, not the women. And so it was, this clash of past and future armed at full charge across field of emotional textures; each vieing for victorious tilt and unseating of opponant. Aurore glanced sidelong to where Sterling waited patiently, his expression a portrait of aprehension. The clash of lance strike against opposit's armorment rang on mental square echoing in the corridors where heart, mind and instinct watched on eagerly. She reached forward, laying soft caress to the plane of his face; deep olive capturing his own of kindred shade. And as the look of uncertainty began to rise in the unobstructed portal to his inner soul; the clamor of one symbolic chevalier relieved from lofty hieght to meet with ground below gave finalization to bout...
  11. Aurore's train of thought scattered like disturbed covey of quail. Being on a sea going vessel brought forward memories of five years passed and the crossing. Her people were vegabonds and nomades, but it was always across miles of firm soil...predictable soil. Doubts rose in her eyes briefly, but the anxieties of choosing earth vs. water were soon quelled; for it would be greater torture to be parted without knowing he was safe and well. She gave consent to his offer.
  12. Aurore glanced to sibling in peripheral view then to the floor below. The realities that were announced troubled her greatly, but composure was regained and she gave slight nod of hesitant accord, "Tres vien." Sabastian spoke up, though in hushed tone as if wishing not to disturb some unknown spirit slumbering in chamber encompassment. "I will see to the carriage, Capitaine..."
  13. She considered his words carefully. "If this man does not know your identity, could not another go in your place? Would he be the wiser of such?....I am in fear that something of ill nature will befall you..." Aurore focused intently on far wall to hide what olive pools might betray.
  14. Aurore's expression darkened with Sterling's announcement. She knew he was in no consition for traveling and though the journey to the Port was not overlong, it was long enough for her to speak out against it. "Non, Sucre'....This choice is far from wise." A swift glance was given to where Sabastian stood that relayed much unheard. Speaking quietly to Merriweather, offer was made of refreshment to be had in kitchen below. The door was closed, and she returned her center to four poster occupant. The expressive pools of deep olive sight emoting pleas that would not be voiced. "What is it that is of such import to risk your mortality over..." her word were soft and low.
  15. Sabastian broke the solace he had held as event unfolded and addressed Sterling with apologetic tone, glancing once to sibling. "I am sorry, Capitaine...But the Doctuer left hours ago with your female aquaintance....He did leave word of returning, but not a specific time."
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