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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. What confusion are we refering to?
  2. Aurore laid her head in brother's keeping, nimble fingers loosened the tongs that bound russet mane, soft sooth of low voice playing to her hearing. "Remember the first time we made Paris, Petit? What a sight we must have been. The clamour and the throng of humanity that choked the very air out of the narrow byways? Remember how even the scant air that seemed to exist was heavy with the scent of fresh bread above the oaffal...." Her eyelids grew heavy as Sabastian recounted memories, then finally gave in to full closure.
  3. "You look very tierd, Petit." Sabastian whispered. Aurore began to protest otherwise, but was cut off by tsk. "Non, Petit...You are very clever in how you hide such things, but you have never been able to fool me overmuch in anything." Releasing her slowly, he took one of Aurore's hands in his own and lead her to lone sofa hidden in the shadows. Sitting down at the far end, he gave a small tug of still captive hand. "Lay down, Renard...Allow me to watch over while you rest, as I used to do in Navarre..."
  4. Beggar Prince scrutinzed Aurore's expression momentarily, then asked that the others in proxy excuse them briefly. As door closed with latch falling into proper placement Sabastian brought her to him, enfolding kindred in protective embrace that had been given willingly throughout the years.
  5. Aurore watched their departure, slightly confused by Sterling's mood change. She glanced briefly to Henri, Devon and Monsieur Hazzards then excused herself. At mid-point of stair's percarious incline, the pungent scent of patchouli harkened to Aurore's sense of smell. From beyond wooden portal, the muffled sound of laughter and male voices drifted back to tickle her hearing. Soft rap was laid upon oaken surface as courtasy, then she stepped through into the dim lighting that never wavered in character whether day or night. Her eyes adjusted to the low glow dispersed throught as navigational beacons to the near blind. Sabastian stood and gave playful bow to sibling's arrival then poured from crystal decanter and offered its' bounty as she neared.
  6. Are your asking my opinion?
  7. "If that is what you wish..." Aurore turned and called up to the second floor, causing pause to Burke's traverse. He returned to lower stair, where she quietly belayed request and apologised for troubling him.
  8. Burke stiffled a laugh in regard to Aurore's fragility, he had been with Le Cour for three years and knew well otherwise. Stockton's face was a portrait of unreadable measures; Calico had returned to bathing. Her eyes never left Sterling's as she addressed Devon, "Monsieur Burke...Would you be so kind as to ask Monsuier Childermass to accompany Capitaine Sterling." "Aye, Mistress." The Irishman turned sharply to gain the stairwell and floor above.
  9. Aurore paused in conversation with Burke and Stockton as the backroom door opened. Calico placed mid morning bathing practices on hold to watch Sterling emerge and cross over to where trio were standing. She smiled warmly at his approach, veiling her observation of his movement to assure that he was not in as much pain as before. Taking his arm as he neared, Aurore inclined her chin to indicate second floor, "Monsieur Roberts, the gentleman that brought your youngman to the cottage, is going to ride to the harbour with your request, Amour."
  10. Sean Roberts watched after Devon's departure of the room, waiting for the latch to click into place before continuing. "So wha' is it that is up for grabs?" Sabastian leaned back and streached, " He did not say and it is a woman that wishes to bargin." The other chuckled, " A lass?...Prob'ly stolen "family" jewels." "He did not say, trying to play semi-evasive. But, we shall see what is to be seen with sunset." "Mabee the lass is a fine bit o' it....might make up fer the offering o' silver spoons an'na like." Roberts punctuated his self amusement with a deep roll of laughter. "That might very well be the case...Perhaps the view will make up for what ever small thing is on the block, non?" Sabastian smiled mischievously then refocused on ledger content.
  11. But, did you not leave the subject matter rather unclear?
  12. She smiled slyly while rising from his lap, "One could say I am accomplished with instruments of sharp steel edge..." Crossing to the portal betwixt shop and private sanctuary, she found Devon and feline companion just to the otherside which had been anticipated. Irishman listened to her requests, nodding here and there, then turned to gain stairwell and the audience of those above. He returned shortly with brief knock and entrance, "Sabastian said tha' Sean can relay request. He asks whet'er message should be spoken er writt'n?" Calico companion wiggled and was released to Persian scroll below.
  13. Celestial Hierarchy
  14. She smiled in response to his last wordings and protective embrace. Allowing minutes to pass in silence, she once again spoke softly. "I am not over pleased with having to attend this gentleman on his grounds. All too easy it would be, to create a trap in said situation, where he holds the upper hand...Perhaps word should be sent with arrival to the docks, that we should then retire to neutral ground. There are enough establishments in that area that would serve."
  15. Concern knit her brow, she considered taking Sterling upstairs but did not wish to wear him further. Instead, Aurore opted for the back room, which in truth, offered just as much comfort. Devon and arm craddled cat, moved to the side as she led betrothed thru shadowed door. The chamber was day and night contrast to the room fronting it and very much kindred to the one brother occupied above. A small door lay on furthest wall, a set of heavy locks in alignment down it's side. She directed him with gentle pace to the comfort of deep cushion divan and watched with drawn expression as Sterling took a seat. " I truly wish you would let this Striker thing be and allow one of the others to go in your stead. I am concerned about you having a sour blow sticken against your constitution...." She looked to the deep wool Persian floor covering below her feet and continued just above whisper. "Perhaps we should postpone tomorrow's event, Sucre'...I fear for your health..."
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