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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. ma plaisir.... ambience
  2. Delaney kept lofty perch after setting the brake firmly, from this vantage he could keep careful eye on the surrounds. Sabastian fell into step behind sibling and betrothed, senses keen to the proximity and taking in vieled observation of Devon Burke lingering in an out of the way nook of front entrance. Their eyes met briefly in acknowledgment then turned to the boiling turmult of human sea. Aurore stepped carefully into the throng and smiled warmly to the Faithful as they jostled for position to catch glimpse of the trio making way. Her dark eyes flitted to Sterling's prophile, knowing full well that it was a charade of outragous proportions that was proffered to loving audience. She bore his wieght with grace, walking steadfast forward as though nothing were out of the ordinary and after what seemed an eternal streach of time, entrance was achieved. The warm glow of oil and tallow created shadow spectors in niche and crannies, but any feeling of unrest was quickly vanquished with the warmth of fellowship that permiated the Common. Just within thresh hold, a small gathering of men awaited the return of their king.
  3. matter of conjecture
  4. The entire situation was un-nerving, but Aurore had been told from a very young age that she possesed an steel spine. It was in circumstances such as this, that such qualities, as well as others of her character, made moments of adversity less traumatizing than to that of another. The fact that Brother was in Sterling's near company added re-enforcement to jangled senses. The carriage was a barrage of blind spots, and she worked hard resisting the constant temptation to peek out one of several windows to assure all was in the rights. The muffled tred of hoof trudging muddied road, combined with the snippets of conversation barely gleened were things that Aurore centered her senses on. If one or the other dissipated, came to sudden halt or changed cadence, she would instantly play foolish girl...But until that time, stalk still she would remain on cushioned seat and pray that journey's end would come to culimation soon...
  5. Warm welcome to you, Yard Arm. Fine company is always a pleasure, be it new aquaints or founded ones. I shall take advantage of generous offer and make claim to a tot of Cuvee du Cent-Cinquantenaire. Thank you kindly. Enjoy!
  6. Vive la Revolution!!
  7. She nodded with pensive qualities trying to gain ground over her facial features. Standing, Aurore took his arm in effort to stablize minute sway that he tried to play off as nothing. The carriage door opened, step was disengaged and swung down, Delaney deserted Grays to aid Sabastian in Sterling's retreat of cabin encompasement. Both men caught good hold and allowed a moment for sure placement of footing on rain ravaged terra. Sabastian caught Sterling's attention quietly, " Are you sure that this is what you wish to do...?" The other nodded affirmation. "Very well, I shall not argue better judgment. I do think it best that you take my horse over the other, though. You will find the gait more pleasurable." His voiced dropped to near whisper, " And he will stop if you begin to loose your seating."
  8. Aurore laughed good naturedly, " Love is blind and unquestionably devoted, mon doux Amour. I am sure that there is nothing that you can do that will hold a candle to what I have endured in the past. I know nothing more than that which my heart directs and shall follow that compass doggedly and loyally until my last step upon this mortal plane. I love you without question, without doubt and dare the world or society to question or judge otherwise..." Once again she dabbed his forehead gently with linen square.
  9. "Gageure?..." her expression pinched in puzzlement, "Qui gageure, Sucre'?" A wry shadow overcast the puzzlement of a second before," I am adaptable, one learns young to adapt or die out. If this were not so, niether Sabastian or I would be here this day. I am not as fragile as I may seem, mon cher amour."
  10. horse of another color
  11. Aurore contemplated, but not for overlong then answered softly,"Desire? That is a creature of many facets, amour. There are simple desires and those that can only be dreamed of...I can say that I am fulfilled overall. I live a life free from false persecution; free from the loud judgements of others; I have shelter and warmth; food and clothing. I do not go without, which was not always the case..." She smiled, " And I have you to love and be loved by..." She thought further, "Perhaps I miss Navarre and the small freedoms that were to be cherished in another world...in another life...But, that matters not, anymore. The past is the past."
  12. Sabastian queried Delaney's thoughts on the matter and was answered in turn. "Monsieur Delaney thinks that we can increase our speed a smallish more. If not for recent rain, we would be there by now. I care not to judge what may seem unbearable to you, mon ami...So we shall step up the pace and if it is not of endurable qualities you will say something, oui?"
  13. The sound of nearing carriage and multiple horses drew Christophe's attention away from bathing actions. Wading carefully to embakement edge, britches were donned and he continued upward to glimpse gray twins gaining bridge's far side. With agile movement, embankment crest was conquered and short distance to drive entrance achieved. As the carriage neared, Delaney slowed team once again to turn and reined to hold position as Christophe motioned in negation of action. Sabastian gave mount prodding to near where the Frenchman stood, who quietly queried who was in the cabin. Answer received, he motioned Beggar Prince to more secluded surround. Events of recent past were relayed which caused Sabastian to purse his lips, leading to a momment of quick decisive thought then conclusion. They spoke for a brief of time more, then rider rejoined carriage company. He kept expression neutral while leaning into passenger's view, "I think it best we continue on further to just outside town's edge then pause. Tonight is not a good night to visit Madame Crane, apparently she has company and I would prefer not disturb her..."
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