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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. "Mon cher Frere...is more than likely laughing about the whole situation. You did not know him as a child....But perhaps you do, he has not changed overmuch with age." Aurore pursed her lips in thought, "Non, Sucre'....Do not concern yourself with this. Truly it is not of consequence. I insist..."
  2. What is the matter of which you speak?
  3. Calico sentry watched with twitching tail as unknowns entered, spying of Mistress brought a chortled mew in greeting. Henri Stockton appeared from back reaches with the sound of door clamor. Quick eyes took in those in the immediate, then fell to Aurore with silent question. As she opened her mouth to speak, Devon stepped up from behind Stockton, scooping feline lovely from the floor. Stockton came near, offering to take drenched cloak and glanced to where the other three men stood withing tome realm. He made no comment or query in regard to strangers, but in low voice informed Aurore of Sabastian and some of the others being upstaire. She thanked him softly then went to Sterling's side. "Jean, let this not harri you." waving cassually at covered portal. "It is not of import."
  4. Beggar Prince glanced up from heavy ledger with the sound of door easing back to open. The five others that waited in attendance glanced to newest arrival and made greetings of various capacities as the door was returned to former existance. Heavy velvet curtains made determination of day's hour undecipherable, and phantoms cast from oil glow danced the surround in heathen rituals known only unto themselves. Christophe stepped softly through chamber's distance, his movement stirring gosamer strains of patchouli smoke to mimic shadow cousins. One-Eyed corvid hopped from chair back perching to stride table legnth, pausing to focus on the Frenchman as he leaned forward to table surface, balancing on fingertip extension times ten. "Le Docteur et Madame..."he began in soft tone of smokey context. "Have returned to The Port...." Sabastian finished. "Oui." "Monsieur Smythe is keeping a watch over them. We can hope there will be no other upsets." The Frenchman gave no opinion on the subject as her reached to fill empty crystal standing in near attendance from equally near decanter. Sabastian's eyes centered on ledger text briefly, tracking down the mixture of penmenship offered by siblings varied hand. "We have a potential pidgeon this evening..." Impish smile played over lupin features. Christophe nodded acknowledgment, then drew deeply from crystal cage. The groan of first floor entrance drew his attention away from inner musings.
  5. The Proprietor disappeared into an area behind main surround; a curious glace cast Aurore's way as if she seemed familiar, but not quite. A gathering of circlets were produced and layed upon cloth covering wood counter. Dark olive sights travelled over selection, knowledgable of said objects in worth and wrought. Minutes passed and she made no movement to retrieve any before her, as Sterling and companions waited nearby. She glanced away to lock eyes with shopkeeper, extending one slender finger to indicate one amongst many. "That one will due nicely, Monsieur." Aurore looked to Sterling for approval.
  6. Just within, Aurore stopped and glanced to lover questioningly. Perhaps she was overwhelmed, in some smallish manner, to the protocols of the Gadje world. Things were so much more simplistic amongst the Tribes. Uncertain as to how she should proceed, Aurore waited for Sterling to join her and offer some guidence. She secretly feared causing embarrassment to him; especially with subordinants present.
  7. Inwardly grateful that pace had been slacked a hair, Aurore wondered what had his attention so focused; what destination was so urgent to achieve. Monsieur March's quip of witty manner, forced her to look away unable to hid the amusement that crossed fine wrought features. Curiosity was piqued by where it was that Sterling's course was set so steadfast.
  8. chambre' a coucher
  9. "Je talonner, cher Sucre'." Aurore's features were aglow with the happiness that he gave her. " You choose, I enjoy suprises." Familliar face drifted from view as Sterling's pace increased, but she knew that Devon Burke was not far in their wake; winding through the throng as graceful predator amongst a sea of prey.
  10. She drew closer to his side, continuing to speak with quiet velvet tone," I will cherish the gown and the event to take place, in the deepest reaches of my heart and soul. A simple flower would be valued as the largest diamond to me, if it came from you..." Aurore smiled warmly, peripheral sight catching a familiar face watching from near by-way. "I have something for you, as well...But it will not be ready until tomorrow." Her smile gained some of the undertones common to older sibling.
  11. His about face in mood brought a smallish frown to Aurore's features. Her mind rapidly retraced to the turning point and realization struck with blunt force. "Jean..?" she queried softly. His glance to her was fleet in nature and step was paused as he continued to look on questioningly. "Jean.." she said again, just as softly. " I think the gown will be beautiful and even more so because you are aquiring it for me." she paused mommentarily, watching his face with pleading sincerity. "It is just that perhaps I do not feel that I deserve such a thing from you...The fact that you are to be my lifemate makes all other gifts pale..."
  12. She smiled unconsciously to his whispered verbose and light touch. Leaving the comfort of low cushioned stool, Aurore turned to him and spoke in low voice, cautioning to the chance of being overheard. "It is a most magnifique cloth, mon amour...But, truly, such a thing is not of neccessity. I have many gowns that await my whims..." Her words caught short with his expression and she nodded in silent understanding, "Tres vien, Sucre."
  13. "She....?" Sabastian's expression gained impish tincture as he chuckled. "She, Monsieur?...Perhaps this might prove enticing, non?" The contents of captured glass were swirled slowly within crystal cage. "And it is 'trade' that la fille wishes? Perhaps I shall lay appraisal to who I am dealing with, then what I am dealing with, non?" Port was sampled with nod of approval, his features returned to semi-neautral manner. "Tell Mademoiselle to be at the Old Church as the sun retreats it hold on the heavens. Someone will seek her out..." Sabastian finished port elixir, knowing eye inspecting crystal quality before being placing it on near stack of tomes. He turned without further verbose, retracing way back to front entrace. Locks were dissengaged and blockade swung to open. Soft voice drifted back to enccentric with cautioning tone.... "Tell Mademoiselle, she is to be alone...and warn that we will know if she chooses otherwise." The door swung closed with finalizing creak.
  14. eeeewwwww. **shudder** Bugs
  15. She retreated a pace with small reluctance to leaving the warmth of his body. Olive sights traveled the exposed terrain of his visage, liting briefly where wrappings shrouded injury so newly assulted, then upward to his face. There was no secret in what wants and desires floated the bright greenish tincture of unobstructed soul portal. And such unspoken communique did nothing less then beckon to the more unpolished surfaces of her feral being. Two paces more were taken in retreat, her eyes never wavering from his own and slow action was taken to release linen trappings to slid unheeded; banished to simple planking below and pooling with vivid contrast around dusky hued ankles. Her whisper played to his hearing like silkened challange. "As you wish..."
  16. Entourage waited nearby in a small alley turn in as Sabastian stepped into low tallow glow that winked out with door's closure. Devereaux kept silent council to the Elder's remarks, stepping with soft brush of boot upon deep wool runner underfoot. The Parlor, like the rest of residence was a menagerie of odd what nots stacked upon even odder. The air held a acrid quality, combinations of chemical concoctions that were best not pondered on overlong. As Trilby continued into contained chaos, Sabastian halted in arched entrance, leaning casually with aloof manner. Single tallow was used to ignite brethren, shadows cast by wavering lumination clawed for purchase up nearly hidden walls and shifted dance posture as light breeze meandered from unseen source. Gitan watched other with veiled interest, tracking erratic scurry from various points to various point then recrossing until finally coming to some form of rest. Wide brimed chapeau was removed, plumage stir by same said waft of air, allowing lover's caress to aquiline features and mischievous eyes. Sabastian's voice broke stillness with soft but commanding qualities, "You have called....I have come. What is the nature of the matter afore us."
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